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Example 36 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class EmptyView method updateGUIElements.

	 * Init GUI elements
public void updateGUIElements() {
    if (entity != null) {
        emptyScreenController.setScreenCaption("Empty - " + entity.getName());
        PropertyModelClass preset = entity.getProperty("preset");
        emptyScreenController.setEntityProperties(preset != null ? preset.getValue() : null, entity.getProperties(), null);
        emptyScreenController.setEntityData(entity.getName(), entity.getDescription());
        // trigger
        Vector3 dimension = new Vector3();
    } else {
        emptyScreenController.setScreenCaption("Empty - no trigger loaded");
Also used : PropertyModelClass( Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3)

Example 37 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class World method determineHeight.

	 * Determine height on x,y,u while respecting step up max
	 * @param type ids
	 * @param step up max
	 * @param point on which height should be calculated
	 * @param point where height has been determined
	 * @return rigid body from which height was determined or null
public RigidBody determineHeight(int typeIds, float stepUpMax, Vector3 point, Vector3 dest) {
    float[] pointXYZ = point.getArray();
    // height bounding box to determine partition bounding volumes
    heightBoundingBox.getMin().set(pointXYZ[0], -10000f, pointXYZ[2]);
    heightBoundingBox.getMax().set(pointXYZ[0], +10000f, pointXYZ[2]);
    // determine height of point on x, z
    heightOnPointCandidate.set(pointXYZ[0], 10000f, pointXYZ[2]);
    float height = -10000f;
    RigidBody heightRigidBody = null;
    for (RigidBody rigidBody : partition.getObjectsNearTo(heightBoundingBox)) {
        if (((rigidBody.typeId & typeIds) == rigidBody.typeId) == false)
        BoundingVolume cbv = rigidBody.cbv;
        if (cbv instanceof BoundingBox) {
            if (heightOnPointLineSegment.doesBoundingBoxCollideWithLineSegment((BoundingBox) cbv, heightBoundingBox.getMin(), heightBoundingBox.getMax(), heightOnPointA, heightOnPointB) == true) {
                Vector3 heightOnPoint = higher(heightOnPointA, heightOnPointB);
                if (heightOnPoint.getY() >= height && heightOnPoint.getY() < pointXYZ[1] + Math.max(0.1f, stepUpMax)) {
                    height = heightOnPoint.getY();
                    heightRigidBody = rigidBody;
        } else if (cbv instanceof OrientedBoundingBox) {
            if (heightOnPointLineSegment.doesOrientedBoundingBoxCollideWithLineSegment((OrientedBoundingBox) cbv, heightBoundingBox.getMin(), heightBoundingBox.getMax(), heightOnPointA, heightOnPointB) == true) {
                Vector3 heightOnPoint = higher(heightOnPointA, heightOnPointB);
                if (heightOnPoint.getY() >= height && heightOnPoint.getY() < pointXYZ[1] + Math.max(0.1f, stepUpMax)) {
                    height = heightOnPoint.getY();
                    heightRigidBody = rigidBody;
        } else {
            // compute closest point on height candidate
            cbv.computeClosestPointOnBoundingVolume(heightOnPointCandidate, heightOnPointA);
            // check new height, take only result into account which is near to candidate 
            if (Math.abs(heightOnPointCandidate.getX() - heightOnPointA.getX()) < 0.1f && Math.abs(heightOnPointCandidate.getZ() - heightOnPointA.getZ()) < 0.1f && heightOnPointA.getY() >= height && heightOnPointA.getY() < pointXYZ[1] + Math.max(0.1f, stepUpMax)) {
                height = heightOnPointA.getY();
                heightRigidBody = rigidBody;
    // check if we have a ground
    if (heightRigidBody == null) {
        return null;
    // nope, no collision
    return heightRigidBody;
Also used : OrientedBoundingBox(net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.OrientedBoundingBox) OrientedBoundingBox(net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.OrientedBoundingBox) BoundingBox(net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingBox) BoundingVolume(net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingVolume) Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3)

Example 38 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class BoundingBox method fromBoundingVolumeWithTransformations.

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see net.drewke.tdme.primitives.BoundingVolume#fromBoundingVolumeWithTransformations(net.drewke.tdme.primitives.BoundingVolume, net.drewke.tdme.engine.Transformations)
public void fromBoundingVolumeWithTransformations(BoundingVolume original, Transformations transformations) {
    // check for same type of original
    if (original instanceof BoundingBox == false) {
        System.out.println("BoundingBox::fromBoundingVolumeWithTransformations(): original is not of same type");
    BoundingBox boundingBox = (BoundingBox) original;
    Matrix4x4 transformationsMatrix = transformations.getTransformationsMatrix();
    Vector3[] _vertices = boundingBox.getVertices();
    // apply transformations from original vertices to local vertices
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
        transformationsMatrix.multiply(_vertices[i], vertices[i]);
    // determine axis aligned bounding box constraints based on local vertices
    float[] vertexXYZ = vertices[0].getArray();
    float minX = vertexXYZ[0], minY = vertexXYZ[1], minZ = vertexXYZ[2];
    float maxX = vertexXYZ[0], maxY = vertexXYZ[1], maxZ = vertexXYZ[2];
    for (int vertexIndex = 1; vertexIndex < vertices.length; vertexIndex++) {
        Vector3 vertex = vertices[vertexIndex];
        vertexXYZ = vertex.getArray();
        if (vertexXYZ[0] < minX)
            minX = vertexXYZ[0];
        if (vertexXYZ[1] < minY)
            minY = vertexXYZ[1];
        if (vertexXYZ[2] < minZ)
            minZ = vertexXYZ[2];
        if (vertexXYZ[0] > maxX)
            maxX = vertexXYZ[0];
        if (vertexXYZ[1] > maxY)
            maxY = vertexXYZ[1];
        if (vertexXYZ[2] > maxZ)
            maxZ = vertexXYZ[2];
    // set up new aabb
    min.set(minX, minY, minZ);
    max.set(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
    // compute new vertices based on aabb constraints
Also used : Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3) Matrix4x4(net.drewke.tdme.math.Matrix4x4)

Example 39 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class LineSegment method doesOrientedBoundingBoxCollideWithLineSegment.

	 * Check if segment collides with oriented bounding box
	 * 	based on an algorithm from "Real-Time Collision Detection" / Ericson
	 * 	Credit:
	 * 		"From Real-Time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson
	 * 		published by Morgan Kaufman Publishers, (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc"
	 * @param oriented bounding box
	 * @param point p on line segment
	 * @param point q on line segment
	 * @param contact point min
	 * @param contact point max
	 * @return true if collides or false if not
public boolean doesOrientedBoundingBoxCollideWithLineSegment(OrientedBoundingBox orientedBoundingBox, Vector3 p, Vector3 q, Vector3 contactMin, Vector3 contactMax) {
    float tmin = 0.0f;
    float tmax = 1.0f;
    Vector3[] obbAxes = orientedBoundingBox.axes;
    Vector3 obbCenter =;
    Vector3 obbHalfExtension = orientedBoundingBox.halfExtension;
    float[] obbHalfExtensionXYZ = obbHalfExtension.getArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        float directionLengthOnAxis = Vector3.computeDotProduct(direction, obbAxes[i]);
        float obbExtensionLengthOnAxis = obbHalfExtensionXYZ[i];
        float obbCenterLengthOnAxis = Vector3.computeDotProduct(obbCenter, obbAxes[i]);
        float pointLengthOnAxis = Vector3.computeDotProduct(p, obbAxes[i]);
        if (Math.abs(directionLengthOnAxis) < MathTools.EPSILON && (pointLengthOnAxis <= obbCenterLengthOnAxis - obbExtensionLengthOnAxis || pointLengthOnAxis >= obbCenterLengthOnAxis + obbExtensionLengthOnAxis)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            float odd = 1.0f / directionLengthOnAxis;
            float t1 = (obbCenterLengthOnAxis - obbExtensionLengthOnAxis - pointLengthOnAxis) * odd;
            float t2 = (obbCenterLengthOnAxis + obbExtensionLengthOnAxis - pointLengthOnAxis) * odd;
            if (t1 > t2) {
                float tmp = t1;
                t1 = t2;
                t2 = tmp;
            tmin = Math.max(tmin, t1);
            tmax = Math.min(tmax, t2);
            if (tmin > tmax)
                return false;
    if (tmin > 1.0)
        return false;
    // compute contact points
    // we have a collision
    return true;
Also used : Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3)

Example 40 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class ModelUtilitiesInternal method createBoundingBox.

	 * Creates a bounding box from given object3d model
	 * @param model
	 * @return axis aligned bounding box
public static BoundingBox createBoundingBox(Object3DModelInternal object3DModelInternal) {
    Model model = object3DModelInternal.getModel();
    AnimationSetup defaultAnimation = model.getAnimationSetup(Model.ANIMATIONSETUP_DEFAULT);
    float minX = 0f, minY = 0f, minZ = 0f;
    float maxX = 0f, maxY = 0f, maxZ = 0f;
    boolean firstVertex = true;
    // create bounding box for whole animation at 60fps
    AnimationState animationState = new AnimationState();
    animationState.setup = defaultAnimation;
    animationState.lastAtTime = Timing.UNDEFINED;
    animationState.currentAtTime = 0L;
    animationState.time = 0.0f;
    animationState.finished = false;
    for (float t = 0.0f; t <= (defaultAnimation != null ? defaultAnimation.getFrames() : 0.0f) / model.getFPS(); t += 1f / model.getFPS()) {
        // calculate transformations matrices without world transformations
        object3DModelInternal.computeTransformationsMatrices(model.getSubGroups(), object3DModelInternal.getModel().getImportTransformationsMatrix().clone().multiply(object3DModelInternal.getTransformationsMatrix()), animationState, 0);
        Object3DGroup.computeTransformations(object3DModelInternal.object3dGroups, object3DModelInternal.transformationsMatrices);
        // parse through object groups to determine min, max
        for (Object3DGroup object3DGroup : object3DModelInternal.object3dGroups) {
            for (Vector3 vertex : object3DGroup.mesh.transformedVertices) {
                // vertex xyz array
                float[] vertexXYZ = vertex.getArray();
                // determine min, max
                if (firstVertex == true) {
                    minX = vertexXYZ[0];
                    minY = vertexXYZ[1];
                    minZ = vertexXYZ[2];
                    maxX = vertexXYZ[0];
                    maxY = vertexXYZ[1];
                    maxZ = vertexXYZ[2];
                    firstVertex = false;
                } else {
                    if (vertexXYZ[0] < minX)
                        minX = vertexXYZ[0];
                    if (vertexXYZ[1] < minY)
                        minY = vertexXYZ[1];
                    if (vertexXYZ[2] < minZ)
                        minZ = vertexXYZ[2];
                    if (vertexXYZ[0] > maxX)
                        maxX = vertexXYZ[0];
                    if (vertexXYZ[1] > maxY)
                        maxY = vertexXYZ[1];
                    if (vertexXYZ[2] > maxZ)
                        maxZ = vertexXYZ[2];
        animationState.currentAtTime = (long) (t * 1000f);
        animationState.lastAtTime = (long) (t * 1000f);
    // skip on models without meshes to be rendered
    if (firstVertex == true)
        return null;
    // otherwise go with bounding box
    return new BoundingBox(new Vector3(minX, minY, minZ), new Vector3(maxX, maxY, maxZ));
Also used : BoundingBox(net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingBox) Model(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model) Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3) AnimationSetup(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.AnimationSetup)


Vector3 (net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3)75 FacesEntity (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.FacesEntity)20 Model (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model)20 LevelEditorEntity ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Rotation (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Rotation)12 Face (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Face)12 BoundingBox (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingBox)11 Material (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Material)10 BoundingVolume (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingVolume)10 Group (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Group)9 PrimitiveModel (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.PrimitiveModel)9 Entity (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Entity)8 Object3D (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Object3D)8 LevelEditorObject ( File ( IOException ( Transformations (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Transformations)7 OrientedBoundingBox (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.OrientedBoundingBox)7 Camera (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Camera)6