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Example 1 with EntityVelocityMessage

use of in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class GlowPlayer method join.

 * Loads the player's state and sends the messages that are necessary on login.
 * @param session the player's session
 * @param reader  the source of the player's saved state
public void join(GlowSession session, PlayerReader reader) {
    String type = world.getWorldType().getName().toLowerCase();
    int gameMode = getGameMode().getValue();
    session.send(new JoinGameMessage(getEntityId(), world.isHardcore(), gameMode, // TODO: determine previous gamemode
    -1, server.getWorlds().stream().map(World::getName).toArray(String[]::new), world.getName(), world.getSeedHash(), server.getMaxPlayers(), world.getViewDistance(), world.getGameRuleMap().getBoolean(GameRules.REDUCED_DEBUG_INFO), !world.getGameRuleMap().getBoolean(GameRules.DO_IMMEDIATE_RESPAWN), // TODO: Debug worlds
    false, world.getWorldType() == WorldType.FLAT));
    // send server brand and supported plugin channels
    Message pluginMessage = PluginMessage.fromString("minecraft:brand", server.getName());
    if (pluginMessage != null) {
    joinTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Add player to list of online players
    getServer().setPlayerOnline(this, true);
    // save data back out
    // stream the initial set of blocks
    // send initial location
    session.send(new PositionRotationMessage(location));
    // send initial velocity
    session.send(new EntityVelocityMessage(getEntityId(), velocity));
    // send initial health
    // send gamemode defaults
    // send held item
    getSession().send(new HeldItemMessage(getInventory().getHeldItemSlot()));
    // send xp bar
    // set our compass target
    scoreboard = server.getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard();
    invMonitor = new InventoryMonitor(getOpenInventory());
    // send inventory contents
    if (!server.getResourcePackUrl().isEmpty()) {
        setResourcePack(server.getResourcePackUrl(), server.getResourcePackHash());
Also used : JoinGameMessage( TitleMessage( EntityMetadataMessage( OpenWindowMessage( BlockBreakAnimationMessage( WindowPropertyMessage( UpdateBlockEntityMessage( RespawnMessage( EntityVelocityMessage( PositionRotationMessage( HealthMessage( PluginMessage( SetWindowSlotMessage( PlayEffectMessage( BlockChangeMessage( MultiBlockChangeMessage( UnloadChunkMessage( StateChangeMessage( SpawnPositionMessage( ExperienceMessage( NamedSoundEffectMessage( UserListHeaderFooterMessage( HeldItemMessage( MapDataMessage( StopSoundMessage( CloseWindowMessage( ChunkDataMessage( TimeMessage( Message( SetWindowContentsMessage( PlayParticleMessage( ResourcePackSendMessage( DestroyEntitiesMessage( JoinGameMessage( SignEditorMessage( SetPassengerMessage( EntityAnimationMessage( TextMessage(net.glowstone.util.TextMessage) UpdateSignMessage( UserListItemMessage( ChatMessage( PositionRotationMessage( InventoryMonitor(net.glowstone.inventory.InventoryMonitor) EntityVelocityMessage( HeldItemMessage(

Example 2 with EntityVelocityMessage

use of in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class GlowProjectile method createSpawnMessage.

public List<Message> createSpawnMessage() {
    double x = location.getX();
    double y = location.getY();
    double z = location.getZ();
    int yaw = Position.getIntYaw(location);
    int pitch = Position.getIntPitch(location);
    return Arrays.asList(new SpawnObjectMessage(entityId, getUniqueId(), getObjectId(), x, y, z, pitch, yaw), new EntityMetadataMessage(entityId, metadata.getEntryList()), new EntityVelocityMessage(entityId, getVelocity()));
Also used : SpawnObjectMessage( EntityVelocityMessage( EntityMetadataMessage(

Example 3 with EntityVelocityMessage

use of in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class GlowEntity method createUpdateMessage.

 * Creates a {@link Message} which can be sent to a client to update this entity.
 * @param session Session to update this entity for
 * @return A message which can update this entity.
public List<Message> createUpdateMessage(GlowSession session) {
    double x = location.getX();
    double y = location.getY();
    double z = location.getZ();
    double dx = x * 32 - previousLocation.getX() * 32;
    double dy = y * 32 - previousLocation.getY() * 32;
    double dz = z * 32 - previousLocation.getZ() * 32;
    dx *= 128;
    dy *= 128;
    dz *= 128;
    boolean teleport = dx > Short.MAX_VALUE || dy > Short.MAX_VALUE || dz > Short.MAX_VALUE || dx < Short.MIN_VALUE || dy < Short.MIN_VALUE || dz < Short.MIN_VALUE;
    List<Message> result = new LinkedList<>();
    boolean moved = hasMoved();
    boolean rotated = hasRotated();
    if (teleported || moved && teleport) {
        result.add(new EntityTeleportMessage(entityId, location));
    } else if (rotated) {
        int yaw = Position.getIntYaw(location);
        int pitch = Position.getIntPitch(location);
        if (moved) {
            result.add(new RelativeEntityPositionRotationMessage(entityId, (short) dx, (short) dy, (short) dz, yaw, pitch));
        } else {
            result.add(new EntityRotationMessage(entityId, yaw, pitch));
    } else if (moved) {
        result.add(new RelativeEntityPositionMessage(entityId, (short) dx, (short) dy, (short) dz));
    // send changed metadata
    List<Entry> changes = metadata.getChanges();
    if (!changes.isEmpty()) {
        result.add(new EntityMetadataMessage(entityId, changes));
    // send velocity if needed
    if (velocityChanged) {
        result.add(new EntityVelocityMessage(entityId, velocity));
    if (passengerChanged) {
        // A player can be a passenger of any arbitrary entity, e.g. a boat
        // In case the current session belongs to this player passenger
        // We need to send the self_id
        List<Integer> passengerIds = new ArrayList<>();
        getPassengers().forEach(e -> passengerIds.add(e.getEntityId()));
        result.add(new SetPassengerMessage(getEntityId(),;
        passengerChanged = false;
    if (leashHolderChanged) {
        int attached = isLeashed() && session.getPlayer().getEntityId() == leashHolder.getEntityId() ? 0 : this.getEntityId();
        int holder = !isLeashed() ? -1 : leashHolder.getEntityId();
        // createAfterSpawnMessage()
        if (!isLeashed() || session.getPlayer().canSeeEntity(leashHolder)) {
            result.add(new AttachEntityMessage(attached, holder));
    return result;
Also used : EntityRotationMessage( EntityStatusMessage( InteractEntityMessage( EntityMetadataMessage( EntityTeleportMessage( SetPassengerMessage( Message( TextMessage(net.glowstone.util.TextMessage) RelativeEntityPositionMessage( EntityVelocityMessage( AttachEntityMessage( RelativeEntityPositionRotationMessage( SetPassengerMessage( EntityVelocityMessage( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EntityRotationMessage( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) RelativeEntityPositionRotationMessage( RelativeEntityPositionMessage( Entry(net.glowstone.entity.meta.MetadataMap.Entry) AttachEntityMessage( EntityTeleportMessage( EntityMetadataMessage(

Example 4 with EntityVelocityMessage

use of in project Glowstone by GlowstoneMC.

the class GlowPlayer method setVelocity.

public void setVelocity(Vector velocity) {
    PlayerVelocityEvent event = EventFactory.getInstance().callEvent(new PlayerVelocityEvent(this, velocity));
    if (!event.isCancelled()) {
        velocity = event.getVelocity();
        if (hasJoined()) {
            session.send(new EntityVelocityMessage(getEntityId(), velocity));
Also used : PlayerVelocityEvent(org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerVelocityEvent) EntityVelocityMessage(


EntityVelocityMessage ( EntityMetadataMessage ( Message ( SetPassengerMessage ( TextMessage (net.glowstone.util.TextMessage)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Entry (net.glowstone.entity.meta.MetadataMap.Entry)1 InventoryMonitor (net.glowstone.inventory.InventoryMonitor)1 AttachEntityMessage ( DestroyEntitiesMessage ( EntityAnimationMessage ( EntityRotationMessage ( EntityStatusMessage ( EntityTeleportMessage ( RelativeEntityPositionMessage ( RelativeEntityPositionRotationMessage ( SpawnObjectMessage ( BlockBreakAnimationMessage ( BlockChangeMessage (