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Example 46 with ReactionStep

use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SBMLImporter method addReactions.

 * addReactions:
protected void addReactions(VCMetaData metaData, Map<String, String> vcToSbmlNameMap, Map<String, String> sbmlToVcNameMap) {
    if (sbmlModel == null) {
        throw new SBMLImportException("SBML model is NULL");
    ListOf<Reaction> reactions = sbmlModel.getListOfReactions();
    final int numReactions = reactions.size();
    if (numReactions == 0) {"No Reactions");
    // all reactions
    ArrayList<ReactionStep> vcReactionList = new ArrayList<>();
    // just the fast ones
    ArrayList<ReactionStep> fastReactionList = new ArrayList<>();
    Model vcModel = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel();
    ModelUnitSystem vcModelUnitSystem = vcModel.getUnitSystem();
    SpeciesContext[] vcSpeciesContexts = vcModel.getSpeciesContexts();
    try {
        for (Reaction sbmlRxn : reactions) {
            ReactionStep vcReaction = null;
            String rxnSbmlId = sbmlRxn.getId();
            String rxnSbmlName = sbmlRxn.getName();
            if (isRestrictedXYZT(rxnSbmlId)) {
                // simply rename any x,y,z reaction if non-spatial model
                rxnSbmlId = "r_" + rxnSbmlId;
                vcToSbmlNameMap.put(rxnSbmlId, sbmlRxn.getId());
                sbmlToVcNameMap.put(sbmlRxn.getId(), rxnSbmlId);
            boolean bReversible = true;
            if (sbmlRxn.isSetReversible()) {
                bReversible = sbmlRxn.getReversible();
            // Check of reaction annotation is present; if so, does it have
            // an embedded element (flux or simpleRxn).
            // Create a fluxReaction or simpleReaction accordingly.
            Element sbmlImportRelatedElement = sbmlAnnotationUtil.readVCellSpecificAnnotation(sbmlRxn);
            Structure reactionStructure = getReactionStructure(sbmlRxn, vcSpeciesContexts, sbmlImportRelatedElement);
            if (sbmlImportRelatedElement != null) {
                Element embeddedRxnElement = getEmbeddedElementInAnnotation(sbmlImportRelatedElement, REACTION);
                if (embeddedRxnElement != null) {
                    if (embeddedRxnElement.getName().equals(XMLTags.FluxStepTag)) {
                        // If embedded element is a flux reaction, set flux
                        // reaction's strucure, flux carrier, physicsOption
                        // from the element attributes.
                        String structName = embeddedRxnElement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.StructureAttrTag);
                        CastInfo<Membrane> ci = SBMLHelper.getTypedStructure(Membrane.class, vcModel, structName);
                        if (!ci.isGood()) {
                            throw new SBMLImportException("Appears that the flux reaction is occuring on " + ci.actualName() + ", not a membrane.");
                        vcReaction = new FluxReaction(vcModel, ci.get(), null, rxnSbmlId, bReversible);
                        // Set the fluxOption on the flux reaction based on
                        // whether it is molecular, molecular & electrical,
                        // electrical.
                        String fluxOptionStr = embeddedRxnElement.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.FluxOptionAttrTag);
                        if (fluxOptionStr.equals(XMLTags.FluxOptionMolecularOnly)) {
                            ((FluxReaction) vcReaction).setPhysicsOptions(ReactionStep.PHYSICS_MOLECULAR_ONLY);
                        } else if (fluxOptionStr.equals(XMLTags.FluxOptionMolecularAndElectrical)) {
                            ((FluxReaction) vcReaction).setPhysicsOptions(ReactionStep.PHYSICS_MOLECULAR_AND_ELECTRICAL);
                        } else if (fluxOptionStr.equals(XMLTags.FluxOptionElectricalOnly)) {
                            ((FluxReaction) vcReaction).setPhysicsOptions(ReactionStep.PHYSICS_ELECTRICAL_ONLY);
                        } else {
                            localIssueList.add(new Issue(vcReaction, issueContext, IssueCategory.SBMLImport_Reaction, "Unknown FluxOption : " + fluxOptionStr + " for SBML reaction : " + rxnSbmlId, Issue.SEVERITY_WARNING));
                        // logger.sendMessage(VCLogger.Priority.MediumPriority,
                        // VCLogger.ErrorType.ReactionError,
                        // "Unknown FluxOption : " + fluxOptionStr +
                        // " for SBML reaction : " + rxnName);
                    } else if (embeddedRxnElement.getName().equals(XMLTags.SimpleReactionTag)) {
                        // if embedded element is a simple reaction, set
                        // simple reaction's structure from element attributes
                        vcReaction = new SimpleReaction(vcModel, reactionStructure, rxnSbmlId, bReversible);
                } else {
                    vcReaction = new SimpleReaction(vcModel, reactionStructure, rxnSbmlId, bReversible);
            } else {
                vcReaction = new SimpleReaction(vcModel, reactionStructure, rxnSbmlId, bReversible);
            if (rxnSbmlName != null && !rxnSbmlName.isEmpty()) {
            // set annotations and notes on vcReactions[i]
            sbmlAnnotationUtil.readAnnotation(vcReaction, sbmlRxn);
            sbmlAnnotationUtil.readNotes(vcReaction, sbmlRxn);
            // the limit on the reactionName length.
            if (rxnSbmlId.length() > 64) {
                String freeTextAnnotation = metaData.getFreeTextAnnotation(vcReaction);
                if (freeTextAnnotation == null) {
                    freeTextAnnotation = "";
                StringBuffer oldRxnAnnotation = new StringBuffer(freeTextAnnotation);
                oldRxnAnnotation.append("\n\n" + rxnSbmlId);
                metaData.setFreeTextAnnotation(vcReaction, oldRxnAnnotation.toString());
            // Now add the reactants, products, modifiers as specified by
            // the sbmlRxn
            addReactionParticipants(sbmlRxn, vcReaction, sbmlToVcNameMap);
            KineticLaw kLaw = sbmlRxn.getKineticLaw();
            Kinetics kinetics = null;
            if (kLaw != null) {
                // Convert the formula from kineticLaw into MathML and then
                // to an expression (infix) to be used in VCell kinetics
                ASTNode sbmlRateMath = kLaw.getMath();
                Expression kLawRateExpr = getExpressionFromFormula(sbmlRateMath);
                // we don't need to make sure it's not spatial here, we checked before renaming the variables
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sbmlToVcNameMap.entrySet()) {
                    String sbmlName = entry.getKey();
                    String vcName = entry.getValue();
                    kLawRateExpr.substituteInPlace(new Expression(sbmlName), new Expression(vcName));
                Expression vcRateExpression = new Expression(kLawRateExpr);
                // modifier (catalyst) to the reaction.
                for (int k = 0; k < vcSpeciesContexts.length; k++) {
                    SpeciesContext sc = vcSpeciesContexts[k];
                    if (vcRateExpression.hasSymbol(sc.getName())) {
                        ReactionParticipant r = vcReaction.getReactant(sc.getName());
                        ReactionParticipant p = vcReaction.getProduct(sc.getName());
                        ReactionParticipant c = vcReaction.getCatalyst(sc.getName());
                        if ((r == null) && (p == null) && (c == null)) {
                            // This means that the speciesContext is not a
                            // reactant, product or modifier : it has to be
                            // added to the VC Rxn as a catalyst
                // set kinetics on VCell reaction
                if (bSpatial) {
                    // if spatial SBML ('isSpatial' attribute set), create
                    // DistributedKinetics)
                    SpatialReactionPlugin ssrplugin = (SpatialReactionPlugin) sbmlRxn.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
                    // (a) the requiredElements attributes should be 'spatial'
                    if (ssrplugin != null && ssrplugin.getIsLocal()) {
                        kinetics = new GeneralKinetics(vcReaction);
                    } else {
                        kinetics = new GeneralLumpedKinetics(vcReaction);
                } else {
                    kinetics = new GeneralLumpedKinetics(vcReaction);
                // set kinetics on vcReaction
                // If the name of the rate parameter has been changed by
                // user, or matches with global/local param, it has to be changed.
                resolveRxnParameterNameConflicts(sbmlRxn, kinetics, sbmlImportRelatedElement);
                 * Now, based on the kinetic law expression, see if the rate
                 * is expressed in concentration/time or substance/time : If
                 * the compartment_id of the compartment corresponding to
                 * the structure in which the reaction takes place occurs in
                 * the rate law expression, it is in concentration/time;
                 * divide it by the compartment size and bring in the rate
                 * law as 'Distributed' kinetics. If not, the rate law is in
                 * substance/time; bring it in (as is) as 'Lumped' kinetics.
                ListOf<LocalParameter> localParameters = kLaw.getListOfLocalParameters();
                for (LocalParameter p : localParameters) {
                    String paramName = p.getId();
                    KineticsParameter kineticsParameter = kinetics.getKineticsParameter(paramName);
                    if (kineticsParameter == null) {
                        // add unresolved for now to prevent errors in kinetics.setParameterValue(kp,vcRateExpression) below
                KineticsParameter kp = kinetics.getAuthoritativeParameter();
                if (lg.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    lg.debug("Setting " + kp.getName() + ":  " + vcRateExpression.infix());
                kinetics.setParameterValue(kp, vcRateExpression);
                // If there are any global parameters used in the kinetics,
                // and if they have species,
                // check if the species are already reactionParticipants in
                // the reaction. If not, add them as catalysts.
                KineticsProxyParameter[] kpps = kinetics.getProxyParameters();
                for (int j = 0; j < kpps.length; j++) {
                    if (kpps[j].getTarget() instanceof ModelParameter) {
                        ModelParameter mp = (ModelParameter) kpps[j].getTarget();
                        HashSet<String> refSpeciesNameHash = new HashSet<String>();
                        getReferencedSpeciesInExpr(mp.getExpression(), refSpeciesNameHash);
                        java.util.Iterator<String> refSpIterator = refSpeciesNameHash.iterator();
                        while (refSpIterator.hasNext()) {
                            String spName =;
                            org.sbml.jsbml.Species sp = sbmlModel.getSpecies(spName);
                            String spId = sp.getId();
                            String vcSpeciesName = spId;
                            if (sbmlToVcNameMap.get(spId) != null) {
                                vcSpeciesName = sbmlToVcNameMap.get(spId);
                            ArrayList<ReactionParticipant> rpArray = getVCReactionParticipantsFromSymbol(vcReaction, vcSpeciesName);
                            if (rpArray == null || rpArray.size() == 0) {
                                // This means that the speciesContext is not a reactant,
                                // product or modifier : it has to be added as a catalyst
                // model - local params cannot be defined by rules.
                for (LocalParameter param : localParameters) {
                    String paramName = param.getId();
                    Expression exp = new Expression(param.getValue());
                    String unitString = param.getUnits();
                    VCUnitDefinition paramUnit = sbmlUnitIdentifierHash.get(unitString);
                    if (paramUnit == null) {
                        paramUnit = vcModelUnitSystem.getInstance_TBD();
                    // check if sbml local param is in kinetic params list;
                    // if so, add its value.
                    boolean lpSet = false;
                    KineticsParameter kineticsParameter = kinetics.getKineticsParameter(paramName);
                    if (kineticsParameter != null) {
                        if (lg.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            lg.debug("Setting local " + kineticsParameter.getName() + ":  " + exp.infix());
                        lpSet = true;
                    } else {
                        UnresolvedParameter ur = kinetics.getUnresolvedParameter(paramName);
                        if (ur != null) {
                            kinetics.addUserDefinedKineticsParameter(paramName, exp, paramUnit);
                            lpSet = true;
                    if (!lpSet) {
                        // check if it is a proxy parameter (specifically,
                        // speciesContext or model parameter (structureSize
                        // too)).
                        KineticsProxyParameter kpp = kinetics.getProxyParameter(paramName);
                        // and units to local param values
                        if (kpp != null && kpp.getTarget() instanceof ModelParameter) {
                            kinetics.convertParameterType(kpp, false);
                            kineticsParameter = kinetics.getKineticsParameter(paramName);
                            kinetics.setParameterValue(kineticsParameter, exp);
            } else {
                // sbmlKLaw was null, so creating a GeneralKinetics with 0.0
                // as rate.
                kinetics = new GeneralKinetics(vcReaction);
            // end - if-else KLaw != null
            // set the reaction kinetics, and add reaction to the vcell
            // model.
            // System.out.println("ADDED SBML REACTION : \"" + rxnName +
            // "\" to VCModel");
            if (sbmlRxn.isSetFast() && sbmlRxn.getFast()) {
        // end - for vcReactions
        ReactionStep[] array = vcReactionList.toArray(new ReactionStep[vcReactionList.size()]);
        final ReactionContext rc = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getReactionContext();
        for (ReactionStep frs : fastReactionList) {
            final ReactionSpec rs = rc.getReactionSpec(frs);
    } catch (ModelPropertyVetoException mpve) {
        throw new SBMLImportException(mpve.getMessage(), mpve);
    } catch (Exception e1) {
        throw new SBMLImportException(e1.getMessage(), e1);
Also used : Issue(org.vcell.util.Issue) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FluxReaction(cbit.vcell.model.FluxReaction) SpeciesContext(cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext) GeneralKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.GeneralKinetics) KineticsParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics.KineticsParameter) ReactionContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.ReactionContext) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) KineticsProxyParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics.KineticsProxyParameter) ReactionSpec(cbit.vcell.mapping.ReactionSpec) ModelPropertyVetoException(cbit.vcell.model.ModelPropertyVetoException) ModelParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter) VCUnitDefinition(cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition) ReactionStep(cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep) Kinetics(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics) DistributedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.DistributedKinetics) GeneralKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.GeneralKinetics) GeneralLumpedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.GeneralLumpedKinetics) LumpedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.LumpedKinetics) KineticLaw(org.sbml.jsbml.KineticLaw) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ReactionParticipant(cbit.vcell.model.ReactionParticipant) Element(org.jdom.Element) UnresolvedParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics.UnresolvedParameter) GeneralLumpedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.GeneralLumpedKinetics) ASTNode(org.sbml.jsbml.ASTNode) Membrane(cbit.vcell.model.Membrane) Structure(cbit.vcell.model.Structure) ModelUnitSystem(cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem) SpatialReactionPlugin(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.SpatialReactionPlugin) SimpleReaction(cbit.vcell.model.SimpleReaction) Reaction(org.sbml.jsbml.Reaction) SimpleReaction(cbit.vcell.model.SimpleReaction) FluxReaction(cbit.vcell.model.FluxReaction) InteriorPoint(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.InteriorPoint) XMLStreamException( SbmlException(org.vcell.sbml.SbmlException) XmlParseException(cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException) IOException( PropertyVetoException(java.beans.PropertyVetoException) DivideByZeroException(cbit.vcell.parser.DivideByZeroException) SBMLException(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException) ExpressionBindingException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionBindingException) ModelPropertyVetoException(cbit.vcell.model.ModelPropertyVetoException) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) LocalParameter(org.sbml.jsbml.LocalParameter) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) Model(cbit.vcell.model.Model) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel)

Example 47 with ReactionStep

use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SBMLImporter method getBioModel.

// /**
// * @ TODO: This method doesn't take care of adjusting species in nested
// parameter rules with the species_concetration_factor.
// * @param kinetics
// * @param paramExpr
// * @throws ExpressionException
// */
// private void substituteOtherGlobalParams(Kinetics kinetics, Expression
// paramExpr) throws ExpressionException, PropertyVetoException {
// String[] exprSymbols = paramExpr.getSymbols();
// if (exprSymbols == null || exprSymbols.length == 0) {
// return;
// }
// Model vcModel = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel();
// for (int kk = 0; kk < exprSymbols.length; kk++) {
// ModelParameter mp = vcModel.getModelParameter(exprSymbols[kk]);
// if (mp != null) {
// Expression expr = mp.getExpression();
// if (expr != null) {
// Expression newExpr = new Expression(expr);
// substituteGlobalParamRulesInPlace(newExpr, false);
// // param has constant value, add it as a kinetic parameter if it is not
// already in the kinetics
// kinetics.setParameterValue(exprSymbols[kk], newExpr.infix());
// kinetics.getKineticsParameter(exprSymbols[kk]).setUnitDefinition(getSBMLUnit(sbmlModel.getParameter(exprSymbols[kk]).getUnits(),
// null));
// if (newExpr.getSymbols() != null) {
// substituteOtherGlobalParams(kinetics, newExpr);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
 * parse SBML file into biomodel logs errors to log4j if present in source
 * document
 * @return new Biomodel
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws XMLStreamException
public BioModel getBioModel() throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
    if (sbmlFileName == null && sbmlModel == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Expected non-null SBML model");
    SBMLDocument document;
    String defaultErrorPrefix = "Unable to read SBML file";
    if (sbmlFileName != null) {
        try {
            // Read SBML model into libSBML SBMLDocument and create an SBML model
            List<String> readLines = FileUtils.readLines(new File(sbmlFileName), Charset.defaultCharset());
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            // throws NPE when "<sbml ... xmlns:render... " is defined in input document
            for (String line : readLines) {
                String str = "xmlns:render=\"\"";
                int indexOf = line.indexOf(str);
                if (indexOf != -1) {
                    line = line.substring(0, indexOf - 1) + line.substring(indexOf + str.length());
                str = "render:required=\"false\"";
                indexOf = line.indexOf(str);
                if (indexOf != -1) {
                    line = line.substring(0, indexOf - 1) + line.substring(indexOf + str.length());
                sb.append(line + "\n");
            SBMLReader reader = new SBMLReader();
            document = reader.readSBMLFromString(sb.toString());
            // check for VCell origin
            String topNotes = document.getNotesString();
            if (topNotes != null && topNotes.contains("VCell")) {
                isFromVCell = true;
            // document.checkConsistencyOffline();
            // long numProblems = document.getNumErrors();
            // System.out.println("\n\nSBML Import Error Report");
            // ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            // PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os);
            // document.printErrors(ps);
            // String output = os.toString();
            // if (numProblems > 0 && lg.isEnabledFor(Level.WARN)) {
            // lg.warn("Num problems in original SBML document : " + numProblems);
            // lg.warn(output);
            // }
            sbmlModel = document.getModel();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SBMLImportException(defaultErrorPrefix + ": \n" + sbmlFileName, e);
        if (sbmlModel == null) {
            throw new SBMLImportException(defaultErrorPrefix + ": \n" + sbmlFileName);
    } else {
        // sbmlModel != null
        try {
            document = sbmlModel.getSBMLDocument();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SBMLImportException(defaultErrorPrefix + ".\n", e);
    if (document == null) {
        throw new SBMLImportException(defaultErrorPrefix + ".\n");
    int numPackages = 0;
    String msgPackages = "";
    try {
        boolean b = document.getPackageRequired("comp");
        if (document.isPackageEnabled("comp")) {
            msgPackages += "'comp', ";
            CompSBMLDocumentPlugin cdp = null;
            CompModelPlugin cmp = null;
            CompSBasePlugin csp = null;
            CompFlatteningConverter ccc = null;
        if (document.isPackageEnabled("fbc")) {
            msgPackages += "'fbc', ";
        if (document.isPackageEnabled("multi")) {
            msgPackages += "'multi', ";
        if (document.isPackageEnabled("qual")) {
            msgPackages += "'qual', ";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to check the SBML file package requirements.");
    String ext = "extension";
    String is = "is";
    String has = "has";
    if (numPackages > 0) {
        if (numPackages > 1) {
            ext += "s";
            is = "are";
        msgPackages = msgPackages.substring(0, msgPackages.length() - 1);
        msgPackages = "The model includes elements of SBML " + ext + " " + msgPackages + " which " + is + " required for simulating the model but " + is + " not supported.";
        throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to import the SBML file.\n" + msgPackages);
    try {
        if (document.isPackageEnabled("groups")) {
            msgPackages += "'groups', ";
        if (document.isPackageEnabled("layout")) {
            msgPackages += "'layout', ";
        if (document.isPackageEnabled("render")) {
            msgPackages += "'render', ";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // we're going to ignore these packages anyway
    if (numPackages > 0) {
        if (numPackages > 1) {
            ext += "s";
            is = "are";
            has = "have";
        msgPackages = "The model includes elements of SBML " + ext + " " + msgPackages + " which " + is + " not required for simulating the model and " + has + " been ignored.";
        localIssueList.add(new Issue(vcBioModel, issueContext, IssueCategory.SBMLImport_UnsupportedFeature, msgPackages, Issue.Severity.WARNING));
    // Convert SBML Model to VCell model
    // An SBML model will correspond to a simcontext - which needs a Model and a Geometry
    // SBML handles only nonspatial geometries at this time, hence creating a non-spatial default geometry
    // get namespace based on SBML model level and version to use in SBMLAnnotationUtil
    this.level = sbmlModel.getLevel();
    // this.version = sbmlModel.getVersion();
    String ns = document.getNamespace();
    // create SBML unit system for the model and create the bioModel.
    ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem;
    try {
        modelUnitSystem = createSBMLUnitSystemForVCModel();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SBMLImportException("Inconsistent unit system. Cannot import SBML model into VCell.", Category.INCONSISTENT_UNIT, e);
    try {
        Geometry geometry = new Geometry(BioModelChildSummary.COMPARTMENTAL_GEO_STR, 0);
        vcBioModel = new BioModel(null, modelUnitSystem);
        SimulationContext simulationContext = new SimulationContext(vcBioModel.getModel(), geometry, null, null, Application.NETWORK_DETERMINISTIC);
    // vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).setName(vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel().getName()+"_"+vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getGeometry().getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // PropertyVetoException
        throw new SBMLImportException("Could not create simulation context corresponding to the input SBML model.\n", e);
    try {
        String biomodelName = sbmlModel.getName();
        if ((biomodelName == null) || biomodelName.trim().equals("")) {
            biomodelName = sbmlModel.getId();
        if ((biomodelName == null) || biomodelName.trim().equals("")) {
            biomodelName = "newBioModel";
        sbmlAnnotationUtil = new SBMLAnnotationUtil(vcBioModel.getVCMetaData(), vcBioModel, ns);
        sbmlAnnotationUtil.readAnnotation(vcBioModel, sbmlModel);
        sbmlAnnotationUtil.readNotes(vcBioModel, sbmlModel);
        // vcBioModel.getVCMetaData().printRdfPretty();
        // vcBioModel.getVCMetaData().printRdfStatements();
        ReactionStep[] reax = vcBioModel.getModel().getReactionSteps();
        for (int i = 0; i < reax.length; i++) {
            if (reax[i].getKinetics().getKineticsDescription().isLumped()) {
                DistributedKinetics.toDistributedKinetics((LumpedKinetics) reax[i].getKinetics());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SBMLImportException("Could not create Biomodel corresponding to the input SBML model.\n", e);
    Issue[] warnings = localIssueList.toArray(new Issue[localIssueList.size()]);
    if (warnings != null && warnings.length > 0) {
        StringBuffer messageBuffer = new StringBuffer("Issues encountered during SBML Import:\n");
        int issueCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < warnings.length; i++) {
            if (warnings[i].getSeverity() == Issue.Severity.WARNING || warnings[i].getSeverity() == Issue.Severity.INFO) {
                // messageBuffer.append("- " + warnings[i].getMessage() + " (" + warnings[i].getCategory() + ", " + warnings[i].getSeverity().name() + ")\n");
                messageBuffer.append("- " + warnings[i].getMessage() + "\n");
        if (issueCount > 0) {
            try {
                logger.sendMessage(VCLogger.Priority.MediumPriority, VCLogger.ErrorType.OverallWarning, messageBuffer.toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
    // if called from GUI application convert if VCell origin, otherwise ask user
    if (isFromVCell) {
        ModelUnitSystem vcUnitSystem = ModelUnitSystem.createDefaultVCModelUnitSystem();
        try {
            BioModel convertedBioModel = ModelUnitConverter.createBioModelWithNewUnitSystem(vcBioModel, vcUnitSystem);
            return convertedBioModel;
        } catch (ExpressionException | XmlParseException e) {
            // TODO maybe alert user? for now fail silently...
            return vcBioModel;
    return vcBioModel;
Also used : Issue(org.vcell.util.Issue) SBMLDocument(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLDocument) CompFlatteningConverter(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.comp.util.CompFlatteningConverter) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) ModelUnitSystem(cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem) SBMLReader(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLReader) XmlParseException(cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext) InteriorPoint(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.InteriorPoint) XMLStreamException( SbmlException(org.vcell.sbml.SbmlException) XmlParseException(cbit.vcell.xml.XmlParseException) IOException( PropertyVetoException(java.beans.PropertyVetoException) DivideByZeroException(cbit.vcell.parser.DivideByZeroException) SBMLException(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException) ExpressionBindingException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionBindingException) ModelPropertyVetoException(cbit.vcell.model.ModelPropertyVetoException) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) Geometry(cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry) SampledFieldGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.SampledFieldGeometry) AnalyticGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.AnalyticGeometry) ParametricGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.ParametricGeometry) CSGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGeometry) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) ReactionStep(cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep) File(

Example 48 with ReactionStep

use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SBMLExporter method addInitialAssignments.

protected void addInitialAssignments() throws ExpressionException, MappingException, MathException, MatrixException, ModelException {
    // for species, the initial assignments are done in addSpecies()
    if (vcSelectedSimJob == null) {
    int index = vcSelectedSimJob.getJobIndex();
    System.out.println("Simulation Job index = " + index);
    MathOverrides mo = vcSelectedSimJob.getSimulation().getMathOverrides();
    if (mo == null || !mo.hasOverrides()) {
    // TODO: SEDMLExporter is doing it differently, much more complicated
    MathMapping mm = vcSelectedSimContext.createNewMathMapping();
    MathSymbolMapping msm = mm.getMathSymbolMapping();
    String[] ocns = mo.getOverridenConstantNames();
    for (String ocn : ocns) {
        SymbolTableEntry ste = SEDMLExporter.getSymbolTableEntryForModelEntity(msm, ocn);
        ModelParameter mp = vcSelectedSimContext.getModel().getModelParameter(ocn);
        Expression exp = mo.getActualExpression(ocn, index);
        String name = "";
        if (ste != null && ste instanceof SpeciesContextSpecParameter) {
            SpeciesContextSpecParameter scsp = (SpeciesContextSpecParameter) ste;
            SpeciesContext sc = scsp.getSpeciesContext();
            name = sc.getName();
        } else if (ste != null && ste instanceof ModelParameter) {
            name = ste.getName();
        } else if (ste != null && ste instanceof KineticsParameter) {
            // note: if we call this before adding the reactions, we can't verify that the name we use
            // here will match the name we assign when we actually add the reaction
            KineticsParameter kp = (KineticsParameter) ste;
            Kinetics ks = kp.getKinetics();
            ReactionStep rs = ks.getReactionStep();
            name = TokenMangler.mangleToSName(kp.getName() + "_" + rs.getName());
        } else {
            name = ocn;
            System.out.println("Unexpected override or parameter scan entity: " + ocn);
        // System.out.println("  symbol: " + name + ", overriden constant: " + ocn + ", expression: " + exp.infix());
        org.sbml.jsbml.InitialAssignment ia = sbmlModel.createInitialAssignment();
        // String id = TokenMangler.mangleToSName("initialAssignment_" + name "_" + index);	// no point in defining id or name for initial assignment
        // ia.setId(id);
        // ia.setName(id);
        ASTNode math = getFormulaFromExpression(exp);
Also used : SpeciesContext(cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext) MathSymbolMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.MathSymbolMapping) InteriorPoint(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.InteriorPoint) MathOverrides(cbit.vcell.solver.MathOverrides) ModelParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter) InitialAssignment(org.sbml.jsbml.InitialAssignment) SymbolTableEntry(cbit.vcell.parser.SymbolTableEntry) KineticsParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics.KineticsParameter) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) ReactionStep(cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep) MathMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.MathMapping) ASTNode(org.sbml.jsbml.ASTNode) Kinetics(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics) DistributedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.DistributedKinetics) LumpedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.LumpedKinetics) SpeciesContextSpecParameter(cbit.vcell.mapping.SpeciesContextSpec.SpeciesContextSpecParameter)

Example 49 with ReactionStep

use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SBMLExporter method addReactions.

 * addReactions comment.
 * @throws SbmlException
 * @throws XMLStreamException
protected void addReactions() throws SbmlException, XMLStreamException {
    // Check if any reaction has electrical mapping
    boolean bCalculatePotential = false;
    StructureMapping[] structureMappings = getSelectedSimContext().getGeometryContext().getStructureMappings();
    for (int i = 0; i < structureMappings.length; i++) {
        if (structureMappings[i] instanceof MembraneMapping) {
            if (((MembraneMapping) structureMappings[i]).getCalculateVoltage()) {
                bCalculatePotential = true;
    // If it does, VCell doesn't export it to SBML (no representation).
    if (bCalculatePotential) {
        throw new RuntimeException("This VCell model has Electrical mapping; cannot be exported to SBML at this time");
    ReactionSpec[] vcReactionSpecs = getSelectedSimContext().getReactionContext().getReactionSpecs();
    for (int i = 0; i < vcReactionSpecs.length; i++) {
        if (vcReactionSpecs[i].isExcluded()) {
        ReactionStep vcReactionStep = vcReactionSpecs[i].getReactionStep();
        // Create sbml reaction
        String rxnName = vcReactionStep.getName();
        org.sbml.jsbml.Reaction sbmlReaction = sbmlModel.createReaction();
        String rxnSbmlName = vcReactionStep.getSbmlName();
        if (rxnSbmlName != null && !rxnSbmlName.isEmpty()) {
        // If the reactionStep is a flux reaction, add the details to the annotation (structure, carrier valence, flux carrier, fluxOption, etc.)
        // If reactionStep is a simple reaction, add annotation to indicate the structure of reaction.
        // Useful when roundtripping ...
        Element sbmlImportRelatedElement = null;
        // try {
        // sbmlImportRelatedElement = getAnnotationElement(vcReactionStep);
        // } catch (XmlParseException e1) {
        // e1.printStackTrace(System.out);
        // //			throw new RuntimeException("Error ");
        // }
        // Get annotation (RDF and non-RDF) for reactionStep from SBMLAnnotationUtils
        sbmlAnnotationUtil.writeAnnotation(vcReactionStep, sbmlReaction, sbmlImportRelatedElement);
        // Now set notes,
        sbmlAnnotationUtil.writeNotes(vcReactionStep, sbmlReaction);
        // Get reaction kineticLaw
        Kinetics vcRxnKinetics = vcReactionStep.getKinetics();
        org.sbml.jsbml.KineticLaw sbmlKLaw = sbmlReaction.createKineticLaw();
        try {
            // Convert expression from kinetics rate parameter into MathML and use libSBMl utilities to convert it to formula
            // (instead of directly using rate parameter's expression infix) to maintain integrity of formula :
            // for example logical and inequalities are not handled gracefully by libSBMl if expression.infix is used.
            final Expression localRateExpr;
            final Expression lumpedRateExpr;
            if (vcRxnKinetics instanceof DistributedKinetics) {
                localRateExpr = ((DistributedKinetics) vcRxnKinetics).getReactionRateParameter().getExpression();
                lumpedRateExpr = null;
            } else if (vcRxnKinetics instanceof LumpedKinetics) {
                localRateExpr = null;
                lumpedRateExpr = ((LumpedKinetics) vcRxnKinetics).getLumpedReactionRateParameter().getExpression();
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("unexpected Rate Law '" + vcRxnKinetics.getClass().getSimpleName() + "', not distributed or lumped type");
            // if (vcRxnKinetics instanceof DistributedKinetics)
            // Expression correctedRateExpr = kineticsAdapter.getExpression();
            // Add parameters, if any, to the kineticLaw
            Kinetics.KineticsParameter[] vcKineticsParams = vcRxnKinetics.getKineticsParameters();
            // In the first pass thro' the kinetic params, store the non-numeric param names and expressions in arrays
            String[] kinParamNames = new String[vcKineticsParams.length];
            Expression[] kinParamExprs = new Expression[vcKineticsParams.length];
            for (int j = 0; j < vcKineticsParams.length; j++) {
                if (true) {
                    // Since local reaction parameters cannot be defined by a rule, such parameters (with rules) are exported as global parameters.
                    if ((vcKineticsParams[j].getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_CurrentDensity && (!vcKineticsParams[j].getExpression().isZero())) || (vcKineticsParams[j].getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_LumpedCurrent && (!vcKineticsParams[j].getExpression().isZero()))) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Electric current not handled by SBML export; failed to export reaction \"" + vcReactionStep.getName() + "\" at this time");
                    if (!vcKineticsParams[j].getExpression().isNumeric()) {
                        // NON_NUMERIC KINETIC PARAM
                        // Create new name for kinetic parameter and store it in kinParamNames, store corresponding exprs in kinParamExprs
                        // Will be used later to add this param as global.
                        String newParamName = TokenMangler.mangleToSName(vcKineticsParams[j].getName() + "_" + vcReactionStep.getName());
                        kinParamNames[j] = newParamName;
                        kinParamExprs[j] = new Expression(vcKineticsParams[j].getExpression());
            // If so, these need to be added as global param (else the SBML doc will not be valid)
            for (int j = 0; j < vcKineticsParams.length; j++) {
                final KineticsParameter vcKParam = vcKineticsParams[j];
                if ((vcKParam.getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate) && (vcKParam.getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_LumpedReactionRate)) {
                    // if expression of kinetic param evaluates to a double, the parameter value is set
                    if ((vcKParam.getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_CurrentDensity && (!vcKParam.getExpression().isZero())) || (vcKParam.getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_LumpedCurrent && (!vcKParam.getExpression().isZero()))) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Electric current not handled by SBML export; failed to export reaction \"" + vcReactionStep.getName() + "\" at this time");
                    if (vcKParam.getExpression().isNumeric()) {
                        // NUMERIC KINETIC PARAM
                        // check if it is used in other parameters that have expressions,
                        boolean bAddedParam = false;
                        String origParamName = vcKParam.getName();
                        String newParamName = TokenMangler.mangleToSName(origParamName + "_" + vcReactionStep.getName());
                        VCUnitDefinition vcUnit = vcKParam.getUnitDefinition();
                        for (int k = 0; k < vcKineticsParams.length; k++) {
                            if (kinParamExprs[k] != null) {
                                // The param could be in the expression for any other param
                                if (kinParamExprs[k].hasSymbol(origParamName)) {
                                    // mangle its name to avoid conflict with other globals
                                    if (globalParamNamesHash.get(newParamName) == null) {
                                        globalParamNamesHash.put(newParamName, newParamName);
                                        org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter sbmlKinParam = sbmlModel.createParameter();
                                        final boolean constValue = vcKParam.isConstant();
                                        // Set SBML units for sbmlParam using VC units from vcParam
                                        if (!vcUnit.isTBD()) {
                                            UnitDefinition unitDefn = getOrCreateSBMLUnit(vcUnit);
                                        Pair<String, String> origParam = new Pair<String, String>(rxnName, origParamName);
                                        l2gMap.put(origParam, newParamName);
                                        bAddedParam = true;
                                    } else {
                                    // need to get another name for param and need to change all its refereces in the other kinParam euqations.
                                    // update the expression to contain new name, since the globalparam has new name
                                    kinParamExprs[k].substituteInPlace(new Expression(origParamName), new Expression(newParamName));
                        // If the param hasn't been added yet, it is definitely a local param. add it to kineticLaw now.
                        if (!bAddedParam) {
                            org.sbml.jsbml.LocalParameter sbmlKinParam = sbmlKLaw.createLocalParameter();
                            System.out.println("tis constant " + sbmlKinParam.isExplicitlySetConstant());
                            // Set SBML units for sbmlParam using VC units from vcParam
                            if (!vcUnit.isTBD()) {
                                UnitDefinition unitDefn = getOrCreateSBMLUnit(vcUnit);
                        } else {
                            // hence change its occurance in rate expression if it contains that param name
                            if (localRateExpr != null && localRateExpr.hasSymbol(origParamName)) {
                                localRateExpr.substituteInPlace(new Expression(origParamName), new Expression(newParamName));
                            if (lumpedRateExpr != null && lumpedRateExpr.hasSymbol(origParamName)) {
                                lumpedRateExpr.substituteInPlace(new Expression(origParamName), new Expression(newParamName));
            // (using the kinParamNames and kinParamExprs above) to ensure uniqueness in the global parameter names.
            for (int j = 0; j < vcKineticsParams.length; j++) {
                if (((vcKineticsParams[j].getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate) && (vcKineticsParams[j].getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_LumpedReactionRate)) && !(vcKineticsParams[j].getExpression().isNumeric())) {
                    String oldName = vcKineticsParams[j].getName();
                    String newName = kinParamNames[j];
                    // change the name of this parameter in the rate expression
                    if (localRateExpr != null && localRateExpr.hasSymbol(oldName)) {
                        localRateExpr.substituteInPlace(new Expression(oldName), new Expression(newName));
                    if (lumpedRateExpr != null && lumpedRateExpr.hasSymbol(oldName)) {
                        lumpedRateExpr.substituteInPlace(new Expression(oldName), new Expression(newName));
                    // Change the occurence of this param in other param expressions
                    for (int k = 0; k < vcKineticsParams.length; k++) {
                        if (((vcKineticsParams[k].getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate) && (vcKineticsParams[j].getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_LumpedReactionRate)) && !(vcKineticsParams[k].getExpression().isNumeric())) {
                            if (k != j && vcKineticsParams[k].getExpression().hasSymbol(oldName)) {
                                // for all params except the current param represented by index j (whose name was changed)
                                kinParamExprs[k].substituteInPlace(new Expression(oldName), new Expression(newName));
                            if (k == j && vcKineticsParams[k].getExpression().hasSymbol(oldName)) {
                                throw new RuntimeException("A parameter cannot refer to itself in its expression");
                // end for - k
            // In the fifth pass thro' the kinetic params, the non-numeric params are added to the global params of the model
            for (int j = 0; j < vcKineticsParams.length; j++) {
                if (((vcKineticsParams[j].getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate) && (vcKineticsParams[j].getRole() != Kinetics.ROLE_LumpedReactionRate)) && !(vcKineticsParams[j].getExpression().isNumeric())) {
                    // Now, add this param to the globalParamNamesHash and add a global parameter to the sbmlModel
                    String paramName = kinParamNames[j];
                    if (globalParamNamesHash.get(paramName) == null) {
                        globalParamNamesHash.put(paramName, paramName);
                    } else {
                    // need to get another name for param and need to change all its refereces in the other kinParam euqations.
                    Pair<String, String> origParam = new Pair<String, String>(rxnName, paramName);
                    // keeps its name but becomes a global (?)
                    l2gMap.put(origParam, paramName);
                    ASTNode paramFormulaNode = getFormulaFromExpression(kinParamExprs[j]);
                    AssignmentRule sbmlParamAssignmentRule = sbmlModel.createAssignmentRule();
                    org.sbml.jsbml.Parameter sbmlKinParam = sbmlModel.createParameter();
                    if (!vcKineticsParams[j].getUnitDefinition().isTBD()) {
                    // Since the parameter is being specified by a Rule, its 'constant' field shoud be set to 'false' (default - true).
            // end for (j) - fifth pass
            // After making all necessary adjustments to the rate expression, now set the sbmlKLaw.
            final ASTNode exprFormulaNode;
            if (lumpedRateExpr != null) {
                exprFormulaNode = getFormulaFromExpression(lumpedRateExpr);
            } else {
                if (bSpatial) {
                    exprFormulaNode = getFormulaFromExpression(localRateExpr);
                } else {
                    exprFormulaNode = getFormulaFromExpression(Expression.mult(localRateExpr, new Expression(vcReactionStep.getStructure().getName())));
        } catch (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error getting value of parameter : " + e.getMessage());
        // Add kineticLaw to sbmlReaction - not needed now, since we use sbmlRxn.createKLaw() ??
        // sbmlReaction.setKineticLaw(sbmlKLaw);
        // Add reactants, products, modifiers
        // Simple reactions have catalysts, fluxes have 'flux'
        cbit.vcell.model.ReactionParticipant[] rxnParticipants = vcReactionStep.getReactionParticipants();
        for (ReactionParticipant rxnParticpant : rxnParticipants) {
            SimpleSpeciesReference ssr = null;
            SpeciesReference sr = null;
            // to get unique ID when the same species is both a reactant and a product
            String rolePostfix = "";
            if (rxnParticpant instanceof cbit.vcell.model.Reactant) {
                rolePostfix = "r";
                ssr = sr = sbmlReaction.createReactant();
            } else if (rxnParticpant instanceof cbit.vcell.model.Product) {
                rolePostfix = "p";
                ssr = sr = sbmlReaction.createProduct();
            if (rxnParticpant instanceof cbit.vcell.model.Catalyst) {
                rolePostfix = "c";
                ssr = sbmlReaction.createModifier();
            if (ssr != null) {
            if (sr != null) {
                String modelUniqueName = vcReactionStep.getName() + '_' + rxnParticpant.getName() + rolePostfix;
                // SBML-REVIEW
            // int rcode = sr.appendNotes("<
            // we know that in VCell we can't override stoichiometry anywhere, below is no longer questionable
            // try {
            // SBMLHelper.addNote(sr, "VCELL guess: how do we know if reaction is constant?");
            // } catch (Exception e) {
            // e.printStackTrace();
            // }
        // this attribute is mandatory for L3, optional for L2. So explicitly setting value.
        if (bSpatial) {
            // set compartment for reaction if spatial
            // CORE  HAS ALT MATH true
            // set the "isLocal" attribute = true (in 'spatial' namespace) for each species
            SpatialReactionPlugin srplugin = (SpatialReactionPlugin) sbmlReaction.getPlugin(SBMLUtils.SBML_SPATIAL_NS_PREFIX);
            srplugin.setIsLocal(vcRxnKinetics instanceof DistributedKinetics);
Also used : MembraneMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.MembraneMapping) LumpedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.LumpedKinetics) Element(org.jdom.Element) StructureMapping(cbit.vcell.mapping.StructureMapping) SimpleSpeciesReference(org.sbml.jsbml.SimpleSpeciesReference) KineticsParameter(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics.KineticsParameter) SpeciesReference(org.sbml.jsbml.SpeciesReference) SimpleSpeciesReference(org.sbml.jsbml.SimpleSpeciesReference) ASTNode(org.sbml.jsbml.ASTNode) VCUnitDefinition(cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition) UnitDefinition(org.sbml.jsbml.UnitDefinition) Pair(org.vcell.util.Pair) DistributedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.DistributedKinetics) SpatialReactionPlugin(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.SpatialReactionPlugin) ReactionSpec(cbit.vcell.mapping.ReactionSpec) AssignmentRule(org.sbml.jsbml.AssignmentRule) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) InteriorPoint(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.InteriorPoint) VCUnitDefinition(cbit.vcell.units.VCUnitDefinition) Expression(cbit.vcell.parser.Expression) ReactionStep(cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep) Kinetics(cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics) DistributedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.DistributedKinetics) LumpedKinetics(cbit.vcell.model.LumpedKinetics) ReactionParticipant(cbit.vcell.model.ReactionParticipant)

Example 50 with ReactionStep

use of cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class AnnotationMapping method annotation2BioPaxObject.

public String annotation2BioPaxObject(BioModel bioModel, Identifiable identifiable) {
    String name = "";
    String type = "";
    ArrayList<String> componentInfo = getComponentInfo(bioModel, identifiable);
    if (componentInfo.size() > 0) {
        name = componentInfo.get(0);
        type = componentInfo.get(1);
    String info = type + " : " + name;
    HashMap<String, String> refInfo = getRefInfo(bioModel, identifiable);
    // otherwise, create object and add link
    if (type.equals(VCID.CLASS_SPECIES)) {
        // lookup name by speciesContext
        ArrayList<SpeciesContext> speciesContextArrList = new ArrayList<SpeciesContext>(Arrays.asList(new SpeciesContext[] { bioModel.getModel().getSpeciesContext(name) }));
        if (speciesContextArrList.get(0) == null) {
            // lookup name by species
            for (int i = 0; i < bioModel.getModel().getSpeciesContexts().length; i++) {
                if (bioModel.getModel().getSpeciesContexts()[i].getSpecies().getCommonName().equals(name)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < speciesContextArrList.size(); i++) {
            SpeciesContext speciesContext = speciesContextArrList.get(i);
            if (bioModel.getRelationshipModel().getRelationshipObjects(speciesContext).size() == 0) {
                ArrayList<Xref> xRef = getXrefs(bioModel, refInfo);
                ArrayList<String> refName = getNameRef(xRef, name);
                BioPaxObject bpObject = bioModel.getPathwayModel().findFromNameAndType(refName.get(0), EntityImpl.TYPE_PHYSICALENTITY);
            // Commenting out legacy code from the times when we didn't have proper annotation visualization
            // What we were doing below was to create a bioPax object, link it to the species and create
            // copies of the annotations in order to be able to navigate to external databases through XRef
            // Commenting out this code since we can now navigate to external databases from the annotation panel
            // if(bpObject == null){
            // bpObject = createPhysicalEntity(xRef, refName, name);
            // bioModel.getPathwayModel().add(bpObject);
            // }
            // if(bpObject != null && !isLinked(bioModel, bpObject, speciesContext)) {
            // // create linkage
            // RelationshipObject newRelationship = new RelationshipObject(speciesContext, bpObject);
            // bioModel.getRelationshipModel().addRelationshipObject(newRelationship);
            // return info;
            // }
    } else if (type.equals(VCID.CLASS_BIOMODEL)) {
    // BioPaxObject bpObject = bioModel.getPathwayModel().findFromName(refName.get(0), "Pathway");
    // if(bpObject == null){
    // bpObject = createPathway(componentInfo, refInfo);
    // bioModel.getPathwayModel().add(bpObject);
    // return info;
    // }
    } else if (type.equals(VCID.CLASS_REACTION_STEP)) {
        ReactionStep reactionStep = bioModel.getModel().getReactionStep(name);
        ArrayList<Xref> xRef = getXrefs(bioModel, refInfo);
        ArrayList<String> refName = getNameRef(xRef, name);
        if (bioModel.getRelationshipModel().getRelationshipObjects(reactionStep).size() == 0) {
            BioPaxObject bpObject = bioModel.getPathwayModel().findFromNameAndType(refName.get(0), EntityImpl.TYPE_INTERACTION);
        // We are eliminating some obsolete code, see above the species context comment
        // if(bpObject == null){
        // bpObject = createInteraction(reactionStep, xRef, refName);
        // bioModel.getPathwayModel().add(bpObject);
        // }
        // if(bpObject != null && !isLinked(bioModel, bpObject, reactionStep)) {
        // // create linkage
        // RelationshipObject newRelationship = new RelationshipObject(reactionStep, bpObject);
        // bioModel.getRelationshipModel().addRelationshipObject(newRelationship);
        // return info;
        // }
    return null;
Also used : Xref(org.vcell.pathway.Xref) UnificationXref(org.vcell.pathway.UnificationXref) RelationshipXref(org.vcell.pathway.RelationshipXref) PublicationXref(org.vcell.pathway.PublicationXref) BioPaxObject(org.vcell.pathway.BioPaxObject) ReactionStep(cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SpeciesContext(cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext)


ReactionStep (cbit.vcell.model.ReactionStep)111 SpeciesContext (cbit.vcell.model.SpeciesContext)55 Structure (cbit.vcell.model.Structure)37 ReactionParticipant (cbit.vcell.model.ReactionParticipant)33 Expression (cbit.vcell.parser.Expression)33 Model (cbit.vcell.model.Model)32 KineticsParameter (cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics.KineticsParameter)30 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)29 ReactionRule (cbit.vcell.model.ReactionRule)26 ModelParameter (cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter)25 Reactant (cbit.vcell.model.Reactant)25 Kinetics (cbit.vcell.model.Kinetics)24 Product (cbit.vcell.model.Product)23 PropertyVetoException (java.beans.PropertyVetoException)23 SimpleReaction (cbit.vcell.model.SimpleReaction)20 ExpressionException (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException)20 Vector (java.util.Vector)19 SimulationContext (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)18 Membrane (cbit.vcell.model.Membrane)18 BioModel (cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel)17