use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RunSims method run.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (5/31/2004 6:04:14 PM)
* @param hashTable java.util.Hashtable
* @param clientWorker cbit.vcell.desktop.controls.ClientWorker
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws java.lang.Exception {
DocumentWindowManager documentWindowManager = (DocumentWindowManager) hashTable.get(;
ClientSimManager clientSimManager = (ClientSimManager) hashTable.get("clientSimManager");
// DocumentManager documentManager = (DocumentManager)hashTable.get(;
JobManager jobManager = (JobManager) hashTable.get("jobManager");
Simulation[] simulations = (Simulation[]) hashTable.get("simulations");
Hashtable<Simulation, Throwable> failures = new Hashtable<Simulation, Throwable>();
if (simulations != null && simulations.length > 0) {
// we need to get the new ones if a save occurred...
if (hashTable.containsKey(SaveDocument.DOC_KEY)) {
VCDocument savedDocument = (VCDocument) hashTable.get(SaveDocument.DOC_KEY);
Simulation[] allSims = null;
if (savedDocument instanceof BioModel) {
allSims = ((BioModel) savedDocument).getSimulations();
} else if (savedDocument instanceof MathModel) {
allSims = ((MathModel) savedDocument).getSimulations();
Vector<Simulation> v = new Vector<Simulation>();
for (int i = 0; i < simulations.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < allSims.length; j++) {
if (simulations[i].getName().equals(allSims[j].getName())) {
simulations = (Simulation[]) BeanUtils.getArray(v, Simulation.class);
for (Simulation sim : simulations) {
try {
int dimension = sim.getMathDescription().getGeometry().getDimension();
if (clientSimManager.getSimulationStatus(sim).isCompleted()) {
// completed
String warningMessage = VCellErrorMessages.getErrorMessage(VCellErrorMessages.RunSims_1, sim.getName());
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(documentWindowManager.getComponent(), warningMessage, new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
if (result == null || !result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK)) {
DataProcessingInstructions dataProcessingInstructions = sim.getDataProcessingInstructions();
try {
if (dataProcessingInstructions != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(documentWindowManager.getComponent(), "Problem found in simulation '" + sim.getName() + "':\n" + ex.getMessage());
if (dimension > 0) {
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = sim.getMeshSpecification();
boolean bCellCentered = sim.hasCellCenteredMesh();
if (meshSpecification != null && !meshSpecification.isAspectRatioOK(bCellCentered)) {
String warningMessage = VCellErrorMessages.getErrorMessage(VCellErrorMessages.RunSims_2, sim.getName(), "\u0394x=" + meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered) + "\n" + "\u0394y=" + meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered) + (dimension < 3 ? "" : "\n\u0394z=" + meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered)));
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(documentWindowManager.getComponent(), warningMessage, new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
if (result == null || !result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK)) {
if (sim.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().equals(SolverDescription.Smoldyn)) {
if (!isSmoldynTimeStepOK(sim)) {
double s = smoldynTimestepVars.getSpatialResolution();
double dMax = smoldynTimestepVars.getMaxDiffusion();
double condn = (s * s) / (2.0 * dMax);
String warningMessage = VCellErrorMessages.getErrorMessage(VCellErrorMessages.RunSims_3, Double.toString(s), Double.toString(dMax), Double.toString(condn));
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(documentWindowManager.getComponent(), warningMessage);
// check the number of regions if the simulation mesh is coarser.
Geometry mathGeometry = sim.getMathDescription().getGeometry();
ISize newSize = meshSpecification.getSamplingSize();
ISize defaultSize = mathGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getDefaultSampledImageSize();
if (!sim.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().isChomboSolver()) {
int defaultTotalVolumeElements = mathGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getVolumeSampleSize().getXYZ();
int newTotalVolumeElements = meshSpecification.getSamplingSize().getXYZ();
if (defaultTotalVolumeElements > newTotalVolumeElements) {
// coarser
Geometry resampledGeometry = (Geometry) BeanUtils.cloneSerializable(mathGeometry);
GeometrySurfaceDescription geoSurfaceDesc = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
if (mathGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions() == null) {
int defaultNumGeometricRegions = mathGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions().length;
int numGeometricRegions = geoSurfaceDesc.getGeometricRegions().length;
if (numGeometricRegions != defaultNumGeometricRegions) {
String warningMessage = VCellErrorMessages.getErrorMessage(VCellErrorMessages.RunSims_4, newSize.getX() + (dimension > 1 ? " x " + newSize.getY() : "") + (dimension > 2 ? " x " + newSize.getZ() : ""), sim.getName(), numGeometricRegions, defaultNumGeometricRegions);
String result = PopupGenerator.showWarningDialog(documentWindowManager.getComponent(), warningMessage, new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
if (result == null || !result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK)) {
if (mathGeometry.getGeometrySpec().hasImage()) {
// if it's an image.
if (defaultSize.getX() + 1 < newSize.getX() || defaultSize.getY() + 1 < newSize.getY() || defaultSize.getZ() + 1 < newSize.getZ()) {
// finer
String defaultSizeString = (defaultSize.getX() + 1) + (dimension > 1 ? " x " + (defaultSize.getY() + 1) : "") + (dimension > 2 ? " x " + (defaultSize.getZ() + 1) : "");
String warningMessage = VCellErrorMessages.getErrorMessage(VCellErrorMessages.RunSims_5, newSize.getX() + (dimension > 1 ? " x " + newSize.getY() : "") + (dimension > 2 ? " x " + newSize.getZ() : ""), sim.getName(), defaultSizeString, defaultSizeString);
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(documentWindowManager.getComponent(), warningMessage, new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
if (result == null || !result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK)) {
boolean bGiveWarning = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sim.getScanCount(); i++) {
if (sim.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().equals(SolverDescription.SundialsPDE)) {
SimulationJob simJob = new SimulationJob(sim, i, null);
if (simJob.getSimulationSymbolTable().hasTimeVaryingDiffusionOrAdvection()) {
bGiveWarning = true;
if (bGiveWarning) {
String warningMessage = VCellErrorMessages.RunSims_6;
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(documentWindowManager.getComponent(), warningMessage, new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
if (result == null || !result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK)) {
SimulationInfo simInfo = sim.getSimulationInfo();
if (simInfo != null) {
// translate to common ancestral simulation (oldest mathematically equivalent simulation)
SimulationStatus simulationStatus = jobManager.startSimulation(simInfo.getAuthoritativeVCSimulationIdentifier(), sim.getScanCount());
// updateStatus
clientSimManager.updateStatusFromStartRequest(sim, simulationStatus);
} else {
// this should really not happen...
throw new RuntimeException(">>>>>>>>>> trying to run an unsaved simulation...");
} catch (Throwable exc) {
failures.put(sim, exc);
// we deal with individual request failures here, passing down only other things (that break the whole thing down) to dispatcher
if (!failures.isEmpty()) {
Enumeration<Simulation> en = failures.keys();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
Simulation sim = en.nextElement();
Throwable exc = (Throwable) failures.get(sim);
// // updateStatus
// SimulationStatus simulationStatus = clientSimManager.updateStatusFromStartRequest(sim, true, exc.getMessage());
// notify user
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(documentWindowManager, "Failed to start simulation'" + sim.getName() + "'\n" + exc.getMessage());
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SBMLExporter method addGeometry.
private void addGeometry() throws SbmlException {
SpatialModelPlugin mplugin = (SpatialModelPlugin) sbmlModel.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
// Creates a geometry object via SpatialModelPlugin object.
org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.Geometry sbmlGeometry = mplugin.createGeometry();
Geometry vcGeometry = getSelectedSimContext().getGeometry();
Model vcModel = getSelectedSimContext().getModel();
// list of CoordinateComponents : 1 if geometry is 1-d, 2 if geometry is 2-d, 3 if geometry is 3-d
int dimension = vcGeometry.getDimension();
Extent vcExtent = vcGeometry.getExtent();
Origin vcOrigin = vcGeometry.getOrigin();
// add x coordinate component
CoordinateComponent xComp = sbmlGeometry.createCoordinateComponent();
final UnitDefinition sbmlUnitDef_length = getOrCreateSBMLUnit(vcModel.getUnitSystem().getLengthUnit());
Boundary minX = new Boundary();
Boundary maxX = new Boundary();
maxX.setValue(vcOrigin.getX() + (vcExtent.getX()));
org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter pX = sbmlModel.createParameter();
SpatialParameterPlugin spPluginPx = (SpatialParameterPlugin) pX.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
SpatialSymbolReference spSymRefPx = new SpatialSymbolReference();
// add y coordinate component
if (dimension == 2 || dimension == 3) {
CoordinateComponent yComp = sbmlGeometry.createCoordinateComponent();
Boundary minY = new Boundary();
Boundary maxY = new Boundary();
maxY.setValue(vcOrigin.getY() + (vcExtent.getY()));
org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter pY = sbmlModel.createParameter();
SpatialParameterPlugin spPluginPy = (SpatialParameterPlugin) pY.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
SpatialSymbolReference spSymRefPy = new SpatialSymbolReference();
// add z coordinate component
if (dimension == 3) {
CoordinateComponent zComp = sbmlGeometry.createCoordinateComponent();
Boundary minZ = new Boundary();
Boundary maxZ = new Boundary();
maxZ.setValue(vcOrigin.getZ() + (vcExtent.getZ()));
org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter pZ = sbmlModel.createParameter();
SpatialParameterPlugin spPluginPz = (SpatialParameterPlugin) pZ.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
SpatialSymbolReference spSymRefPz = new SpatialSymbolReference();
// list of compartmentMappings : VC structureMappings
GeometryContext vcGeoContext = getSelectedSimContext().getGeometryContext();
StructureMapping[] vcStrucMappings = vcGeoContext.getStructureMappings();
for (int i = 0; i < vcStrucMappings.length; i++) {
StructureMapping vcStructMapping = vcStrucMappings[i];
String structName = vcStructMapping.getStructure().getName();
Compartment comp = sbmlModel.getCompartment(TokenMangler.mangleToSName(structName));
SpatialCompartmentPlugin cplugin = (SpatialCompartmentPlugin) comp.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
GeometryClass gc = vcStructMapping.getGeometryClass();
if (!goodPointer(gc, GeometryClass.class, structName)) {
CompartmentMapping compMapping = new CompartmentMapping();
String geomClassName = gc.getName();
String id = TokenMangler.mangleToSName(geomClassName + structName);
compMapping.setDomainType(TokenMangler.mangleToSName(DOMAIN_TYPE_PREFIX + geomClassName));
try {
StructureMappingParameter usp = vcStructMapping.getUnitSizeParameter();
Expression e = usp.getExpression();
if (goodPointer(e, Expression.class, id)) {
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create compartment mapping for structureMapping '" + compMapping.getId() + "' : " + e.getMessage());
// list of domain types : subvolumes and surface classes from VC
boolean bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes = false;
boolean bAnyImageSubvolumes = false;
boolean bAnyCSGSubvolumes = false;
GeometryClass[] vcGeomClasses = vcGeometry.getGeometryClasses();
int numSubVols = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vcGeomClasses.length; i++) {
DomainType domainType = sbmlGeometry.createDomainType();
domainType.setSpatialId(DOMAIN_TYPE_PREFIX + vcGeomClasses[i].getName());
if (vcGeomClasses[i] instanceof SubVolume) {
if (((SubVolume) vcGeomClasses[i]) instanceof AnalyticSubVolume) {
bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes = true;
} else if (((SubVolume) vcGeomClasses[i]) instanceof ImageSubVolume) {
bAnyImageSubvolumes = true;
} else if (((SubVolume) vcGeomClasses[i]) instanceof CSGObject) {
bAnyCSGSubvolumes = true;
} else if (vcGeomClasses[i] instanceof SurfaceClass) {
// list of domains, adjacent domains : from VC geometricRegions
GeometrySurfaceDescription vcGSD = vcGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
if (vcGSD.getRegionImage() == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to generate region images for geometry");
GeometricRegion[] vcGeometricRegions = vcGSD.getGeometricRegions();
ISize sampleSize = vcGSD.getVolumeSampleSize();
int numX = sampleSize.getX();
int numY = sampleSize.getY();
int numZ = sampleSize.getZ();
double ox = vcOrigin.getX();
double oy = vcOrigin.getY();
double oz = vcOrigin.getZ();
RegionInfo[] regionInfos = vcGSD.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
for (int i = 0; i < vcGeometricRegions.length; i++) {
// domains
Domain domain = sbmlGeometry.createDomain();
if (vcGeometricRegions[i] instanceof VolumeGeometricRegion) {
domain.setDomainType(DOMAIN_TYPE_PREFIX + ((VolumeGeometricRegion) vcGeometricRegions[i]).getSubVolume().getName());
// get a list of interior points ... should probably use the distance map to find a point
// furthest inside (or several points associated with the morphological skeleton).
InteriorPoint interiorPt = domain.createInteriorPoint();
int regionID = ((VolumeGeometricRegion) vcGeometricRegions[i]).getRegionID();
boolean bFound = false;
int regInfoIndx = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < regionInfos.length; j++) {
regInfoIndx = j;
if (regionInfos[j].getRegionIndex() == regionID) {
int volIndx = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < numZ && !bFound; z++) {
for (int y = 0; y < numY && !bFound; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < numX && !bFound; x++) {
if (regionInfos[j].isIndexInRegion(volIndx)) {
bFound = true;
double unit_z = (numZ > 1) ? ((double) z) / (numZ - 1) : 0.5;
double coordZ = oz + vcExtent.getZ() * unit_z;
double unit_y = (numY > 1) ? ((double) y) / (numY - 1) : 0.5;
double coordY = oy + vcExtent.getY() * unit_y;
double unit_x = (numX > 1) ? ((double) x) / (numX - 1) : 0.5;
double coordX = ox + vcExtent.getX() * unit_x;
// end - for x
// end - for y
// end - for z
// end if
// end for regionInfos
if (!bFound) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find interior point for region '" + regionInfos[regInfoIndx].toString());
} else if (vcGeometricRegions[i] instanceof SurfaceGeometricRegion) {
SurfaceGeometricRegion vcSurfaceGeomReg = (SurfaceGeometricRegion) vcGeometricRegions[i];
GeometricRegion geomRegion0 = vcSurfaceGeomReg.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[0];
GeometricRegion geomRegion1 = vcSurfaceGeomReg.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[1];
SurfaceClass surfaceClass = vcGSD.getSurfaceClass(((VolumeGeometricRegion) geomRegion0).getSubVolume(), ((VolumeGeometricRegion) geomRegion1).getSubVolume());
domain.setDomainType(DOMAIN_TYPE_PREFIX + surfaceClass.getName());
// adjacent domains : 2 adjacent domain objects for each surfaceClass in VC.
// adjacent domain 1
GeometricRegion adjGeomRegion0 = vcSurfaceGeomReg.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[0];
GeometricRegion adjGeomRegion1 = vcSurfaceGeomReg.getAdjacentGeometricRegions()[1];
AdjacentDomains adjDomain = new AdjacentDomains();
adjDomain.setSpatialId(TokenMangler.mangleToSName(vcSurfaceGeomReg.getName() + "_" + adjGeomRegion0.getName()));
// adj domain 2
adjDomain = new AdjacentDomains();
adjDomain.setSpatialId(TokenMangler.mangleToSName(vcSurfaceGeomReg.getName() + "_" + adjGeomRegion1.getName()));
if (bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes && !bAnyImageSubvolumes && !bAnyCSGSubvolumes) {
AnalyticGeometry sbmlAnalyticGeomDefinition = sbmlGeometry.createAnalyticGeometry();
sbmlAnalyticGeomDefinition.setSpatialId(TokenMangler.mangleToSName("Analytic_" + vcGeometry.getName()));
for (int i = 0; i < vcGeomClasses.length; i++) {
if (vcGeomClasses[i] instanceof AnalyticSubVolume) {
AnalyticVolume analyticVol = sbmlAnalyticGeomDefinition.createAnalyticVolume();
analyticVol.setDomainType(DOMAIN_TYPE_PREFIX + vcGeomClasses[i].getName());
analyticVol.setOrdinal(numSubVols - (i + 1));
Expression expr = ((AnalyticSubVolume) vcGeomClasses[i]).getExpression();
try {
String mathMLStr = ExpressionMathMLPrinter.getMathML(expr, true, MathType.BOOLEAN);
ASTNode mathMLNode = ASTNode.readMathMLFromString(mathMLStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error converting VC subvolume expression to mathML" + e.getMessage());
if (!bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes && !bAnyImageSubvolumes && bAnyCSGSubvolumes) {
CSGeometry sbmlCSGeomDefinition = new CSGeometry();
sbmlCSGeomDefinition.setSpatialId(TokenMangler.mangleToSName("CSG_" + vcGeometry.getName()));
for (int i = 0; i < vcGeomClasses.length; i++) {
if (vcGeomClasses[i] instanceof CSGObject) {
CSGObject vcellCSGObject = (CSGObject) vcGeomClasses[i];
org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject sbmlCSGObject = new org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGObject();
sbmlCSGObject.setDomainType(DOMAIN_TYPE_PREFIX + vcellCSGObject.getName());
// the ordinal should the the least for the default/background subVolume
sbmlCSGObject.setOrdinal(numSubVols - (i + 1));
org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGNode sbmlcsgNode = getSBMLCSGNode(vcellCSGObject.getRoot());
// add "Segmented" and "DistanceMap" SampledField Geometries
final boolean bVCGeometryIsImage = bAnyImageSubvolumes && !bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes && !bAnyCSGSubvolumes;
// 55if (bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes || bAnyImageSubvolumes || bAnyCSGSubvolumes){
if (bVCGeometryIsImage) {
// add "Segmented" SampledFieldGeometry
SampledFieldGeometry segmentedImageSampledFieldGeometry = sbmlGeometry.createSampledFieldGeometry();
segmentedImageSampledFieldGeometry.setSpatialId(TokenMangler.mangleToSName("SegmentedImage_" + vcGeometry.getName()));
// 55boolean bVCGeometryIsImage = bAnyImageSubvolumes && !bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes && !bAnyCSGSubvolumes;
Geometry vcImageGeometry = null;
if (bVCGeometryIsImage) {
// make a resampled image;
if (dimension == 3) {
try {
ISize imageSize = vcGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getDefaultSampledImageSize();
vcGeometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
vcImageGeometry = RayCaster.resampleGeometry(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT(), vcGeometry, imageSize);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert the original analytic or constructed solid geometry to image-based geometry : " + e.getMessage());
} else {
try {
vcGeometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT(), true, false);
GeometrySpec origGeometrySpec = vcGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
VCImage newVCImage = origGeometrySpec.getSampledImage().getCurrentValue();
// construct the new geometry with the sampled VCImage.
vcImageGeometry = new Geometry(vcGeometry.getName() + "_asImage", newVCImage);
vcImageGeometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT(), true, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to convert the original analytic or constructed solid geometry to image-based geometry : " + e.getMessage());
GeometryClass[] vcImageGeomClasses = vcImageGeometry.getGeometryClasses();
for (int j = 0; j < vcImageGeomClasses.length; j++) {
if (vcImageGeomClasses[j] instanceof ImageSubVolume) {
SampledVolume sampledVol = segmentedImageSampledFieldGeometry.createSampledVolume();
sampledVol.setDomainType(DOMAIN_TYPE_PREFIX + vcGeomClasses[j].getName());
sampledVol.setSampledValue(((ImageSubVolume) vcImageGeomClasses[j]).getPixelValue());
// add sampledField to sampledFieldGeometry
SampledField segmentedImageSampledField = sbmlGeometry.createSampledField();
VCImage vcImage = vcImageGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getImage();
try {
byte[] vcImagePixelsBytes = vcImage.getPixels();
// imageData.setCompression("");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < vcImagePixelsBytes.length; i++) {
int uint8_sample = ((int) vcImagePixelsBytes[i]) & 0xff;
sb.append(uint8_sample + " ");
} catch (ImageException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to export image from VCell to SBML : " + e.getMessage());
// add "DistanceMap" SampledFieldGeometry if there are exactly two subvolumes (else need more fields) and geometry is 3d.
if (numSubVols==2 && dimension == 3){
SignedDistanceMap[] distanceMaps = null;
try {
distanceMaps = DistanceMapGenerator.computeDistanceMaps(vcImageGeometry, vcImageGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getImage(), false, false);
} catch (ImageException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to export distance map sampled field from VCell to SBML : " + e.getMessage());
// throw new RuntimeException("Unable to export distance map sampled field from VCell to SBML : " + e.getMessage());
// don't want to throw an exception and stop export because distance map geometry couldn't be exported.
// just 'return' from method (since this is the last thing that is being done in this method).
// the two distanceMaps should be redundant (one is negation of the other) ... so choose first one for field.
double[] signedDistances = distanceMaps[0].getSignedDistances();
SampledFieldGeometry distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry = sbmlGeometry.createSampledFieldGeometry();
SampledField distanceMapSampledField = distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry.createSampledField();
System.err.println("do we need distanceMapSampleField.setDataType()?");
ImageData distanceMapImageData = distanceMapSampledField.createImageData();
System.err.println("should be:\n distanceMapImageData.setDataType(\"float32\")");
// distanceMapImageData.setCompression("");
double maxAbsValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < signedDistances.length; i++) {
maxAbsValue = Math.max(maxAbsValue,Math.abs(signedDistances[i]));
if (maxAbsValue==0.0){
throw new RuntimeException("computed distance map all zeros");
double scale = (Short.MAX_VALUE-1)/maxAbsValue;
int[] scaledIntegerDistanceMap = new int[signedDistances.length];
for (int i = 0; i < signedDistances.length; i++) {
scaledIntegerDistanceMap[i] = (int)(scale * signedDistances[i]);
distanceMapImageData.setSamples(scaledIntegerDistanceMap, signedDistances.length);
System.err.println("should be:\n distanceMapImageData.setSamples((float[])signedDistances,signedDistances.length)");
SampledVolume sampledVol = distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry.createSampledVolume();
sampledVol = distanceMapSampledFieldGeometry.createSampledVolume();
// add "SurfaceMesh" ParametricGeometry
// if (bAnyAnalyticSubvolumes || bAnyImageSubvolumes || bAnyCSGSubvolumes){
// ParametricGeometry sbmlParametricGeomDefinition = sbmlGeometry.createParametricGeometry();
// sbmlParametricGeomDefinition.setSpatialId(TokenMangler.mangleToSName("SurfaceMesh_"+vcGeometry.getName()));
// xxxx
// }
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynFileWriter method writeWallSurfaces.
private void writeWallSurfaces() throws SolverException {
GeometrySurfaceDescription geometrySurfaceDescription = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
GeometrySpec geometrySpec = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySpec();
SubVolume[] subVolumes = geometrySpec.getSubVolumes();
printWriter.println("# boundaries");
Origin origin = geometrySpec.getOrigin();
Extent extent = geometrySpec.getExtent();
Coordinate lowWall = new Coordinate(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), origin.getZ());
Coordinate highWall = new Coordinate(origin.getX() + extent.getX(), origin.getY() + extent.getY(), origin.getZ() + extent.getZ());
// potential artifact.
if (bHasNoSurface) {
SubDomain subDomain0 = mathDesc.getSubDomains().nextElement();
CompartmentSubDomain compartSubDomain0 = null;
compartSubDomain0 = (CompartmentSubDomain) subDomain0;
// x
if (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionXm().isPERIODIC()) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getX() + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.p);
} else {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.low_wall + " 0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionXm().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.high_wall + " 0 " + highWall.getX() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionXp().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
if (dimension > 1) {
// y
if (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionYm().isPERIODIC()) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 1 " + lowWall.getY() + " " + highWall.getY() + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.p);
} else {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.low_wall + " 1 " + lowWall.getY() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionYm().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.high_wall + " 1 " + highWall.getY() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionYp().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
if (dimension > 2) {
// z
if (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionZm().isPERIODIC()) {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 2 " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + highWall.getZ() + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.p);
} else {
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.low_wall + " 2 " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionZm().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.high_wall + " 2 " + highWall.getZ() + " " + (compartSubDomain0.getBoundaryConditionZp().isNEUMANN() ? SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.r : SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.a));
} else {
// x
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getX());
if (dimension > 1) {
// y
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 1 " + lowWall.getY() + " " + highWall.getY());
if (dimension > 2) {
// z
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.boundaries + " 2 " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + highWall.getZ());
// bounding walls as surfaces
// have to find boundary condition type
ISize sampleSize = simulation.getMeshSpecification().getSamplingSize();
int numX = sampleSize.getX();
int numY = dimension < 2 ? 1 : sampleSize.getY();
int numZ = dimension < 3 ? 1 : sampleSize.getZ();
if (dimension > 2) {
int[] k_wall = new int[] { 0, numZ - 1 };
for (int k = 0; k < k_wall.length; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
int volIndex = k_wall[k] * numX * numY + j * numX + i;
for (SubVolume sv : subVolumes) {
// gather all the points in all the regions
GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(sv);
RegionInfo[] regionInfos = geometrySurfaceDescription.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
VolumeGeometricRegion vgr = (VolumeGeometricRegion) gr;
for (RegionInfo ri : regionInfos) {
if (ri.getRegionIndex() == vgr.getRegionID() && ri.isIndexInRegion(volIndex)) {
if (dimension > 1) {
int[] j_wall = new int[] { 0, numY - 1 };
for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < j_wall.length; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
int volIndex = k * numX * numY + j_wall[j] * numX + i;
for (SubVolume sv : subVolumes) {
// gather all the points in all the regions
GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(sv);
RegionInfo[] regionInfos = geometrySurfaceDescription.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
VolumeGeometricRegion vgr = (VolumeGeometricRegion) gr;
for (RegionInfo ri : regionInfos) {
if (ri.getRegionIndex() == vgr.getRegionID() && ri.isIndexInRegion(volIndex)) {
int[] i_wall = new int[] { 0, numX - 1 };
for (int k = 0; k < numZ; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numY; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < i_wall.length; i++) {
int volIndex = k * numX * numY + j * numX + i_wall[i];
for (SubVolume sv : subVolumes) {
// gather all the points in all the regions
GeometricRegion[] geometricRegions = geometrySurfaceDescription.getGeometricRegions(sv);
RegionInfo[] regionInfos = geometrySurfaceDescription.getRegionImage().getRegionInfos();
for (GeometricRegion gr : geometricRegions) {
VolumeGeometricRegion vgr = (VolumeGeometricRegion) gr;
for (RegionInfo ri : regionInfos) {
if (ri.getRegionIndex() == vgr.getRegionID() && ri.isIndexInRegion(volIndex)) {
Set<SubVolume> boundarySubVolumes = new HashSet<SubVolume>();
BoundaryConditionType[] computedBct = new BoundaryConditionType[dimension * 2];
String[] smoldynBct = new String[dimension * 2];
String[] wallNames = new String[] { "Xm", "Xp", "Ym", "Yp", "Zm", "Zp" };
if (boundarySubVolumes.size() >= 1) {
for (SubVolume sv : boundarySubVolumes) {
CompartmentSubDomain csd = (CompartmentSubDomain) mathDesc.getSubDomain(sv.getName());
BoundaryConditionType[] bct = new BoundaryConditionType[] { csd.getBoundaryConditionXm(), csd.getBoundaryConditionXp(), csd.getBoundaryConditionYm(), csd.getBoundaryConditionYp(), csd.getBoundaryConditionZm(), csd.getBoundaryConditionZp() };
if (computedBct[0] == null) {
System.arraycopy(bct, 0, computedBct, 0, dimension * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < dimension * 2; i++) {
if (computedBct[i].isPERIODIC()) {
throw new SolverException("Models with both surfaces and periodic boundary conditions are not supported yet.");
smoldynBct[i] = computedBct[i].isDIRICHLET() ? :;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < dimension * 2; i++) {
if (!computedBct[i].compareEqual(bct[i])) {
throw new SolverException(wallNames[i] + " wall has different boundary conditions");
printWriter.println("# bounding wall surface");
// X walls
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_X);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + smoldynBct[0]);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + smoldynBct[1]);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " 1 1 1");
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " 2");
// yz walls
switch(dimension) {
case 1:
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +0 " + lowWall.getX());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -0 " + highWall.getX());
case 2:
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + extent.getY());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -0 " + highWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + extent.getY());
case 3:
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +0 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getY() + " " + extent.getZ());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -0 " + highWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getY() + " " + extent.getZ());
if (dimension > 1) {
// Y walls
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Y);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + smoldynBct[2]);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + smoldynBct[3]);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " 1 1 1");
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " 2");
// xz walls
switch(dimension) {
case 2:
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + extent.getX());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getY() + " " + extent.getX());
case 3:
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getZ());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -1 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + highWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getZ());
if (dimension > 2) {
// Z walls
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.start_surface + " " + VCellSmoldynKeyword.bounding_wall_surface_Z);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + "(" + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.up + ") " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.reflect);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.front + " " + smoldynBct[4]);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.action + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.all + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.back + " " + smoldynBct[5]);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.color + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " 1 1 1");
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.polygon + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.both + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.edge);
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.max_panels + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " 2");
// xy walls
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " +2 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + lowWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getY());
printWriter.println(SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.panel + " " + SmoldynVCellMapper.SmoldynKeyword.rect + " -2 " + lowWall.getX() + " " + lowWall.getY() + " " + highWall.getZ() + " " + extent.getX() + " " + extent.getY());
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SmoldynSurfaceTessellator method cloneAndResample.
protected void cloneAndResample(Geometry geometry) throws Exception {
// clone and resample geometry
resampledGeometry = (Geometry) BeanUtils.cloneSerializable(geometry);
GeometrySurfaceDescription geoSurfaceDesc = resampledGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
ISize newSize = simulation.getMeshSpecification().getSamplingSize();
bHasNoSurface = geoSurfaceDesc.getSurfaceClasses() == null || geoSurfaceDesc.getSurfaceClasses().length == 0;
use of cbit.vcell.geometry.surface.GeometrySurfaceDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ServerDocumentManager method saveBioModel.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (10/28/00 12:08:30 AM)
public String saveBioModel(QueryHashtable dbc, User user, String bioModelXML, String newName, String[] independentSims) throws DataAccessException, java.sql.SQLException, java.beans.PropertyVetoException, MappingException, cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// this invokes "update" on the database layer
BioModel bioModel = XmlHelper.XMLToBioModel(new XMLSource(bioModelXML));
forceDeepDirtyIfForeign(user, bioModel);
boolean isSaveAsNew = true;
if (newName != null) {
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("couldn't set new name for BioModel: " + e.getMessage());
} else {
isSaveAsNew = false;
Version oldVersion = bioModel.getVersion();
BioModel origBioModel = null;
if (oldVersion != null) {
try {
String origBioModelXML = getBioModelXML(dbc, user, oldVersion.getVersionKey(), false);
origBioModel = XmlHelper.XMLToBioModel(new XMLSource(origBioModelXML));
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException nfe) {
if (isSaveAsNew) {
User foceClearVersionUser = new User("foceClearVersionUser", new KeyValue("0"));
forceDeepDirtyIfForeign(foceClearVersionUser, bioModel);
} else {
throw new DataAccessException("Stored model has been changed or removed, please use 'Save As..'");
boolean bSomethingChanged = false;
// verify that there are no orphaned Simulations (that belonged to Applications that have null mathDescriptions ... incomplete mappings)
// the workspace is responsible for cleaning up Simulations
Simulation[] sims = bioModel.getSimulations();
SimulationContext[] scs = bioModel.getSimulationContexts();
for (int i = 0; sims != null && i < sims.length; i++) {
boolean bFound = false;
for (int j = 0; scs != null && j < scs.length; j++) {
if (scs[j].getMathDescription() == sims[i].getMathDescription()) {
bFound = true;
if (!bFound) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error: Simulation " + sims[i].getName() + " cannot be saved, no Application exists with same MathDescription");
// Image->Geometry
// Geometry->SimContext,MathDescription
// MathDescription->Simulation,SimulationContext
// Model->BioModel
// Simulation->BioModel
// SimContext->BioModel
// VCMetaData->BioModel
Simulation[] simArray = bioModel.getSimulations();
SimulationContext[] scArray = bioModel.getSimulationContexts();
// Hashtable mathEquivHash = new Hashtable();
long roundtripTimer = 0;
long l1 = 0;
long l2 = 0;
// for each image (anywhere in document):
// save if necessary (only once) and store saved instance in hashTable
Hashtable<Versionable, Versionable> memoryToDatabaseHash = new Hashtable<Versionable, Versionable>();
for (int i = 0; scArray != null && i < scArray.length; i++) {
VCImage memoryImage = scArray[i].getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getImage();
if (memoryImage != null) {
if (!memoryToDatabaseHash.containsKey(memoryImage)) {
// didn't evaluate this image yet.
// defaults to unchanged
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryImage, memoryImage);
if (memoryImage.getKey() != null && memoryImage.getVersion().getName().equals(memoryImage.getName())) {
// if image had previously been saved, not been forced 'dirty', and name not changed
// compare with original image to see if "update" is required.
VCImage databaseImage = null;
if (origBioModel != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < origBioModel.getNumSimulationContexts(); j++) {
VCImage origImage = origBioModel.getSimulationContext(j).getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getImage();
if (origImage != null && origImage.getKey().equals(memoryImage.getKey())) {
databaseImage = origImage;
if (databaseImage == null) {
// saved image not found in origBioModel (too bad), get from database.
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
databaseImage = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getVCImage(dbc, user, memoryImage.getKey(), false);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
if (databaseImage != null && !databaseImage.compareEqual(memoryImage)) {
KeyValue updatedImageKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().updateVersionable(user, memoryImage, false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
VCImage updatedImage = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getVCImage(dbc, user, updatedImageKey, false);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryImage, updatedImage);
bSomethingChanged = true;
} else {
// Image hasn't been saved, has been renamed, or has been forced 'dirty'
// insert it with a unique name
int count = 0;
while (dbServer.getDBTopLevel().isNameUsed(user, VersionableType.VCImage, memoryImage.getName(), true)) {
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
if (count++ > 5) {
throw new DataAccessException("failed to find unique image name '" + memoryImage.getName() + "' is last name tried");
KeyValue updatedImageKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().insertVersionable(user, memoryImage, memoryImage.getName(), false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
VCImage updatedImage = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getVCImage(dbc, user, updatedImageKey, false);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryImage, updatedImage);
bSomethingChanged = true;
for (int i = 0; scArray != null && i < scArray.length; i++) {
Geometry memoryGeometry = scArray[i].getGeometry();
if (!memoryToDatabaseHash.containsKey(memoryGeometry)) {
// didn't evaluate this geometry yet.
// defaults to unchanged
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryGeometry, memoryGeometry);
boolean bMustSaveGeometry = false;
VCImage geometryImage = memoryGeometry.getGeometrySpec().getImage();
if (geometryImage != null && memoryToDatabaseHash.get(geometryImage) != geometryImage) {
// image had changed and was saved, load saved image into geometry and force a save of this geometry.
memoryGeometry.getGeometrySpec().setImage((VCImage) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(geometryImage));
geometryImage = (VCImage) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(geometryImage);
bMustSaveGeometry = true;
if (memoryGeometry.getKey() != null && memoryGeometry.getVersion().getName().equals(memoryGeometry.getName())) {
if (!bMustSaveGeometry) {
// if geometry had previously been saved, not been forced 'dirty', and name not changed
// compare with original geometry to see if "update" is required.
Geometry databaseGeometry = null;
if (origBioModel != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < origBioModel.getNumSimulationContexts(); j++) {
Geometry origGeometry = origBioModel.getSimulationContext(j).getGeometry();
if (origGeometry != null && origGeometry.getKey().equals(memoryGeometry.getKey())) {
databaseGeometry = origGeometry;
if (databaseGeometry == null) {
// saved geometry not found in origBioModel (too bad), get from database.
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
databaseGeometry = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getGeometry(dbc, user, memoryGeometry.getKey(), false);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
if (databaseGeometry != null && !databaseGeometry.compareEqual(memoryGeometry)) {
bMustSaveGeometry = true;
if (!bMustSaveGeometry && memoryGeometry.getDimension() > 0) {
GeometrySurfaceDescription geomSurfDescr = memoryGeometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription();
SurfaceClass[] surfClassArr = geomSurfDescr.getSurfaceClasses();
for (int j = 0; surfClassArr != null && j < surfClassArr.length; j++) {
if (surfClassArr[j].getKey() == null) {
bMustSaveGeometry = true;
if (bMustSaveGeometry) {
KeyValue updatedImageKey = (geometryImage != null) ? (geometryImage.getKey()) : (null);
KeyValue updatedGeometryKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().updateVersionable(dbc, user, memoryGeometry, updatedImageKey, false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Geometry updatedGeometry = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getGeometry(dbc, user, updatedGeometryKey, false);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryGeometry, updatedGeometry);
bSomethingChanged = true;
} else {
// Geometry hasn't been saved, has been renamed, or has been forced 'dirty'
// insert it with a unique name
int count = 0;
while (dbServer.getDBTopLevel().isNameUsed(user, VersionableType.Geometry, memoryGeometry.getName(), true)) {
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
if (count++ > 5) {
throw new DataAccessException("failed to find unique geometry name '" + memoryGeometry.getName() + "' is last name tried");
KeyValue updatedImageKey = (geometryImage != null) ? (geometryImage.getKey()) : (null);
KeyValue updatedGeometryKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().insertVersionable(dbc, user, memoryGeometry, updatedImageKey, memoryGeometry.getName(), false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Geometry updatedGeometry = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getGeometry(dbc, user, updatedGeometryKey, false);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryGeometry, updatedGeometry);
bSomethingChanged = true;
// for each MathDescription in document:
// substitute saved geometry's into SimulationContext and
// save SimulationContext if necessary (only once) and store saved instance in hashtable.
Hashtable<MathDescription, MathCompareResults> mathEquivalencyHash = new Hashtable<MathDescription, MathCompareResults>();
for (int i = 0; scArray != null && i < scArray.length; i++) {
MathDescription memoryMathDescription = scArray[i].getMathDescription();
if (!memoryToDatabaseHash.containsKey(memoryMathDescription)) {
// didn't evaluate this SimulationContext yet.
// defaults to unchanged
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryMathDescription, memoryMathDescription);
boolean bMustSaveMathDescription = false;
Geometry scGeometry = memoryMathDescription.getGeometry();
if (scGeometry != null && memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scGeometry) != scGeometry) {
// geometry had changed and was saved, load saved geometry into SimulationContext (and it's MathDescription) and force a save of this SimulationContext.
memoryMathDescription.setGeometry((Geometry) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scGeometry));
bMustSaveMathDescription = true;
MathDescription databaseMathDescription = null;
if (memoryMathDescription.getKey() != null) {
if (origBioModel != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < origBioModel.getNumSimulationContexts(); j++) {
MathDescription math = origBioModel.getSimulationContext(j).getMathDescription();
if (math.getKey().equals(memoryMathDescription.getKey())) {
databaseMathDescription = math;
if (databaseMathDescription == null) {
// saved mathDescription not found in origBioModel (too bad), get from database.
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
databaseMathDescription = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getMathDescription(dbc, user, memoryMathDescription.getKey());
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
if (databaseMathDescription != null && !databaseMathDescription.compareEqual(memoryMathDescription)) {
bMustSaveMathDescription = true;
} else {
bMustSaveMathDescription = true;
if (bMustSaveMathDescription) {
MathCompareResults mathCompareResults = null;
if (databaseMathDescription != null) {
try {
mathCompareResults = MathDescription.testEquivalency(SimulationSymbolTable.createMathSymbolTableFactory(), memoryMathDescription, databaseMathDescription);
if (mathCompareResults != null && !mathCompareResults.isEquivalent() && (mathCompareResults.decision.equals(Decision.MathDifferent_DIFFERENT_NUMBER_OF_VARIABLES) || mathCompareResults.decision.equals(Decision.MathDifferent_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND_AS_FUNCTION))) {
// if there is a different number of variables or cannot find variables by name (even considering change of state variables)
// then try the VCell 4.8 generated math.
MathDescription mathDesc_4_8 = new MathMapping_4_8(scArray[i]).getMathDescription();
mathCompareResults = MathDescription.testEquivalency(SimulationSymbolTable.createMathSymbolTableFactory(), mathDesc_4_8, databaseMathDescription);
} catch (Exception e) {
mathCompareResults = new MathCompareResults(Decision.MathDifferent_FAILURE_UNKNOWN, "Exception: '" + e.getMessage() + "'");
try {
System.out.println("MemoryMathDescription:\n" + ((memoryMathDescription != null) ? (memoryMathDescription.getVCML_database()) : ("null")));
System.out.println("DatabaseMathDescription:\n" + ((databaseMathDescription != null) ? (databaseMathDescription.getVCML_database()) : ("null")));
} catch (Exception e2) {
System.out.println("couldn't print math descriptions");
} else {
mathCompareResults = new MathCompareResults(Decision.MathDifferent_NOT_SAVED);
// MathDescription hasn't been saved, has been renamed, or has been forced 'dirty'
// insert it with a any name (doens't have to be unique ... mathDescription is not a top-level versionable).
KeyValue updatedGeometryKey = memoryMathDescription.getGeometry().getKey();
KeyValue updatedMathDescriptionKey = null;
if (memoryMathDescription.getVersion() != null && memoryMathDescription.getVersion().getName().equals(memoryMathDescription.getName())) {
updatedMathDescriptionKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().updateVersionable(user, memoryMathDescription, updatedGeometryKey, false, true);
} else {
updatedMathDescriptionKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().insertVersionable(user, memoryMathDescription, updatedGeometryKey, memoryMathDescription.getName(), false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
MathDescription updatedMathDescription = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getMathDescription(dbc, user, updatedMathDescriptionKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryMathDescription, updatedMathDescription);
mathEquivalencyHash.put(updatedMathDescription, mathCompareResults);
bSomethingChanged = true;
} else {
mathEquivalencyHash.put(memoryMathDescription, new MathCompareResults(Decision.MathEquivalent_SAME_MATHDESC_AS_IN_DB));
// update physiology
Model memoryModel = bioModel.getModel();
// preload with unchanged.
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryModel, memoryModel);
if (memoryModel.getKey() != null && memoryModel.getVersion().getName().equals(memoryModel.getName())) {
// if Model had previously been saved, not been forced 'dirty', and name not changed
// compare with original Model to see if "update" is required.
Model databaseModel = null;
if (origBioModel != null) {
if (origBioModel.getModel().getKey().equals(memoryModel.getKey())) {
databaseModel = origBioModel.getModel();
if (databaseModel == null) {
// saved model not found in origBioModel (too bad), get from database.
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
databaseModel = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getModel(dbc, user, memoryModel.getKey());
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
if (databaseModel != null && !databaseModel.compareEqual(memoryModel)) {
KeyValue updatedModelKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().updateVersionable(user, memoryModel, false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Model updatedModel = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getModel(dbc, user, updatedModelKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryModel, updatedModel);
bSomethingChanged = true;
} else {
// Model hasn't been saved, has been renamed, or has been forced 'dirty'
// insert it with a any name (doens't have to be unique ... mathDescription is not a top-level versionable).
KeyValue updatedModelKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().insertVersionable(user, memoryModel, memoryModel.getName(), false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Model updatedModel = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getModel(dbc, user, updatedModelKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memoryModel, updatedModel);
bSomethingChanged = true;
for (int i = 0; scArray != null && i < scArray.length; i++) {
SimulationContext memorySimContext = scArray[i];
if (!memoryToDatabaseHash.containsKey(memorySimContext)) {
// didn't evaluate this SimulationContext yet.
// defaults to unchanged
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memorySimContext, memorySimContext);
boolean bMustSaveSimContext = false;
Geometry scGeometry = memorySimContext.getGeometry();
if (scGeometry != null && memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scGeometry) != scGeometry) {
// geometry had changed and was saved, load saved geometry into SimulationContext (and force a save)
memorySimContext.setGeometry((Geometry) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scGeometry));
bMustSaveSimContext = true;
MathDescription scMathDescription = memorySimContext.getMathDescription();
if (scMathDescription != null && memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scMathDescription) != scMathDescription) {
// mathDescription had changed and was saved, load saved mathDescription into SimulationContext (and force a save)
memorySimContext.setMathDescription((MathDescription) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scMathDescription));
bMustSaveSimContext = true;
Model scModel = memorySimContext.getModel();
if (scModel != null && memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scModel) != scModel) {
// model had changed and was saved, load saved model into SimulationContext (and force a save)
memorySimContext.setModel((Model) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(scModel));
bMustSaveSimContext = true;
if (memorySimContext.getKey() != null && memorySimContext.getVersion().getName().equals(memorySimContext.getName())) {
if (!bMustSaveSimContext) {
// if SimulationContext had previously been saved, not been forced 'dirty', and name not changed
// compare with original SimulationContext to see if "update" is required.
SimulationContext databaseSimContext = null;
if (origBioModel != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < origBioModel.getNumSimulationContexts(); j++) {
if (origBioModel.getSimulationContext(j).getKey().equals(memorySimContext.getKey())) {
databaseSimContext = origBioModel.getSimulationContext(j);
if (databaseSimContext == null) {
// saved geometry not found in origBioModel (too bad), get from database.
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
databaseSimContext = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getSimulationContext(dbc, user, memorySimContext.getKey());
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
if (databaseSimContext != null && !databaseSimContext.compareEqual(memorySimContext)) {
bMustSaveSimContext = true;
if (bMustSaveSimContext) {
KeyValue updatedGeometryKey = memorySimContext.getGeometry().getKey();
KeyValue updatedMathDescriptionKey = memorySimContext.getMathDescription().getKey();
Model updatedModel = memorySimContext.getModel();
KeyValue updatedSimContextKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().updateVersionable(user, memorySimContext, updatedMathDescriptionKey, updatedModel, updatedGeometryKey, false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
SimulationContext updatedSimContext = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getSimulationContext(dbc, user, updatedSimContextKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
// make sure mathDescription is a single reference (for this app and all of it's Simulations).
updatedSimContext.setMathDescription((MathDescription) memorySimContext.getMathDescription());
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memorySimContext, updatedSimContext);
bSomethingChanged = true;
} else {
// SimulationContext hasn't been saved, has been renamed, or has been forced 'dirty'
KeyValue updatedGeometryKey = memorySimContext.getGeometry().getKey();
KeyValue updatedMathDescriptionKey = memorySimContext.getMathDescription().getKey();
Model updatedModel = memorySimContext.getModel();
KeyValue updatedSimContextKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().insertVersionable(user, memorySimContext, updatedMathDescriptionKey, updatedModel, updatedGeometryKey, memorySimContext.getName(), false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
SimulationContext updatedSimContext = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getSimulationContext(dbc, user, updatedSimContextKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
// make sure mathDescription is a single reference (for this app and all of it's Simulations).
updatedSimContext.setMathDescription((MathDescription) memorySimContext.getMathDescription());
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memorySimContext, updatedSimContext);
bSomethingChanged = true;
for (int i = 0; simArray != null && i < simArray.length; i++) {
Simulation memorySimulation = simArray[i];
if (!memoryToDatabaseHash.containsKey(memorySimulation)) {
// didn't evaluate this Simulation yet.
// defaults to unchanged
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memorySimulation, memorySimulation);
boolean bMustSaveSimulation = false;
MathDescription simMathDescription = memorySimulation.getMathDescription();
if (simMathDescription != null && memoryToDatabaseHash.get(simMathDescription) != simMathDescription) {
if (memoryToDatabaseHash.get(simMathDescription) != null) {
// make sure mathDescription hasn't already propagated (newer math won't be in hashtable)
// mathDescription had changed and was saved, load saved mathDescription into Simulation (and force a save)
memorySimulation.setMathDescription((MathDescription) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(simMathDescription));
bMustSaveSimulation = true;
Simulation databaseSimulation = null;
if (memorySimulation.getKey() != null) {
if (origBioModel != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < origBioModel.getNumSimulations(); j++) {
if (origBioModel.getSimulation(j).getKey().equals(memorySimulation.getKey())) {
databaseSimulation = origBioModel.getSimulation(j);
if (databaseSimulation == null) {
// saved simulation not found in origBioModel (too bad), get from database.
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
databaseSimulation = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getSimulation(dbc, user, memorySimulation.getKey());
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
if (databaseSimulation != null) {
if (!memorySimulation.compareEqual(databaseSimulation)) {
bMustSaveSimulation = true;
if (!memorySimulation.getVersion().getName().equals(memorySimulation.getName())) {
// name was changed.
bMustSaveSimulation = true;
} else {
// never been saved.
bMustSaveSimulation = true;
if (bMustSaveSimulation) {
boolean bMathematicallyEquivalent = false;
if (databaseSimulation != null) {
// if to be forced "independent", then set equivalent to false
boolean bForceIndependent = false;
for (int j = 0; independentSims != null && j < independentSims.length; j++) {
if (independentSims[j].equals(memorySimulation.getName())) {
bForceIndependent = true;
// check for math equivalency first
MathCompareResults mathCompareResults = mathEquivalencyHash.get(memorySimulation.getMathDescription());
bMathematicallyEquivalent = !bForceIndependent && Simulation.testEquivalency(memorySimulation, databaseSimulation, mathCompareResults);
if (bMathematicallyEquivalent) {
VCSimulationIdentifier vcSimulationIdentifier = databaseSimulation.getSimulationInfo().getAuthoritativeVCSimulationIdentifier();
SimulationStatusPersistent simStatus = dbServer.getSimulationStatus(vcSimulationIdentifier.getSimulationKey());
if (simStatus == null || !simStatus.getHasData()) {
bMathematicallyEquivalent = false;
KeyValue updatedMathDescriptionKey = memorySimulation.getMathDescription().getKey();
KeyValue updatedSimulationKey = null;
if (memorySimulation.getKey() != null && memorySimulation.getVersion().getName().equals(memorySimulation.getName())) {
// name not changed, update simulation (but pass in database Simulation to check for parent-equivalence)
updatedSimulationKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().updateVersionable(user, memorySimulation, updatedMathDescriptionKey, false, bMathematicallyEquivalent, true);
} else {
// name changed, insert simulation (but pass in database Simulation to check for parent-equivalence)
updatedSimulationKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().insertVersionable(user, memorySimulation, updatedMathDescriptionKey, memorySimulation.getName(), false, bMathematicallyEquivalent, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Simulation updatedSimulation = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getSimulation(dbc, user, updatedSimulationKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
// make sure mathDescription is a single reference (for an app and all of it's Simulations).
updatedSimulation.setMathDescription((MathDescription) memorySimulation.getMathDescription());
memoryToDatabaseHash.put(memorySimulation, updatedSimulation);
bSomethingChanged = true;
boolean bMustSaveVCMetaData = false;
if (origBioModel != null) {
// for the VCMetaData in the document:
// save VCMetaData if necessary (only once) and store saved instance in hashtable.
// The persisted VCMetaData doesn't have any foreign keys
// (when annotating a simulation ... we don't point to the simulation,
// we use the text-based VCID that is stored in URIBindingList in the XML serialization
// Therefore, there are no additional dependencies that we have to update during the
// incremental save and force propagation to save the VCMetaData.
VCMetaData memoryVCMetaData = bioModel.getVCMetaData();
VCMetaData databaseVCMetaData = origBioModel.getVCMetaData();
if (databaseVCMetaData == null || !databaseVCMetaData.compareEquals(memoryVCMetaData)) {
bMustSaveVCMetaData = true;
bSomethingChanged = true;
if (bSomethingChanged || origBioModel == null || !bioModel.compareEqual(origBioModel)) {
// create new BioModelMetaData and save to server
KeyValue modelKey = ((Model) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(bioModel.getModel())).getKey();
KeyValue[] scKeys = new KeyValue[bioModel.getNumSimulationContexts()];
for (int i = 0; i < bioModel.getNumSimulationContexts(); i++) {
scKeys[i] = ((SimulationContext) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(bioModel.getSimulationContext(i))).getKey();
KeyValue[] simKeys = new KeyValue[bioModel.getNumSimulations()];
for (int i = 0; i < bioModel.getNumSimulations(); i++) {
simKeys[i] = ((Simulation) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(bioModel.getSimulation(i))).getKey();
// @TODO Add VC_METADATA table ... pointed to by VC_BIOMODEL (metadataref on delete cascade)
// @TODO Write script to populate VC_METADATA from VC_MIRIAM
// @TODO save VCMetaData from this BioModel into VC_METADATA .. stick in memoryToDatabaseHash
BioModelMetaData bioModelMetaData = null;
String vcMetaDataXML = XmlHelper.vcMetaDataToXML(bioModel.getVCMetaData(), bioModel);
if (oldVersion == null) {
bioModelMetaData = new BioModelMetaData(modelKey, scKeys, simKeys, vcMetaDataXML, bioModel.getName(), bioModel.getDescription());
} else {
bioModelMetaData = new BioModelMetaData(oldVersion, modelKey, scKeys, simKeys, vcMetaDataXML);
if (!bioModel.getDescription().equals(oldVersion.getAnnot())) {
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
// bioModelMetaData.setMIRIAMAnnotation(bioModel.getMIRIAMAnnotation());
BioModelMetaData updatedBioModelMetaData = null;
if (bioModel.getVersion() == null || !bioModel.getVersion().getName().equals(bioModel.getName())) {
KeyValue updatedBioModelKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().insertVersionable(user, bioModelMetaData, null, /*hack*/
bioModel.getName(), false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
updatedBioModelMetaData = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getBioModelMetaData(dbc, user, updatedBioModelKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
} else {
KeyValue updatedBioModelKey = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().updateVersionable(user, bioModelMetaData, null, /*hack*/
false, true);
l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
updatedBioModelMetaData = dbServer.getDBTopLevel().getBioModelMetaData(dbc, user, updatedBioModelKey);
l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
roundtripTimer += l2 - l1;
// bioModelXML = getBioModelXML(user,updatedBioModelMetaData.getVersion().getVersionKey());
BioModel updatedBioModel = new BioModel(updatedBioModelMetaData.getVersion());
// updatedBioModel.setMIRIAMAnnotation(updatedBioModelMetaData.getMIRIAMAnnotation());
updatedBioModel.setModel((Model) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(bioModel.getModel()));
for (int i = 0; i < bioModel.getNumSimulationContexts(); i++) {
updatedBioModel.addSimulationContext((SimulationContext) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(bioModel.getSimulationContext(i)));
for (int i = 0; i < bioModel.getNumSimulations(); i++) {
updatedBioModel.addSimulation((Simulation) memoryToDatabaseHash.get(bioModel.getSimulation(i)));
updatedBioModel.setVCMetaData(XmlHelper.xmlToVCMetaData(updatedBioModel.getVCMetaData(), updatedBioModel, vcMetaDataXML));
// TODO must replace this with proper persistance.
bioModelXML = cbit.vcell.xml.XmlHelper.bioModelToXML(updatedBioModel);
dbServer.insertVersionableChildSummary(user, VersionableType.BioModelMetaData, updatedBioModel.getVersion().getVersionKey(), updatedBioModel.createBioModelChildSummary().toDatabaseSerialization());
dbServer.insertVersionableXML(user, VersionableType.BioModelMetaData, updatedBioModel.getVersion().getVersionKey(), bioModelXML);
System.out.println("------------------------------> Total time: " + ((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)) / 1000);
System.out.println("------------------------------> Time spent on roundtrip: " + ((double) roundtripTimer) / 1000);
return bioModelXML;
} else {
System.out.println("------------------------------> Total time: " + ((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)) / 1000);
System.out.println("------------------------------> Time spent on roundtrip: " + ((double) roundtripTimer) / 1000);
return bioModelXML;