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Example 6 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class PacifistFlagCollectorTeamClient method findHealthiestShipNearFlag.

 * Finds the ship with the highest health and nearest the flag
 * @param space
 * @param actionableObjects
 * @return
private Ship findHealthiestShipNearFlag(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Set<AbstractActionableObject> actionableObjects) {
    double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxHealth = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    int minHealth = 2000;
    Ship bestShip = null;
    // first find the enemy flag
    Flag enemyFlag = getEnemyFlag(space);
    // if no ships meet that criteria, return null
    for (AbstractObject actionable : actionableObjects) {
        if (actionable instanceof Ship) {
            Ship ship = (Ship) actionable;
            double dist = space.findShortestDistance(ship.getPosition(), enemyFlag.getPosition());
            if (dist < minDistance && ship.getEnergy() > minHealth) {
                if (ship.getEnergy() > maxHealth) {
                    minDistance = dist;
                    maxHealth = ship.getEnergy();
                    bestShip = ship;
    return bestShip;
Also used : AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) Flag(spacesettlers.objects.Flag)

Example 7 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class PacifistFlagCollectorTeamClient method getMovementStart.

 * Assigns ships to asteroids and beacons, as described above
public Map<UUID, AbstractAction> getMovementStart(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Set<AbstractActionableObject> actionableObjects) {
    HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction> actions = new HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction>();
    Ship flagShip;
    // get the flag carrier, if we have one
    flagShip = getFlagCarrier(space, actionableObjects);
    // we don't have a ship carrying a flag, so find the best choice (if it exists)
    if (flagShip == null) {
        flagShip = findHealthiestShipNearFlag(space, actionableObjects);
    // resources (as long as it isn't the flagShip)
    for (AbstractObject actionable : actionableObjects) {
        if (actionable instanceof Ship) {
            Ship ship = (Ship) actionable;
            AbstractAction action;
            if (flagShip != null && ship.equals(flagShip)) {
                if (flagShip.isCarryingFlag()) {
                    // System.out.println("We have a flag carrier!");
                    Base base = findNearestBase(space, ship);
                    // System.out.println("Flag ship before computing action: " + flagShip);
                    action = new MoveToObjectAction(space, ship.getPosition(), base);
                    // System.out.println("Aiming for base with action " + action);
                    aimingForBase.put(ship.getId(), true);
                // System.out.println("Flag ship after computing action: " + flagShip);
                } else {
                    Flag enemyFlag = getEnemyFlag(space);
                    action = new MoveToObjectAction(space, ship.getPosition(), enemyFlag, enemyFlag.getPosition().getTranslationalVelocity());
            } else {
                action = getAsteroidCollectorAction(space, ship);
            // save the action for this ship
            actions.put(ship.getId(), action);
        } else {
            // bases do nothing
            actions.put(actionable.getId(), new DoNothingAction());
    return actions;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) UUID(java.util.UUID) AbstractAction(spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction) Flag(spacesettlers.objects.Flag) DoNothingAction(spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction) Base(spacesettlers.objects.Base) MoveToObjectAction(spacesettlers.actions.MoveToObjectAction)

Example 8 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class RandomTeamClient method getMovementStart.

public Map<UUID, AbstractAction> getMovementStart(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Set<AbstractActionableObject> actionableObjects) {
    HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction> randomActions = new HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction>();
    for (AbstractObject actionable : actionableObjects) {
        if (actionable instanceof Ship) {
            Ship ship = (Ship) actionable;
            AbstractAction current = ship.getCurrentAction();
            // if we finished, make a new spot in space to aim for
            if (current == null || current.isMovementFinished(space)) {
                Position currentPosition = ship.getPosition();
                Position newGoal = space.getRandomFreeLocationInRegion(random, Ship.SHIP_RADIUS, (int) currentPosition.getX(), (int) currentPosition.getY(), RANDOM_MOVE_RADIUS);
                MoveAction newAction = null;
                newAction = new MoveAction(space, currentPosition, newGoal);
                // System.out.println("Ship is at " + currentPosition + " and goal is " + newGoal);
                SpacewarGraphics graphic = new CircleGraphics(1, getTeamColor(), newGoal);
                // Vector2D shortVec = space.findShortestDistanceVector(currentPosition, newGoal);
                // LineShadow lineShadow = new LineShadow(currentPosition, newGoal, shortVec);
                // newShadows.add(lineShadow);
                randomActions.put(ship.getId(), newAction);
            } else {
                randomActions.put(ship.getId(), ship.getCurrentAction());
        } else {
            // it is a base and random doesn't do anything to bases
            randomActions.put(actionable.getId(), new DoNothingAction());
    return randomActions;
Also used : MoveAction(spacesettlers.actions.MoveAction) SpacewarGraphics( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) CircleGraphics( Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) UUID(java.util.UUID) AbstractAction(spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction) DoNothingAction(spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)

Example 9 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class ExampleGAClient method getMovementStart.

public Map<UUID, AbstractAction> getMovementStart(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Set<AbstractActionableObject> actionableObjects) {
    // make a hash map of actions to return
    HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction> actions = new HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction>();
    // this agent choses only between doNothing and moveToNearestAsteroid)
    for (AbstractObject actionable : actionableObjects) {
        if (actionable instanceof Ship) {
            Ship ship = (Ship) actionable;
            AbstractAction action;
            if (ship.getCurrentAction() == null || ship.getCurrentAction().isMovementFinished(space)) {
                ExampleGAState currentState = new ExampleGAState(space, ship);
                action = currentPolicy.getCurrentAction(space, ship, currentState, random);
            // System.out.println("New random action is " + action);
            } else {
                action = ship.getCurrentAction();
            actions.put(ship.getId(), action);
        } else {
            // it is a base.  Heuristically decide when to use the shield (TODO)
            actions.put(actionable.getId(), new DoNothingAction());
    // System.out.println("actions are " + actions);
    return actions;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) UUID(java.util.UUID) AbstractAction(spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction) DoNothingAction(spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)

Example 10 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class Toroidal2DPhysics method deepClone.

 * Clones all the objects in space (used for security so the teams can't manipulate other ships)
 * +
 * @return
public Toroidal2DPhysics deepClone() {
    Toroidal2DPhysics newSpace = new Toroidal2DPhysics(this);
    for (AbstractObject swObject : allObjects) {
        AbstractObject newObject = swObject.deepClone();
    return newSpace;
Also used : AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)


AbstractObject (spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)20 Ship (spacesettlers.objects.Ship)15 UUID (java.util.UUID)12 AbstractAction (spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction)12 DoNothingAction (spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)12 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 Position (spacesettlers.utilities.Position)6 Flag (spacesettlers.objects.Flag)5 MoveToObjectAction (spacesettlers.actions.MoveToObjectAction)4 Base (spacesettlers.objects.Base)4 Vector2D (spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D)3 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)2 MoveAction (spacesettlers.actions.MoveAction)2 Team (spacesettlers.clients.Team)2 SpacewarGraphics ( AbstractActionableObject (spacesettlers.objects.AbstractActionableObject)2 AiCore (spacesettlers.objects.AiCore)2 Asteroid (spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid)2 Beacon (spacesettlers.objects.Beacon)2 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1