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Example 11 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class Toroidal2DPhysics method isPathClearOfObstructions.

 * Check to see if following a straight line path between two given locations would result in a collision with a provided set of obstructions
 * @author Andrew and Thibault
 * @param  startPosition the starting location of the straight line path
 * @param  goalPosition the ending location of the straight line path
 * @param  obstructions an Set of AbstractObject obstructions (i.e., if you don't wish to consider mineable asteroids or beacons obstructions)
 * @param  freeRadius used to determine free space buffer size
 * @return Whether or not a straight line path between two positions contains obstructions from a given set
public boolean isPathClearOfObstructions(Position startPosition, Position goalPosition, Set<AbstractObject> obstructions, int freeRadius) {
    // Shortest straight line path from startPosition to goalPosition
    Vector2D pathToGoal = findShortestDistanceVector(startPosition, goalPosition);
    // Distance of straight line path
    double distanceToGoal = pathToGoal.getMagnitude();
    // Boolean showing whether or not the path is clear
    boolean pathIsClear = true;
    // Calculate distance between obstruction center and path (including buffer for ship movement)
    // Uses hypotenuse * sin(theta) = opposite (on a right hand triangle)
    // Vector from start position to obstruction
    Vector2D pathToObstruction;
    // Angle between vector from start position to obstruction
    double angleBetween;
    // Loop through obstructions
    for (AbstractObject obstruction : obstructions) {
        // If the distance to the obstruction is greater than the distance to the end goal, ignore the obstruction
        pathToObstruction = findShortestDistanceVector(startPosition, obstruction.getPosition());
        if (pathToObstruction.getMagnitude() > distanceToGoal) {
        // Ignore angles > 90 degrees
        angleBetween = Math.abs(pathToObstruction.angleBetween(pathToGoal));
        if (angleBetween > Math.PI / 2) {
        // Compare distance between obstruction and path with buffer distance
        if (pathToObstruction.getMagnitude() * Math.sin(angleBetween) < obstruction.getRadius() + freeRadius * 1.5) {
            pathIsClear = false;
    return pathIsClear;
Also used : Vector2D(spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)

Example 12 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class Toroidal2DPhysics method advanceTime.

 * Move all moveable objects and handle power ups.
public void advanceTime(int currentTimeStep, Map<UUID, SpaceSettlersPowerupEnum> powerups) {
    this.currentTimeStep = currentTimeStep;
    // heal any base injuries
    for (Base base : bases) {
    // detect collisions across all objects
    // get the power ups and create any objects (weapons) as necessary
    for (UUID key : powerups.keySet()) {
        AbstractObject swobject = getObjectById(key);
        // if the object is not alive or it is not actionable, then ignore this
        if (!swobject.isAlive() || (!(swobject instanceof AbstractActionableObject))) {
        // otherwise, handle the power up
        handlePowerup((AbstractActionableObject) swobject, powerups.get(key));
    // now move all objects that are moveable (which may include weapons)
    for (AbstractObject object : allObjects) {
        // skip non-moveable objects or dead object
        if (!object.isMoveable() || !object.isAlive()) {
        Position currentPosition = object.getPosition();
        // is it a ship that can be controlled?
        if (object.isControllable()) {
            Ship ship = (Ship) object;
            AbstractAction action = ship.getCurrentAction();
            // handle a null action
            if (action == null) {
                action = new DoNothingAction();
            // need to clone the ship and space because otherwise the ship can affect
            // itself inside AbstractAction
            Movement actionMovement = action.getMovement(this.deepClone(), ship.deepClone());
            Position newPosition = applyMovement(currentPosition, actionMovement, timeStep);
            if (newPosition.isValid()) {
            } else {
            // spend ship energy proportional to its acceleration (old formula used velocity) and mass (new for space settlers
            // since resources cost mass)
            // double penalty = ENERGY_PENALTY * -Math.abs(ship.getPosition().getTotalTranslationalVelocity());
            double angularAccel = Math.abs(actionMovement.getAngularAccleration());
            double angularInertia = (3.0 * ship.getMass() * ship.getRadius() * angularAccel) / 2.0;
            double linearAccel = actionMovement.getTranslationalAcceleration().getMagnitude();
            double linearInertia = ship.getMass() * linearAccel;
            int penalty = (int) Math.floor(ENERGY_PENALTY * (angularInertia + linearInertia));
            // this isn't the most general fix but it will work for now (also has to be done for bases)
            if (ship.isShielded()) {
        // if (!ship.isAlive()) {
        // System.out.println("Ship " + ship.getTeamName() + ship.getId() + " is dead");
        // }
        } else {
            // move all other types of objects
            Position newPosition = moveOneTimestep(currentPosition);
        // if any ships or bases are frozen, decrement their frozen count
        if (object instanceof AbstractActionableObject && !object.isControllable()) {
            AbstractActionableObject actionable = (AbstractActionableObject) object;
    // go through and see if any bases have died
    Set<Base> basesClone = new LinkedHashSet<Base>(bases);
    for (Base base : basesClone) {
        // this isn't the most general fix but it will work for now (also has to be done for bases)
        if (base.isShielded()) {
        if (!base.isAlive()) {
    // from when it was called inside updateEnergy
    for (Ship ship : ships) {
        if (ship.getEnergy() <= 0 && ship.isAlive() == true) {
            // drop any resources that the ship was carrying
            ResourcePile resources = ship.getResources();
            // Spawn a new AiCore with the same velocity magnitude and direction as its parent ship.
            // handle dropping the core if the ship died
            Position corePosition = ship.getPosition();
            AiCore shipCore = new AiCore(corePosition, ship.getTeamName(), ship.getTeamColor());
            if (resources.getTotal() > 0) {
            // Position newPosition = ship.getPosition();
            // newPosition.setTranslationalVelocity(new Vector2D(0,0));
            // newPosition.setAngularVelocity(0.0);
            // Asteroid newAsteroid = new Asteroid(newPosition, true, ship.getRadius(), true, resources);
            // this.addObject(newAsteroid);
            // distributeResourcesToNearbyAsteroids(ship.getPosition(), resources);
            // System.out.println("Adding a new asteroid with resources " + newAsteroid.getResources().getTotal() +
            // " due to death, total is " + asteroids.size());
            // System.out.println("Ship died and " + resources.getTotal() + " has been added to an asteroid");
            // set the ship to dead last (so we can grab its resources first)
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) ResourcePile(spacesettlers.objects.resources.ResourcePile) AbstractActionableObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractActionableObject) Movement(spacesettlers.utilities.Movement) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) Base(spacesettlers.objects.Base) AiCore(spacesettlers.objects.AiCore) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) UUID(java.util.UUID) AbstractAction(spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction) DoNothingAction(spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)

Example 13 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class Toroidal2DPhysics method detectCollisions.

 * Step through all the objects and ensure they are not colliding.  If they are,
 * call the collision handler for those objects.  Sometimes you bounce (asteroids)
 * and sometimes you pick the object up (beacons), etc.
private void detectCollisions() {
    // would prefer to iterate over the set (as this is inefficient) but
    // the set iterator collides a with b and then b with a, allowing them to
    // pass through one another!
    AbstractObject[] allObjectsArray = (AbstractObject[]) allObjects.toArray(new AbstractObject[allObjects.size()]);
    // loop through all pairs of objects and see if they are colliding
    for (int i = 0; i < allObjectsArray.length; i++) {
        AbstractObject object1 = allObjectsArray[i];
        if (!object1.isAlive()) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < allObjectsArray.length; j++) {
            AbstractObject object2 = allObjectsArray[j];
            if (!object2.isAlive()) {
            // skip them if they are the same object
            if (object1.equals(object2)) {
            double distance = findShortestDistance(object1.getPosition(), object2.getPosition());
            if (distance < (object1.getRadius() + object2.getRadius())) {
                collisionHandler.collide(object1, object2, this);
Also used : AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)

Example 14 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class HumanTeamClient method getMovementStart.

 * Look at the last key pressed by the human and do its movement
public Map<UUID, AbstractAction> getMovementStart(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Set<AbstractActionableObject> actionableObjects) {
    HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction> actions = new HashMap<UUID, AbstractAction>();
    for (AbstractObject actionable : actionableObjects) {
        if (actionable instanceof Ship) {
            // get the current position
            Ship ship = (Ship) actionable;
            Position myPosition = ship.getPosition();
            Vector2D currentVelocity = myPosition.getTranslationalVelocity();
            RawAction action = null;
            double angularVel = myPosition.getAngularVelocity();
            // if the key was up or down, accelerate along the current line
            if (lastKeyPressed == HumanKeyPressed.UP) {
                Vector2D newVel = new Vector2D(HUMAN_ACCEL * Math.cos(myPosition.getOrientation()), HUMAN_ACCEL * Math.sin(myPosition.getOrientation()));
                action = new RawAction(newVel, 0);
            } else if (lastKeyPressed == HumanKeyPressed.DOWN) {
                Vector2D newVel = new Vector2D(-HUMAN_ACCEL * Math.cos(myPosition.getOrientation()), -HUMAN_ACCEL * Math.sin(myPosition.getOrientation()));
                action = new RawAction(newVel, 0);
            // if the key was right or left, turn
            if (lastKeyPressed == HumanKeyPressed.RIGHT) {
                action = new RawAction(0, HUMAN_TURN_ACCEL);
            } else if (lastKeyPressed == HumanKeyPressed.LEFT) {
                action = new RawAction(0, -HUMAN_TURN_ACCEL);
            // was the mouse clicked?
            if (lastMouseClick != null) {
                if (mouseClickMove == null || mouseClickMove.isMovementFinished(space) || space.findShortestDistance(lastMouseClick, myPosition) > CLICK_DISTANCE) {
                    mouseClickMove = new MoveAction(space, myPosition, lastMouseClick);
                    graphicsToAdd.add(new StarGraphics(3, super.teamColor, lastMouseClick));
                    LineGraphics line = new LineGraphics(myPosition, lastMouseClick, space.findShortestDistanceVector(myPosition, lastMouseClick));
                actions.put(actionable.getId(), mouseClickMove);
            } else {
                actions.put(actionable.getId(), action);
        } else {
            // can't really control anything but the ship
            actions.put(actionable.getId(), new DoNothingAction());
    return actions;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) RawAction(spacesettlers.actions.RawAction) LineGraphics( MoveAction(spacesettlers.actions.MoveAction) Vector2D(spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) UUID(java.util.UUID) StarGraphics( AbstractAction(spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction) DoNothingAction(spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)

Example 15 with AbstractObject

use of spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class HumanTeamClient method getMovementEnd.

public void getMovementEnd(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Set<AbstractActionableObject> actionableObjects) {
    // reset so the human has to press again to move again (otherwise
    // it does strange things like fly when you don't tell it anything on
    // acceleration!)
    lastKeyPressed = HumanKeyPressed.NONE;
    for (AbstractObject actionable : actionableObjects) {
        if (actionable instanceof Ship) {
            Ship ship = (Ship) actionable;
            if (!ship.isAlive()) {
                lastMouseClick = null;
                mouseClickMove = null;
Also used : AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship)


AbstractObject (spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)20 Ship (spacesettlers.objects.Ship)15 UUID (java.util.UUID)12 AbstractAction (spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction)12 DoNothingAction (spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)12 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 Position (spacesettlers.utilities.Position)6 Flag (spacesettlers.objects.Flag)5 MoveToObjectAction (spacesettlers.actions.MoveToObjectAction)4 Base (spacesettlers.objects.Base)4 Vector2D (spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D)3 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)2 MoveAction (spacesettlers.actions.MoveAction)2 Team (spacesettlers.clients.Team)2 SpacewarGraphics ( AbstractActionableObject (spacesettlers.objects.AbstractActionableObject)2 AiCore (spacesettlers.objects.AiCore)2 Asteroid (spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid)2 Beacon (spacesettlers.objects.Beacon)2 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1