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Example 26 with JEasyFrame

use of utilities.JEasyFrame in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class OneMaxVisual method run.

public Integer run(int nEvals) {
    view = new BitView(bestYet);
    frame = new JEasyFrame(view, "One Max Test");
    for (int i = 1; i <= nEvals; i++) {
        // randomly mutate the best yet
        int[] mut = randMut(bestYet);
        view.v = mut;
        int test = countOnes(mut);
        // frame.setTitle(i + " : " + countOnes(mut));
        // if it's better then adopt the mutation as the new best
        if (countOnes(mut) + noise * random.nextGaussian() >= countOnes(bestYet) + noise * random.nextGaussian()) {
            bestYet = mut;
        frame.setTitle(i + " : " + countOnes(bestYet) + " : " + test);
        // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bestYet));
        if (countOnes(bestYet) == bestYet.length) {
            // return how many evals it took to reach perfection
            return i;
    // failed to find a solution
    return null;
Also used : JEasyFrame(utilities.JEasyFrame)

Example 27 with JEasyFrame

use of utilities.JEasyFrame in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class SimpleRandomTest method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    GameState game = new GameState().setNPlanets(10).setRandomOwnerships().setRandomGrowthRates();
    PlanetWarView view = new PlanetWarView(game);
    JEasyFrame frame = new JEasyFrame(view, "Test View");
    KeyController controller = new KeyController();
    // now p;ay
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        int p1 = random.nextInt(GameState.nActions);
        p1 = controller.action(game);
        int p2 = random.nextInt(GameState.nActions);
        int[] a = new int[] { p1, p2 };;
        // game.update();
Also used : JEasyFrame(utilities.JEasyFrame) Random(java.util.Random)

Example 28 with JEasyFrame

use of utilities.JEasyFrame in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class TwoPlayerTest method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // AsteroidsGameState game = new AsteroidsGameState().setNPlanets(10).setRandomOwnerships().setRandomGrowthRates();
    // .setNPlanets(10).setDOwnerships().setRandomGrowthRates();
    GameState game = new GameState().defaultState();
    GameState.includeBuffersInScore = true;
    GameState.wrapAround = false;
    PlanetWarView view = new PlanetWarView(game);
    JEasyFrame frame = new JEasyFrame(view, "Test View");
    KeyController controller = new KeyController();
    int nResamples = 1;
    EvoAlg evoAlg = new SimpleRMHC(nResamples);
    int nEvals = 100;
    int seqLength = 20;
    // evoAlg = new SlidingMeanEDA().setHistoryLength(20);
    System.out.println("Initial score: " + game.getScore());
    EvoAgent evoAgent = new EvoAgent().setEvoAlg(evoAlg, nEvals).setSequenceLength(seqLength);
    int delay = 2000;
    GameActionSpaceAdapterMulti.visual = true;
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
        int p1, p2;
        p1 = evoAgent.getAction(game, 0);
        // p1 = random.nextInt(AsteroidsGameState.nActions);
        p2 = controller.action(game);
        // p2 = AsteroidsGameState.doNothing;
        int[] a = new int[] { p1, p2 };;
        // game.update();
Also used : JEasyFrame(utilities.JEasyFrame) SimpleRMHC(ga.SimpleRMHC) Random(java.util.Random) EvoAlg(evodef.EvoAlg)

Example 29 with JEasyFrame

use of utilities.JEasyFrame in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class ScatterPlot method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Random random = new Random();
    ScatterPlot scatterPlot = new ScatterPlot().setTitle("Gaussian Test");
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        scatterPlot.addPoint(new DataPoint(String.format("%d", i), random.nextGaussian(), random.nextGaussian()));
    LineChart lineChart = new LineChart(new Dimension(800, 800)).setTitle(scatterPlot.title);
    // now add the scatterPlot
    lineChart.xAxis = new LineChartAxis(new double[] { -4, -2, 0, 2, 4 });
    // lineChart.yAxis = new LineChartAxis(new double[]{40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100});
    lineChart.yAxis = new LineChartAxis(new double[] { -4, -2, 0, 2, 4 });
    new JEasyFrame(lineChart, "Scatter Test");
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) JEasyFrame(utilities.JEasyFrame)

Example 30 with JEasyFrame

use of utilities.JEasyFrame in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class OptimalResampleTest method visualise.

public static void visualise(int nBits, int k) {
    int nIterationsMax = 100000;
    RMHCOneMaxProbabilityDiffuser diffuser = new RMHCOneMaxProbabilityDiffuser(nBits);
    double resampled = noiseStdDev / Math.sqrt(k);
    GaussTable gaussTable = new GaussTable();
    double pCorrect = gaussTable.erf(1 / resampled);
    double pErr = 1 - pCorrect;
    // use this of we need to keep stats later
    Integer iterationsNeeded = null;
    // diffuser.
    String title = "P Mass Diffusion, nEvals: ";
    BarChart bc = new BarChart(new Dimension(640, 480), diffuser.p);
    JEasyFrame frame = new JEasyFrame(bc, title);
    for (int i = 0; i < nIterationsMax; i++) {
        // System.out.println(i);
        // diffuser.updateStandard(false);
        frame.setTitle(title + (i * k));
        diffuser.updateNoisy(false, pErr);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (diffuser.pSolved() >= 0.5) {
        // iterationsNeeded = i;
        // System.out.println("K = " + k);
        // System.out.println("nBits = " + nBits );
        // System.out.println("Solved in iterations: " + i);
        // System.out.println("Fitness evals:        " + i * k);
Also used : JEasyFrame(utilities.JEasyFrame) BarChart(utilities.BarChart)


JEasyFrame (utilities.JEasyFrame)30 Random (java.util.Random)9 StatSummary (utilities.StatSummary)8 LineChart (plot.LineChart)7 ElapsedTimer (utilities.ElapsedTimer)7 LineChartAxis (plot.LineChartAxis)6 EvoAlg (evodef.EvoAlg)5 SimpleRMHC (ga.SimpleRMHC)5 ElapsedCpuTimer (tools.ElapsedCpuTimer)5 Types (ontology.Types)4 AbstractPlayer (core.player.AbstractPlayer)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Scanner (java.util.Scanner)3 LevelView (ntuple.LevelView)3 NTupleBanditEA (ntuple.NTupleBanditEA)3 LineGroup (plot.LineGroup)3 LinePlot (plot.LinePlot)3 View (asteroids.View)2 BattleView (battle.BattleView)2 Agent (controllers.singlePlayer.ea.Agent)2