use of com.jme3.effect.ParticleMesh.Type in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class ShaderNodeLoaderDelegate method updateRightFromUniforms.
* updates the right variable of the given mapping from a MatParam (a
* WorldParam) it checks if the uniform hasn't already been loaded, add it
* to the maps if not.
* @param param the MatParam
* @param mapping the mapping
* @param map the map of uniforms to search into
* @return true if the param was added to the map
public boolean updateRightFromUniforms(MatParam param, VariableMapping mapping, Map<String, DeclaredVariable> map, Statement statement) throws MatParseException {
ShaderNodeVariable right = mapping.getRightVariable();
DeclaredVariable dv = map.get(param.getPrefixedName());
if (dv == null) {
if (mapping.getLeftVariable().getMultiplicity() != null) {
if (!param.getVarType().name().endsWith("Array")) {
throw new MatParseException(param.getName() + " is not of Array type", statement);
String multiplicity = mapping.getLeftVariable().getMultiplicity();
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
//multiplicity is not an int attempting to find for a material parameter.
MatParam mp = findMatParam(multiplicity);
if (mp != null) {
addDefine(multiplicity, VarType.Int);
multiplicity = multiplicity.toUpperCase();
} else {
throw new MatParseException("Wrong multiplicity for variable" + mapping.getLeftVariable().getName() + ". " + multiplicity + " should be an int or a declared material parameter.", statement);
dv = new DeclaredVariable(right);
map.put(right.getName(), dv);
return true;
return false;
use of com.jme3.effect.ParticleMesh.Type in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class TestBitmapFont method simpleInitApp.
public void simpleInitApp() {
inputManager.addMapping("WordWrap", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_TAB));
inputManager.addListener(keyListener, "WordWrap");
BitmapFont fnt = assetManager.loadFont("Interface/Fonts/Default.fnt");
txt = new BitmapText(fnt, false);
txt.setBox(new Rectangle(0, 0, settings.getWidth(), settings.getHeight()));
txt.setSize(fnt.getPreferredSize() * 2f);
txt.setLocalTranslation(0, txt.getHeight(), 0);
txt2 = new BitmapText(fnt, false);
txt2.setSize(fnt.getPreferredSize() * 1.2f);
txt2.setText("Text without restriction. \nText without restriction. Text without restriction. Text without restriction");
txt2.setLocalTranslation(0, txt2.getHeight(), 0);
txt3 = new BitmapText(fnt, false);
txt3.setBox(new Rectangle(0, 0, settings.getWidth(), 0));
txt3.setText("Press Tab to toggle word-wrap. type text and enter to input text");
txt3.setLocalTranslation(0, settings.getHeight() / 2, 0);
use of com.jme3.effect.ParticleMesh.Type in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class LwjglContext method initOpenCL.
protected void initOpenCL() {"Initialize OpenCL wiht LWJGL2");
try {
} catch (LWJGLException ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to initialize OpenCL", ex);
//load platforms and devices
StringBuilder platformInfos = new StringBuilder();
ArrayList<LwjglPlatform> platforms = new ArrayList<>();
for (CLPlatform p : CLPlatform.getPlatforms()) {
platforms.add(new LwjglPlatform(p));
platformInfos.append("Available OpenCL platforms:");
for (int i = 0; i < platforms.size(); ++i) {
LwjglPlatform platform = platforms.get(i);
platformInfos.append("\n * Platform ").append(i + 1);
platformInfos.append("\n * Name: ").append(platform.getName());
platformInfos.append("\n * Vendor: ").append(platform.getVendor());
platformInfos.append("\n * Version: ").append(platform.getVersion());
platformInfos.append("\n * Profile: ").append(platform.getProfile());
platformInfos.append("\n * Supports interop: ").append(platform.hasOpenGLInterop());
List<LwjglDevice> devices = platform.getDevices();
platformInfos.append("\n * Available devices:");
for (int j = 0; j < devices.size(); ++j) {
LwjglDevice device = devices.get(j);
platformInfos.append("\n * * Device ").append(j + 1);
platformInfos.append("\n * * Name: ").append(device.getName());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Vendor: ").append(device.getVendor());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Version: ").append(device.getVersion());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Profile: ").append(device.getProfile());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Compiler version: ").append(device.getCompilerVersion());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Device type: ").append(device.getDeviceType());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Compute units: ").append(device.getComputeUnits());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Work group size: ").append(device.getMaxiumWorkItemsPerGroup());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Global memory: ").append(device.getGlobalMemorySize()).append("B");
platformInfos.append("\n * * Local memory: ").append(device.getLocalMemorySize()).append("B");
platformInfos.append("\n * * Constant memory: ").append(device.getMaximumConstantBufferSize()).append("B");
platformInfos.append("\n * * Supports double: ").append(device.hasDouble());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Supports half floats: ").append(device.hasHalfFloat());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Supports writable 3d images: ").append(device.hasWritableImage3D());
platformInfos.append("\n * * Supports interop: ").append(device.hasOpenGLInterop());
//choose devices
PlatformChooser chooser = null;
if (settings.getOpenCLPlatformChooser() != null) {
try {
chooser = (PlatformChooser) Class.forName(settings.getOpenCLPlatformChooser()).newInstance();
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to instantiate custom PlatformChooser", ex);
if (chooser == null) {
chooser = new DefaultPlatformChooser();
List<? extends Device> choosenDevices = chooser.chooseDevices(platforms);
List<CLDevice> devices = new ArrayList<>(choosenDevices.size());
LwjglPlatform platform = null;
for (Device d : choosenDevices) {
if (!(d instanceof LwjglDevice)) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "attempt to return a custom Device implementation from PlatformChooser: {0}", d);
LwjglDevice ld = (LwjglDevice) d;
if (platform == null) {
platform = ld.getPlatform();
} else if (platform != ld.getPlatform()) {
logger.severe("attempt to use devices from different platforms");
if (devices.isEmpty()) {
logger.warning("no devices specified, no OpenCL context created");
clPlatform = platform;
logger.log(Level.INFO, "chosen platform: {0}", platform.getName());
logger.log(Level.INFO, "chosen devices: {0}", choosenDevices);
//create context
try {
CLContext c = CLContext.create(platform.getPlatform(), devices, null, Display.getDrawable(), null);
clContext = new com.jme3.opencl.lwjgl.LwjglContext(c, (List<LwjglDevice>) choosenDevices);
} catch (LWJGLException ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to create OpenCL context", ex);
}"OpenCL context created");
use of com.jme3.effect.ParticleMesh.Type in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class CollectionSerializer method readObject.
public <T> T readObject(ByteBuffer data, Class<T> c) throws IOException {
int length = data.getInt();
Collection collection;
try {
collection = (Collection) c.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, "[Serializer][???] Could not determine collection type. Using ArrayList.");
collection = new ArrayList(length);
if (length == 0)
return (T) collection;
if (data.get() == (byte) 1) {
SerializerRegistration reg = Serializer.readClass(data);
Class clazz = reg.getType();
Serializer serializer = reg.getSerializer();
for (int i = 0; i != length; ++i) {
collection.add(serializer.readObject(data, clazz));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i != length; ++i) {
return (T) collection;
use of com.jme3.effect.ParticleMesh.Type in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class SerializerRegistrationsMessage method compile.
public static void compile() {
// Let's just see what they are here
List<Registration> list = new ArrayList<Registration>();
for (SerializerRegistration reg : Serializer.getSerializerRegistrations()) {
Class type = reg.getType();
if (ignore.contains(type))
if (type.isPrimitive())
list.add(new Registration(reg));
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
log.log(Level.FINE, "Number of registered classes:{0}", list.size());
for (Registration reg : list) {
log.log(Level.FINE, " {0}", reg);
compiled = list.toArray(new Registration[list.size()]);
INSTANCE = new SerializerRegistrationsMessage(compiled);