use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class XmlReader method getGeometry.
* This method returns a Geometry object from a XML representation.
* Creation date: (4/26/2001 12:12:18 PM)
* @return cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry
* @param param org.jdom.Element
* @exception cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException The exception description.
public Geometry getGeometry(Element param) throws XmlParseException {
// Get the Extent object
Extent newextent = getExtent(param.getChild(XMLTags.ExtentTag, vcNamespace));
// Get VCimage information
VCImage newimage = null;
if (param.getChild(XMLTags.ImageTag, vcNamespace) != null) {
try {
newimage = getVCImage(param.getChild(XMLTags.ImageTag, vcNamespace), newextent);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new XmlParseException(e);
// Get attributes
String name = unMangle(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.NameAttrTag));
int newdimension = Integer.parseInt(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.DimensionAttrTag));
// Get Version
Version version = getVersion(param.getChild(XMLTags.VersionTag, vcNamespace));
// Try to construct the geometry upon four different cases
Geometry newgeometry = null;
if (version != null && newimage != null) {
newgeometry = new Geometry(version, newimage);
} else if (version != null) {
newgeometry = new Geometry(version, newdimension);
} else if (newimage != null) {
newgeometry = new Geometry(name, newimage);
} else {
newgeometry = new Geometry(name, newdimension);
// set attributes
try {
if (!newgeometry.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
// String annotation = param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.AnnotationAttrTag);
// if (annotation!=null) {
// newgeometry.setDescription( unMangle(annotation) );
// }
// Add annotation
String annotation = param.getChildText(XMLTags.AnnotationTag, vcNamespace);
if (annotation != null && annotation.length() > 0) {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A PropertyVetoException occurred when setting the name " + name + " to a Geometry object!", e);
// Add the Extent
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A PropertyVetoException occurred while trying to set the Extent for the Geometry " + name, e);
// Add the Origin
newgeometry.getGeometrySpec().setOrigin(getOrigin(param.getChild(XMLTags.OriginTag, vcNamespace)));
// Add the SubVolumes
List<Element> children = param.getChildren(XMLTags.SubVolumeTag, vcNamespace);
SubVolume[] newsubvolumes = new SubVolume[children.size()];
int subvolumeCounter = 0;
for (Element child : children) {
newsubvolumes[subvolumeCounter] = getSubVolume(child);
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A PropertyVetoException was generated when ading the subvolumes to the Geometry " + name, e);
if (newgeometry.getDimension() > 0) {
// Add SurfaceClasses
List<Element> surfaceClassChildren = param.getChildren(XMLTags.SurfaceClassTag, vcNamespace);
SurfaceClass[] newSurfaceClassArr = new SurfaceClass[surfaceClassChildren.size()];
int surfClassCounter = 0;
for (Element surfClassChild : surfaceClassChildren) {
newSurfaceClassArr[surfClassCounter] = getSurfaceClass(surfClassChild, newgeometry);
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A PropertyVetoException was generated when ading the subvolumes to the Geometry " + name, e);
// read Filaments (if any)
Iterator<Element> iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.FilamentTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Element tempElement =;
String filname = unMangle(tempElement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.NameAttrTag));
Iterator<Element> curveiterator = tempElement.getChildren().iterator();
while (curveiterator.hasNext()) {
ControlPointCurve curve = getControlPointCurve(;
newgeometry.getGeometrySpec().getFilamentGroup().addCurve(filname, curve);
// read Surface description (if any)
Element sd = param.getChild(XMLTags.SurfaceDescriptionTag, vcNamespace);
if (sd != null) {
GeometrySurfaceDescription dummy = getGeometrySurfaceDescription(sd, newgeometry);
try {
newgeometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT(), false, false);
} catch (GeometryException e) {
} catch (ImageException e) {
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
return newgeometry;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class Xmlproducer method getXML.
* This method returns a XML representation of a Geometry object.
* Creation date: (2/28/2001 5:51:36 PM)
* @return Element
* @param param cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry
public Element getXML(Geometry param) throws XmlParseException {
Element geometry = new Element(XMLTags.GeometryTag);
// Add attributes
String name = param.getName();
geometry.setAttribute(XMLTags.NameAttrTag, mangle(name));
geometry.setAttribute(XMLTags.DimensionAttrTag, String.valueOf(param.getDimension()));
// add Annotation
if (param.getDescription() != null && param.getDescription().length() > 0) {
Element annotationElem = new Element(XMLTags.AnnotationTag);
// add sub-elements
// Create extent subelement
// Add Origin subelement
Element origin = new Element(XMLTags.OriginTag);
// Add Origin attributes
origin.setAttribute(XMLTags.XAttrTag, String.valueOf(param.getOrigin().getX()));
origin.setAttribute(XMLTags.YAttrTag, String.valueOf(param.getOrigin().getY()));
origin.setAttribute(XMLTags.ZAttrTag, String.valueOf(param.getOrigin().getZ()));
// Add Image subelement if there is.
if (param.getGeometrySpec().getImage() != null) {
try {
} catch (XmlParseException e) {
throw new XmlParseException("A problem occurred when trying to get the Image for the geometry " + name, e);
// Add subvolumes elements
for (int i = 0; i < param.getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes().length; i++) {
if (param.getDimension() > 0 && param.getGeometrySurfaceDescription() != null && param.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getSurfaceClasses() != null) {
// Add SurfaceClass elements
for (int i = 0; i < param.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getSurfaceClasses().length; i++) {
// Add Filaments
if (param.getDimension() > 0) {
Filament[] filarray = param.getGeometrySpec().getFilamentGroup().getFilaments();
for (int i = 0; i < filarray.length; i++) {
// Add Surface descriptions, if any
GeometrySurfaceDescription gsd = param.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
if (gsd != null) {
// Add Metadata(version) if there is one
if (param.getVersion() != null) {
geometry.addContent(getXML(param.getVersion(), param));
return geometry;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class TestingFrameworkWindowManager method addTestCases.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (4/10/2003 11:27:32 AM)
* @param testCase cbit.vcell.numericstestingframework.TestCase
public String addTestCases(final TestSuiteInfoNew tsInfo, final TestCaseNew[] testCaseArray, int regrRefFlag, ClientTaskStatusSupport pp) {
if (tsInfo == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("TestSuiteInfo cannot be null");
if (testCaseArray == null || testCaseArray.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("TestCases cannot be null / empty");
// make modifiable list
List<TestCaseNew> testCases = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(testCaseArray));
StringBuffer errors = new StringBuffer();
// When a testCase (mathmodel/biomodel) is added to a testSuite, a new version of the mathModel/biomodel should be created.
// Also, the simulations in the original mathmodel/biomodel should be rid of their parent simulation reference.
pp.setMessage("Getting testSuite");
TestSuiteNew testSuite = null;
try {
testSuite = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getTestSuite(tsInfo.getTSKey());
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("couldn't get test suite " + tsInfo.getTSID() + "\n" + e.getClass().getName() + " mesg=" + e.getMessage() + "\n");
if (testSuite != null && testSuite.getTSInfoNew().isLocked()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot addTestCases to locked table");
if (testSuite != null) {
// Saving BioModels
TestCaseNew[] existingTestCases = testSuite.getTestCases();
java.util.HashMap<KeyValue, BioModel> bioModelHashMap = new java.util.HashMap<KeyValue, BioModel>();
// if(existingTestCases != null){
// Find BioModels, Using the same BM reference for sibling Applications
int pcounter = 0;
// use iterator to allow removal of test case from collection if exception
Iterator<TestCaseNew> iter = testCases.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
TestCaseNew testCase =;
pp.setProgress(Math.max(1, ((int) ((pcounter++ / (double) (testCases.size() * 3)) * 100))));
pp.setMessage("Checking " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
try {
if (testCase instanceof TestCaseNewBioModel) {
TestCaseNewBioModel bioTestCase = (TestCaseNewBioModel) testCase;
if (bioModelHashMap.get(bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey()) == null) {
pp.setMessage("Getting BM " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
BioModel bioModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getBioModel(bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey());
if (!bioModel.getVersion().getOwner().equals(getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getUser())) {
throw new Exception("BioModel does not belong to VCELLTESTACCOUNT, cannot proceed with test!");
// if biomodel already exists in same testsuite, then use this BioModel edition
BioModel newBioModel = null;
if (existingTestCases != null) {
for (int j = 0; newBioModel == null && j < existingTestCases.length; j++) {
if (existingTestCases[j] instanceof TestCaseNewBioModel) {
TestCaseNewBioModel existingTestCaseBioModel = (TestCaseNewBioModel) existingTestCases[j];
if (existingTestCaseBioModel.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getBranchID().equals(bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getBranchID())) {
if (existingTestCaseBioModel.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey().equals(bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey())) {
// same, store this "unchanged" in bioModelHashMap
newBioModel = bioModel;
} else {
throw new Exception("can't add new test case using (" + bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getName() + " " + bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getDate() + ")\n" + "a test case already exists with different edition of same BioModel dated " + existingTestCaseBioModel.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getDate());
if (newBioModel == null) {
pp.setMessage("Saving BM " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
// some older models have membrane voltage variable names which are not unique
// (e.g. membranes 'pm' and 'nm' both have membrane voltage variables named 'Voltage_Membrane0')
// if this is the case, we will try to repair the conflict (for math testing purposes only) by renaming the voltage variables to their default values.
// Ordinarily, the conflict will be identified as an "Error" issue and the user will be prompted to repair before saving or math generation.
boolean bFoundIdentifierConflictUponLoading = hasDuplicateIdentifiers(bioModel);
if (bFoundIdentifierConflictUponLoading) {
// look for two MembraneVoltage instances with same variable name, rename all
HashSet<String> membraneVoltageVarNames = new HashSet<String>();
ArrayList<MembraneVoltage> membraneVoltageVars = new ArrayList<MembraneVoltage>();
for (Structure struct : bioModel.getModel().getStructures()) {
if (struct instanceof Membrane) {
MembraneVoltage membraneVoltage = ((Membrane) struct).getMembraneVoltage();
if (membraneVoltage != null) {
if (membraneVoltageVars.size() != membraneVoltageVarNames.size()) {
// rename them all to the default names
for (MembraneVoltage memVoltage : membraneVoltageVars) {
SimulationContext[] simContexts = bioModel.getSimulationContexts();
for (int j = 0; j < simContexts.length; j++) {
GeometrySurfaceDescription gsd = simContexts[j].getGeometry().getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
if (gsd != null) {
GeometricRegion[] grArr = gsd.getGeometricRegions();
if (grArr == null) {
MathMapping mathMapping = simContexts[j].createNewMathMapping();
// for older models that do not have absolute compartment sizes set, but have relative sizes (SVR/VF); or if there is only one compartment with size not set,
// compute absolute compartment sizes using relative sizes and assuming a default value of '1' for one of the compartments.
// Otherwise, the math generation will fail, since for the relaxed topology (VCell 5.3 and later) absolute compartment sizes are required.
GeometryContext gc = simContexts[j].getGeometryContext();
if (simContexts[j].getGeometry().getDimension() == 0 && ((gc.isAllSizeSpecifiedNull() && !gc.isAllVolFracAndSurfVolSpecifiedNull()) || (gc.getModel().getStructures().length == 1 && gc.isAllSizeSpecifiedNull()))) {
// choose the first structure in model and set its size to '1'.
Structure struct = simContexts[j].getModel().getStructure(0);
double structSize = 1.0;
StructureSizeSolver.updateAbsoluteStructureSizes(simContexts[j], struct, structSize, struct.getStructureSize().getUnitDefinition());
Simulation[] sims = bioModel.getSimulations();
String[] simNames = new String[sims.length];
for (int j = 0; j < sims.length; j++) {
// prevents parent simulation (from the original mathmodel) reference connection
// Otherwise it will refer to data from previous (parent) simulation.
simNames[j] = sims[j].getName();
// if(sims[j].getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().equals(SolverDescription.FiniteVolume)){
// sims[j].getSolverTaskDescription().setSolverDescription(SolverDescription.FiniteVolumeStandalone);
// }
newBioModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().save(bioModel, simNames);
bioModelHashMap.put(bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey(), newBioModel);
} catch (Throwable e) {
String identifier = testCase.getVersion() != null ? "Name=" + testCase.getVersion().getName() : "TCKey=" + testCase.getTCKey();
if (lg.isInfoEnabled()) {, e);
errors.append("Error collecting BioModel for TestCase " + identifier + '\n' + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage() + '\n');
// remove to avoid further processing attempts
// }
// then process each BioModelTestCase individually
// if(bioModelHashMap != null){
pcounter = 0;
for (TestCaseNew testCase : testCases) {
pp.setProgress(Math.max(1, ((int) ((pcounter++ / (double) (testCases.size() * 3)) * 100))));
pp.setMessage("Checking " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
try {
AddTestCasesOP testCaseOP = null;
if (testCase instanceof TestCaseNewBioModel) {
pp.setMessage("Processing BM " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
TestCaseNewBioModel bioTestCase = (TestCaseNewBioModel) testCase;
BioModel newBioModel = (BioModel) bioModelHashMap.get(bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey());
if (newBioModel == null) {
throw new Exception("BioModel not found");
SimulationContext simContext = null;
for (int j = 0; j < newBioModel.getSimulationContexts().length; j++) {
if (newBioModel.getSimulationContext(j).getName().equals(bioTestCase.getSimContextName())) {
simContext = newBioModel.getSimulationContext(j);
Simulation[] newSimulations = simContext.getSimulations();
AddTestCriteriaOPBioModel[] testCriteriaOPs = new AddTestCriteriaOPBioModel[newSimulations.length];
for (int j = 0; j < newSimulations.length; j++) {
TestCriteriaNewBioModel tcritOrigForSimName = null;
for (int k = 0; bioTestCase.getTestCriterias() != null && k < bioTestCase.getTestCriterias().length; k += 1) {
if (bioTestCase.getTestCriterias()[k].getSimInfo().getName().equals(newSimulations[j].getName())) {
tcritOrigForSimName = (TestCriteriaNewBioModel) bioTestCase.getTestCriterias()[k];
KeyValue regressionBioModelKey = null;
KeyValue regressionBioModelSimKey = null;
if (bioTestCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.REGRESSION)) {
if (regrRefFlag == TestingFrameworkWindowManager.COPY_REGRREF) {
regressionBioModelKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null && tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionBioModelInfo() != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
regressionBioModelSimKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null && tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionSimInfo() != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionSimInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
} else if (regrRefFlag == TestingFrameworkWindowManager.ASSIGNORIGINAL_REGRREF) {
regressionBioModelKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
regressionBioModelSimKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getSimInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
} else if (regrRefFlag == TestingFrameworkWindowManager.ASSIGNNEW_REGRREF) {
regressionBioModelKey = newBioModel.getVersion().getVersionKey();
regressionBioModelSimKey = newSimulations[j].getVersion().getVersionKey();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.getClass().getName() + ".addTestCases(...) BIOMODEL Unknown Regression Operation Flag");
testCriteriaOPs[j] = new AddTestCriteriaOPBioModel(testCase.getTCKey(), newSimulations[j].getVersion().getVersionKey(), regressionBioModelKey, regressionBioModelSimKey, (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getMaxAbsError() : new Double(1e-16)), (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getMaxRelError() : new Double(1e-9)), null);
testCaseOP = new AddTestCasesOPBioModel(new BigDecimal(tsInfo.getTSKey().toString()), newBioModel.getVersion().getVersionKey(), simContext.getKey(), bioTestCase.getType(), bioTestCase.getAnnotation(), testCriteriaOPs);
} catch (Throwable e) {
errors.append("Error processing Biomodel for TestCase " + (testCase.getVersion() != null ? "Name=" + testCase.getVersion().getName() : "TCKey=" + testCase.getTCKey()) + "\n" + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage() + "\n");
// }
// Process MathModels
pcounter = 0;
for (TestCaseNew testCase : testCases) {
pp.setProgress(Math.max(1, ((int) ((pcounter++ / (double) (testCases.size() * 3)) * 100))));
pp.setMessage("Checking " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
try {
AddTestCasesOP testCaseOP = null;
if (testCase instanceof TestCaseNewMathModel) {
TestCaseNewMathModel mathTestCase = (TestCaseNewMathModel) testCase;
pp.setMessage("Getting MathModel " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
MathModel mathModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getMathModel(mathTestCase.getMathModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey());
if (!mathModel.getVersion().getOwner().equals(getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getUser())) {
throw new Exception("MathModel does not belong to VCELLTESTACCOUNT, cannot proceed with test!");
Simulation[] sims = mathModel.getSimulations();
String[] simNames = new String[sims.length];
for (int j = 0; j < sims.length; j++) {
// prevents parent simulation (from the original mathmodel) reference connection
// Otherwise it will refer to data from previous (parent) simulation.
simNames[j] = sims[j].getName();
// if(sims[j].getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().equals(SolverDescription.FiniteVolume)){
// sims[j].getSolverTaskDescription().setSolverDescription(SolverDescription.FiniteVolumeStandalone);
// }
pp.setMessage("Saving MathModel " + testCase.getVersion().getName());
MathModel newMathModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().save(mathModel, simNames);
Simulation[] newSimulations = newMathModel.getSimulations();
AddTestCriteriaOPMathModel[] testCriteriaOPs = new AddTestCriteriaOPMathModel[newSimulations.length];
for (int j = 0; j < newSimulations.length; j++) {
TestCriteriaNewMathModel tcritOrigForSimName = null;
for (int k = 0; mathTestCase.getTestCriterias() != null && k < mathTestCase.getTestCriterias().length; k += 1) {
if (mathTestCase.getTestCriterias()[k].getSimInfo().getName().equals(newSimulations[j].getName())) {
tcritOrigForSimName = (TestCriteriaNewMathModel) mathTestCase.getTestCriterias()[k];
KeyValue regressionMathModelKey = null;
KeyValue regressionMathModelSimKey = null;
if (mathTestCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.REGRESSION)) {
if (regrRefFlag == TestingFrameworkWindowManager.COPY_REGRREF) {
regressionMathModelKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null && tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionMathModelInfo() != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionMathModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
regressionMathModelSimKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null && tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionSimInfo() != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getRegressionSimInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
} else if (regrRefFlag == TestingFrameworkWindowManager.ASSIGNORIGINAL_REGRREF) {
regressionMathModelKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? mathTestCase.getMathModelInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
regressionMathModelSimKey = (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getSimInfo().getVersion().getVersionKey() : null);
} else if (regrRefFlag == TestingFrameworkWindowManager.ASSIGNNEW_REGRREF) {
regressionMathModelKey = newMathModel.getVersion().getVersionKey();
regressionMathModelSimKey = newSimulations[j].getVersion().getVersionKey();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.getClass().getName() + ".addTestCases(...) MATHMODEL Unknown Regression Operation Flag");
testCriteriaOPs[j] = new AddTestCriteriaOPMathModel(testCase.getTCKey(), newSimulations[j].getVersion().getVersionKey(), regressionMathModelKey, regressionMathModelSimKey, (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getMaxAbsError() : new Double(1e-16)), (tcritOrigForSimName != null ? tcritOrigForSimName.getMaxRelError() : new Double(1e-9)), null);
testCaseOP = new AddTestCasesOPMathModel(new BigDecimal(tsInfo.getTSKey().toString()), newMathModel.getVersion().getVersionKey(), mathTestCase.getType(), mathTestCase.getAnnotation(), testCriteriaOPs);
} catch (Throwable e) {
errors.append("Error processing MathModel for TestCase " + (testCase.getVersion() != null ? "Name=" + testCase.getVersion().getName() : "TCKey=" + testCase.getTCKey()) + "\n" + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage() + "\n");
if (errors.length() > 0) {
return errors.toString();
return null;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class CartesianMesh method createSimpleCartesianMesh.
public static CartesianMesh createSimpleCartesianMesh(Geometry geometry, Map<Polygon, MembraneElement> polygonMembaneElementMap) throws IOException, MathFormatException {
GeometrySurfaceDescription geometrySurfaceDescription = geometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
RegionImage regionImage = geometrySurfaceDescription.getRegionImage();
ISize iSize = new ISize(regionImage.getNumX(), regionImage.getNumY(), regionImage.getNumZ());
CartesianMesh mesh = createSimpleCartesianMesh(geometry.getOrigin(), geometry.getExtent(), iSize, regionImage);
GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions();
if (geometricRegions != null) {
int memRegionCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < geometricRegions.length; i++) {
if (geometricRegions[i] instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion) {
VolumeGeometricRegion vgr = (VolumeGeometricRegion) geometricRegions[i];
mesh.meshRegionInfo.mapVolumeRegionToSubvolume(vgr.getRegionID(), vgr.getSubVolume().getHandle(), vgr.getSize(), vgr.getName());
} else if (geometricRegions[i] instanceof SurfaceGeometricRegion) {
SurfaceGeometricRegion sgr = (SurfaceGeometricRegion) geometricRegions[i];
GeometricRegion[] neighbors = sgr.getAdjacentGeometricRegions();
VolumeGeometricRegion insideRegion = (VolumeGeometricRegion) neighbors[0];
VolumeGeometricRegion outsideRegion = (VolumeGeometricRegion) neighbors[1];
mesh.meshRegionInfo.mapMembraneRegionToVolumeRegion(memRegionCount, insideRegion.getRegionID(), outsideRegion.getRegionID(), sgr.getSize());
SurfaceCollection surfaceCollection = geometrySurfaceDescription.getSurfaceCollection();
if (surfaceCollection != null) {
int numMembraneElement = surfaceCollection.getTotalPolygonCount();
mesh.membraneElements = new MembraneElement[numMembraneElement];
boolean bMembraneEdgeNeighborsAvailable = surfaceCollection.getMembraneEdgeNeighbors() != null && surfaceCollection.getMembraneEdgeNeighbors().length == surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount();
int[] membraneElementMapMembraneRegion = new int[numMembraneElement];
int memCount = 0;
// original values when no membraneedgeneighbors
int[] membraneNeighbors = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < surfaceCollection.getSurfaceCount(); i++) {
Surface surface = surfaceCollection.getSurfaces(i);
bMembraneEdgeNeighborsAvailable = bMembraneEdgeNeighborsAvailable && surfaceCollection.getMembraneEdgeNeighbors()[i].length == surface.getPolygonCount();
for (int j = 0; j < surface.getPolygonCount(); j++) {
if (bMembraneEdgeNeighborsAvailable) {
membraneNeighbors = new int[MembraneElement.MAX_POSSIBLE_NEIGHBORS];
Arrays.fill(membraneNeighbors, MembraneElement.NEIGHBOR_UNDEFINED);
for (int k = 0; k < surfaceCollection.getMembraneEdgeNeighbors()[i][j].size(); k++) {
membraneNeighbors[k] = surfaceCollection.getMembraneEdgeNeighbors()[i][j].get(k).getMasterPolygonIndex();
Quadrilateral polygon = (Quadrilateral) surface.getPolygons(j);
int volNeighbor1Region = regionImage.getRegionInfoFromOffset(polygon.getVolIndexNeighbor1()).getRegionIndex();
int volNeighbor2Region = regionImage.getRegionInfoFromOffset(polygon.getVolIndexNeighbor2()).getRegionIndex();
HashMap<Integer, int[]> map = mesh.getMembraneRegionMapSubvolumesInOut();
Set<Entry<Integer, int[]>> entries = map.entrySet();
for (Entry<Integer, int[]> entry : entries) {
int[] volNeighbors = entry.getValue();
if (volNeighbors[0] == volNeighbor1Region && volNeighbors[1] == volNeighbor2Region || volNeighbors[1] == volNeighbor1Region && volNeighbors[0] == volNeighbor2Region) {
membraneElementMapMembraneRegion[memCount] = entry.getKey();
mesh.membraneElements[memCount] = new MembraneElement(memCount, polygon.getVolIndexNeighbor1(), polygon.getVolIndexNeighbor2(), membraneNeighbors[0], membraneNeighbors[1], membraneNeighbors[2], membraneNeighbors[3], MembraneElement.AREA_UNDEFINED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (polygonMembaneElementMap != null) {
polygonMembaneElementMap.put(polygon, mesh.membraneElements[memCount]);
return mesh;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FVSolverStandalone method getResampledGeometry.
public Geometry getResampledGeometry() throws SolverException {
if (resampledGeometry == null) {
// clone and resample geometry
try {
resampledGeometry = (Geometry) BeanUtils.cloneSerializable(simTask.getSimulation().getMathDescription().getGeometry());
GeometrySurfaceDescription geoSurfaceDesc = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
ISize newSize = simTask.getSimulation().getMeshSpecification().getSamplingSize();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolverException(e.getMessage());
return resampledGeometry;