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Example 41 with Circuit

use of com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class ProjectActions method createEmptyFile.

private static LogisimFile createEmptyFile(Loader loader, Project proj) {
    InputStream templReader = AppPreferences.getEmptyTemplate().createStream();
    LogisimFile file;
    try {
        file = loader.openLogisimFile(templReader);
    } catch (Exception t) {
        file = LogisimFile.createNew(loader, proj);
        file.addCircuit(new Circuit("main", file, proj));
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
    return file;
Also used : LogisimFile(com.cburch.logisim.file.LogisimFile) InputStream( Circuit(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit) IOException( IOException( LoadFailedException(com.cburch.logisim.file.LoadFailedException)

Example 42 with Circuit

use of com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class InstanceStateImpl method isPortConnected.

public boolean isPortConnected(int index) {
    Circuit circ = circuitState.getCircuit();
    Location loc = component.getEnd(index).getLocation();
    return circ.isConnected(loc, component);
Also used : Circuit(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit) Location(

Example 43 with Circuit

use of com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class Netlist method DesignRuleCheckResult.

public int DesignRuleCheckResult(FPGAReport Reporter, String HDLIdentifier, boolean IsTopLevel, ArrayList<String> Sheetnames) {
    ArrayList<String> CompName = new ArrayList<String>();
    Map<String, Component> Labels = new HashMap<String, Component>();
    ArrayList<SimpleDRCContainer> drc = new ArrayList<SimpleDRCContainer>();
    int CommonDRCStatus = DRC_PASSED;
    /* First we go down the tree and get the DRC status of all sub-circuits */
    for (Circuit circ : MySubCircuitMap.keySet()) {
        CommonDRCStatus |= circ.getNetList().DesignRuleCheckResult(Reporter, HDLIdentifier, false, Sheetnames);
    /* Check if we are okay */
    if (DRCStatus == DRC_PASSED) {
        return CommonDRCStatus;
    } else {
        /* There are changes, so we clean up the old information */
        DRCStatus = DRC_PASSED;
									 * we mark already passed, if an error
									 * occurs the status is changed
		 * Check for duplicated sheet names, this is bad as we will have
		 * multiple "different" components with the same name
    if (MyCircuit.getName().isEmpty()) {
			 * in the current implementation of logisim this should never
			 * happen, but we leave it in
        Reporter.AddFatalError("Found a sheet in your design with an empty name. This is not allowed, please specify a name!");
        DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
    if (Sheetnames.contains(MyCircuit.getName())) {
			 * in the current implementation of logisim this should never
			 * happen, but we leave it in
        Reporter.AddFatalError("Found more than one sheet in your design with the name :\"" + MyCircuit.getName() + "\". This is not allowed, please make sure that all sheets have a unique name!");
        DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
    } else {
    /* Preparing stage */
    for (Component comp : MyCircuit.getNonWires()) {
        String ComponentName = comp.getFactory().getHDLName(comp.getAttributeSet());
        if (!CompName.contains(ComponentName)) {
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("HDL_noLabel"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE));
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("HDL_CompNameIsLabel"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE | SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_LABEL));
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("HDL_LabelInvalid"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE | SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_LABEL));
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("HDL_DuplicatedLabels"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE | SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_LABEL));
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("HDL_Tristate"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE));
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("HDL_unsupported"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE));
    for (Component comp : MyCircuit.getNonWires()) {
			 * Here we check if the components are supported for the HDL
			 * generation
        if (!comp.getFactory().HDLSupportedComponent(HDLIdentifier, comp.getAttributeSet())) {
            DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
			 * we check that all components that require a non zero label
			 * (annotation) have a label set
        if (comp.getFactory().RequiresNonZeroLabel()) {
            String Label = CorrectLabel.getCorrectLabel(comp.getAttributeSet().getValue(StdAttr.LABEL).toString()).toUpperCase();
            String ComponentName = comp.getFactory().getHDLName(comp.getAttributeSet());
            if (Label.isEmpty()) {
                DRCStatus |= ANNOTATE_REQUIRED;
            } else {
                if (CompName.contains(Label)) {
                    DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
                if (!CorrectLabel.IsCorrectLabel(Label, HDLIdentifier)) {
                    /* this should not happen anymore */
                    DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
                if (Labels.containsKey(Label)) {
                    DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
                } else {
                    Labels.put(Label, comp);
            if (comp.getFactory() instanceof SubcircuitFactory) {
                /* Special care has to be taken for sub-circuits */
                if (Label.equals(ComponentName.toUpperCase())) {
                    DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
                if (!CorrectLabel.IsCorrectLabel(comp.getFactory().getName(), HDLIdentifier, "Found that the component \"" + comp.getFactory().getName() + "\" in circuit \"" + MyCircuit.getName(), Reporter)) {
                    DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
                SubcircuitFactory sub = (SubcircuitFactory) comp.getFactory();
                LocalNrOfInportBubles = LocalNrOfInportBubles + sub.getSubcircuit().getNetList().NumberOfInputBubbles();
                LocalNrOfOutportBubles = LocalNrOfOutportBubles + sub.getSubcircuit().getNetList().NumberOfOutputBubbles();
                LocalNrOfInOutBubles = LocalNrOfInOutBubles + sub.getSubcircuit().getNetList().NumberOfInOutBubbles();
        /* Now we check that no tri-state are present */
        if (comp.getFactory().HasThreeStateDrivers(comp.getAttributeSet())) {
            DRCStatus |= DRC_ERROR;
    for (int i = 0; i < drc.size(); i++) if (drc.get(i).DRCInfoPresent())
    /* Here we have to quit as the netlist generation needs a clean tree */
    if ((DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus) != DRC_PASSED) {
        return DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus;
		 * Okay we now know for sure that all elements are supported, lets build
		 * the net list
    Reporter.AddInfo("Building netlist for sheet \"" + MyCircuit.getName() + "\"");
    if (!this.GenerateNetlist(Reporter, HDLIdentifier)) {
        DRCStatus = DRC_ERROR;
			 * here we have to quit, as all the following steps depend on a
			 * proper netlist
        return DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus;
    if (NetlistHasShortCircuits(Reporter)) {
        DRCStatus = DRC_ERROR;
        return DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus;
    /* Check for connections without a source */
    /* Check for unconnected input pins on components and generate warnings */
    for (NetlistComponent comp : MyComponents) {
        boolean openInputs = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < comp.NrOfEnds(); j++) {
            if (comp.EndIsInput(j) && !comp.EndIsConnected(j))
                openInputs = true;
        if (openInputs) {
            SimpleDRCContainer warn = new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_UnconnectedInputs"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_NORMAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE);
    /* Check for unconnected input pins on subcircuits and generate warnings */
    for (NetlistComponent comp : MySubCircuits) {
        boolean openInputs = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < comp.NrOfEnds(); j++) {
            if (comp.EndIsInput(j) && !comp.EndIsConnected(j))
                openInputs = true;
        if (openInputs) {
            SimpleDRCContainer warn = new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_UnconnectedInputs"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_SEVERE, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE);
    /* Only if we are on the top-level we are going to build the clock-tree */
    if (IsTopLevel) {
        if (!DetectClockTree(Reporter)) {
            DRCStatus = DRC_ERROR;
            return DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus;
        ConstructHierarchyTree(null, new ArrayList<String>(), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), new Integer(0));
        int ports = NumberOfInputPorts() + NumberOfOutputPorts() + LocalNrOfInportBubles + LocalNrOfOutportBubles + LocalNrOfInOutBubles;
        if (ports == 0) {
            Reporter.AddFatalError("Toplevel \"" + MyCircuit.getName() + "\" has no input(s) and/or no output(s)!");
            DRCStatus = DRC_ERROR;
            return DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus;
        /* Check for gated clocks */
        if (!DetectGatedClocks(Reporter)) {
            DRCStatus = DRC_ERROR;
            return DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus;
    Reporter.AddInfo("Circuit \"" + MyCircuit.getName() + "\" has " + NumberOfNets() + " nets and " + NumberOfBusses() + " busses.");
    Reporter.AddInfo("Circuit \"" + MyCircuit.getName() + "\" passed DRC check");
    DRCStatus = DRC_PASSED;
    return DRCStatus | CommonDRCStatus;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Circuit(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit) SubcircuitFactory(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.SubcircuitFactory) InstanceComponent(com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstanceComponent) Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component)

Example 44 with Circuit

use of com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class CanvasPainter method drawWithUserState.

private void drawWithUserState(Graphics base, Graphics g, Project proj) {
    Circuit circ = proj.getCurrentCircuit();
    Selection sel = proj.getSelection();
    Set<Component> hidden;
    Tool dragTool = canvas.getDragTool();
    if (dragTool == null) {
        hidden = NO_COMPONENTS;
    } else {
        hidden = dragTool.getHiddenComponents(canvas);
        if (hidden == null)
            hidden = NO_COMPONENTS;
    // draw halo around component whose attributes we are viewing
    boolean showHalo = AppPreferences.ATTRIBUTE_HALO.getBoolean();
    if (showHalo && haloedComponent != null && haloedCircuit == circ && !hidden.contains(haloedComponent)) {
        GraphicsUtil.switchToWidth(g, 3);
        Bounds bds = haloedComponent.getBounds(g).expand(5);
        int w = bds.getWidth();
        int h = bds.getHeight();
        double a = Canvas.SQRT_2 * w;
        double b = Canvas.SQRT_2 * h;
        g.drawOval((int) Math.round(bds.getX() + w / 2.0 - a / 2.0), (int) Math.round(bds.getY() + h / 2.0 - b / 2.0), (int) Math.round(a), (int) Math.round(b));
        GraphicsUtil.switchToWidth(g, 1);
    // draw circuit and selection
    CircuitState circState = proj.getCircuitState();
    boolean printerView = AppPreferences.PRINTER_VIEW.getBoolean();
    ComponentDrawContext context = new ComponentDrawContext(canvas, circ, circState, base, g, printerView);
    circ.draw(context, hidden);
    sel.draw(context, hidden);
    // draw tool
    Tool tool = dragTool != null ? dragTool : proj.getTool();
    if (tool != null && !canvas.isPopupMenuUp()) {
        Graphics gCopy = g.create();
        tool.draw(canvas, context);
Also used : CircuitState(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitState) Graphics(java.awt.Graphics) ComponentDrawContext(com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentDrawContext) Bounds( Circuit(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit) Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component) Tool(

Example 45 with Circuit

use of com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class CanvasPainter method paintContents.

// painting methods
void paintContents(Graphics g, Project proj) {
    Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
    Dimension size = canvas.getSize();
    double zoomFactor = canvas.getZoomFactor();
    if (canvas.ifPaintDirtyReset() || clip == null) {
        clip = new Rectangle(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
    // YSY removed to don't overwrite background image
    // g.setColor(Color.magenta);
    // g.fillRect(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height);
    Graphics gScaled = g.create();
    if (zoomFactor != 1.0 && gScaled instanceof Graphics2D) {
        ((Graphics2D) gScaled).scale(zoomFactor, zoomFactor);
    drawWithUserState(g, gScaled, proj);
    drawWidthIncompatibilityData(g, gScaled, proj);
    Circuit circ = proj.getCurrentCircuit();
    CircuitState circState = proj.getCircuitState();
    ComponentDrawContext ptContext = new ComponentDrawContext(canvas, circ, circState, g, gScaled);
Also used : Graphics(java.awt.Graphics) CircuitState(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitState) ComponentDrawContext(com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentDrawContext) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Circuit(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)


Circuit (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit)62 Component (com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component)19 SubcircuitFactory (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.SubcircuitFactory)12 Project (com.cburch.logisim.proj.Project)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Wire (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Wire)8 ComponentFactory (com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentFactory)8 Location ( Bounds ( LogisimFile (com.cburch.logisim.file.LogisimFile)6 AddTool ( Tool ( CircuitState (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitState)5 AttributeSet ( Selection (com.cburch.logisim.gui.main.Selection)5 Action (com.cburch.logisim.proj.Action)4 CircuitMutation (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitMutation)3 ComponentDrawContext (com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentDrawContext)3 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)3 CanvasObject (com.cburch.draw.model.CanvasObject)2