use of utilities.ElapsedTimer in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class GameTickTest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
ElapsedTimer timer = new ElapsedTimer();
int gameTickMillis = 40;
int nTicks = 500;
int nTrials = 10000;
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < nTrials; i++) {
StateObservationMulti game = new SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer();
// SimpleBattleState game = new SimpleBattleState();
controllers.multiPlayer.sampleRandom.Agent randomAgent = new controllers.multiPlayer.sampleRandom.Agent(game, null, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < nTicks; j++) {
Types.ACTIONS a1 = randomAgent.act(game, null);
Types.ACTIONS a2 = randomAgent.act(game, null);
Types.ACTIONS[] actions = new Types.ACTIONS[] { a1, a2 };
// int[] actions = new int[]{random.nextInt(game.nActions()), random.nextInt(game.nActions())};
// System.out.println(i + "\t " + game.getGameTick());
int totalTicks = nTicks * nTrials;
System.out.format("Made %d ticks\n", totalTicks);
System.out.format("Ticks per milli-second: %.1f\n\n", totalTicks / (double) timer.elapsed());
// System.out.format("Game tick time = %d ms\n", (int) gameTick);
System.out.format("Updates per game tick: %d\n\n", (int) (gameTickMillis * totalTicks / (double) timer.elapsed()));
use of utilities.ElapsedTimer in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class PlanetWarsLinkTest method main.
// todo: show a graphic of the rollout predictions
// split this in to two parts
// for each action, we need to collect the data
// then we need to display the data
// each time plot the fitness of each sample versus the length
// of the rollout - this will give a good idea of what we need to plot...
// todo: implement a collision mechanism
// todo: implement a nice graphic that shows transfer from planet to buffer
// this is very easy to do - but question of whether we need a timed or instant movement...
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int nTrials = 100;
ElapsedTimer timer = new ElapsedTimer();
StatSummary ss = new StatSummary();
for (int i = 0; i < nTrials; i++) {
System.out.println("Game: " + i);
use of utilities.ElapsedTimer in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class SimpleMaxNTest method runOnce.
public static double runOnce() {
// make an agent to test
StateObservation noiseFree = new SimpleMaxGame();
// new NoisyMaxGame();
StateObservation stateObs = new SimpleMaxGame();
// System.exit(0);
ElapsedCpuTimer timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
AbstractPlayer player;
controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent olmcts = new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent(stateObs, timer);
controllers.singlePlayer.discountOLMCTS.Agent discountOlmcts = new controllers.singlePlayer.discountOLMCTS.Agent(stateObs, timer);
controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent nestedMC = new controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent(stateObs, timer);
player = olmcts;
player = discountOlmcts;
// for the following we can pass the Evolutionary algorithm to use
int nResamples = 2;
EvoAlg evoAlg = new SimpleRMHC(nResamples);
int nEvals = 1000;
double kExplore = 10;
int nNeighbours = 100;
evoAlg = new NTupleBanditEA(kExplore, nNeighbours);
// DefaultMutator.totalRandomChaosMutation = true;
Agent.useShiftBuffer = false;
controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent.SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 100;
player = new controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent(stateObs, timer, evoAlg, nEvals);
nestedMC.maxRolloutLength = 5;
nestedMC.nestDepth = 5;
player = nestedMC;
// in milliseconds
int thinkingTime = 50;
int delay = 30;
// player = new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleRandom.Agent(stateObs, timer);
// check that we can play the game
Random random = new Random();
// this is how many steps we'll take in the actual game ...
int nSteps = 10;
ElapsedTimer t = new ElapsedTimer();
for (int i = 0; i < nSteps && !stateObs.isGameOver(); i++) {
timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
Types.ACTIONS action = player.act(stateObs.copy(), timer);
// System.out.println("Selected: " + action); // + "\t " + action.ordinal());
// System.out.println(stateObs.getGameScore());
return noiseFree.getGameScore();
use of utilities.ElapsedTimer in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class SpaceBattleLinkTest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
StatSummary ss = new StatSummary();
int nTrials = 10;
ElapsedTimer t = new ElapsedTimer();
for (int i = 0; i < nTrials; i++) {
System.out.println("Trial: " + i);
use of utilities.ElapsedTimer in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.
the class SpaceBattleLinkTest method runTrial.
public static double runTrial(boolean runVisible) {
// make an agent to test
StateObservation stateObs = new SimpleMaxGame();
// BattleGameSearchSpace.inject(BattleGameSearchSpace.getRandomPoint());
//[1][2] = 5;
// BattleGameSearchSpace.inject([1]);
// BattleGameSearchSpace.inject([2]);
System.out.println("Params are:");
// can also overide parameters by setting them directly as follows:
// BattleGameParameters.loss = 1.1;
SpaceBattleLinkState linkState = new SpaceBattleLinkState();
// set some parameters for the experiment
GameActionSpaceAdapter.useHeuristic = false;
Agent.useShiftBuffer = true;
// DefaultMutator.totalRandomChaosMutation = false;
// // supercl
// StateObservation stateObs = linkState;
ElapsedCpuTimer timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
AbstractPlayer player;
// controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent olmcts =
// new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleOLMCTS.Agent(linkState, timer);
player = new controllers.singlePlayer.discountOLMCTS.Agent(linkState, timer);
// try the evolutionary players
int nResamples = 2;
EvoAlg evoAlg = new SimpleRMHC(nResamples);
double kExplore = 10;
int nNeighbours = 100;
int nEvals = 200;
evoAlg = new NTupleBanditEA(kExplore, nNeighbours);
// player = new controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent(linkState, timer, evoAlg, nEvals);
controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent nestedMC = new controllers.singlePlayer.nestedMC.Agent(linkState, timer);
nestedMC.maxRolloutLength = 10;
nestedMC.nestDepth = 2;
player = nestedMC;
// in milliseconds
int thinkingTime = 50;
int delay = 10;
// player = new controllers.singlePlayer.sampleRandom.Agent(stateObs, timer);
// check that we can play the game
Random random = new Random();
int nSteps = 500;
ElapsedTimer t = new ElapsedTimer();
BattleView view = new BattleView(linkState.state);
// set view to null to run fast with no visuals
if (!runVisible)
view = null;
if (view != null) {
new JEasyFrame(view, "Simple Battle Game");
boolean verbose = false;
for (int i = 0; i < nSteps && !linkState.isGameOver(); i++) {
ArrayList<Types.ACTIONS> actions = linkState.getAvailableActions();
timer = new ElapsedCpuTimer();
Types.ACTIONS action = player.act(linkState.copy(), timer);
// action = actions.get(random.nextInt(actions.size()));
if (verbose)
// + "\t " + action.ordinal());
System.out.println(i + "\t Selected: " + action);
if (view != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (verbose)
System.out.println("Game score: " + linkState.getGameScore());
return linkState.getGameScore();