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Example 6 with Cursor

use of net.imglib2.Cursor in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class DefaultCreateKernelBiGauss method calculate.

public RandomAccessibleInterval<T> calculate(final double[] sigmas, final Integer dimensionality) {
    // both sigmas must be available
    if (sigmas.length < 2)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Two sigmas (for inner and outer Gauss)" + " must be supplied.");
    // both sigmas must be reasonable
    if (sigmas[0] <= 0 || sigmas[1] <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input sigmas must be both positive.");
    // dimension as well...
    if (dimensionality <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input dimensionality must both positive.");
    // the size and center of the output image
    final long[] dims = new long[dimensionality];
    final long[] centre = new long[dimensionality];
    // time-saver... (must hold now: dimensionality > 0)
    dims[0] = Math.max(3, (2 * (int) (sigmas[0] + 2 * sigmas[1] + 0.5) + 1));
    centre[0] = (int) (dims[0] / 2);
    // fill the size and center arrays
    for (int d = 1; d < dims.length; d++) {
        dims[d] = dims[0];
        centre[d] = centre[0];
    // prepare some scaling constants
    // eq. (6)
    final double k = (sigmas[1] / sigmas[0]) * (sigmas[1] / sigmas[0]);
    // eq. (9)
    final double c0 = 0.24197 * ((sigmas[1] / sigmas[0]) - 1.0) / sigmas[0];
    // 0.24197 = 1/sqrt(2*PI*e) = 1/sqrt(2*PI) * exp(-0.5)
    final double[] C = { 1.0 / (2.50663 * sigmas[0]), 1.0 / (2.50663 * sigmas[1]) };
    // 2.50663 = sqrt(2*PI)
    // prepare squared input sigmas
    final double[] sigmasSq = { sigmas[0] * sigmas[0], sigmas[1] * sigmas[1] };
    // prepare the output image
    final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> out = createImgOp.calculate(new FinalInterval(dims));
    // fill the output image
    final Cursor<T> cursor = Views.iterable(out).cursor();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        // obtain the current coordinate (use dims to store it)
        // calculate distance from the image centre
        // TODO: can JVM reuse this var or is it allocated again and again (and multipling in the memory)?
        double dist = 0.;
        for (int d = 0; d < dims.length; d++) {
            final double dx = dims[d] - centre[d];
            dist += dx * dx;
        // dist = Math.sqrt(dist); -- gonna work with squared distance
        // which of the two Gaussians should we use?
        double val = 0.;
        if (dist < sigmasSq[0]) {
            // the inner one
            val = C[0] * Math.exp(-0.5 * dist / sigmasSq[0]) + c0;
        } else {
            // the outer one, get new distance first:
            dist = Math.sqrt(dist) - (sigmas[0] - sigmas[1]);
            dist *= dist;
            val = k * C[1] * Math.exp(-0.5 * dist / sigmasSq[1]);
        // compose the real value finally
    return out;
Also used : FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval)

Example 7 with Cursor

use of net.imglib2.Cursor in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class CreateKernel2D method calculate.

public RandomAccessibleInterval<T> calculate(double[][] input) {
    final long[] dims = { input.length, input[0].length };
    final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> rai = createOp.calculate(new FinalInterval(dims));
    final Cursor<T> cursor = Views.iterable(rai).cursor();
    for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {
        for (int k = 0; k < input[j].length; k++) {
    return rai;
Also used : FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval)

Example 8 with Cursor

use of net.imglib2.Cursor in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class AbstractThin method compute.

public void compute(final RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType> input, final RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType> output) {
    // Create a new image as a buffer to store the thinning image in each
    // iteration.
    // This image and output are swapped each iteration since we need to work on
    // the image
    // without changing it.
    final Img<BitType> buffer = ops().create().img(input, new BitType());
    final IterableInterval<BitType> it1 = Views.iterable(buffer);
    final IterableInterval<BitType> it2 = Views.iterable(output);
    // Extend the buffer in order to be able to iterate care-free later.
    final RandomAccessible<BitType> ra1 = Views.extendBorder(buffer);
    final RandomAccessible<BitType> ra2 = Views.extendBorder(output);
    // Used only in first iteration.
    RandomAccessible<BitType> currRa = Views.extendBorder(input);
    // Create cursors.
    final Cursor<BitType> firstCursor = it1.localizingCursor();
    Cursor<BitType> currentCursor = Views.iterable(input).localizingCursor();
    final Cursor<BitType> secondCursor = it2.localizingCursor();
    // Create pointers to the current and next cursor and set them to Buffer and
    // output respectively.
    Cursor<BitType> nextCursor;
    nextCursor = secondCursor;
    // The main loop.
    boolean changes = true;
    int i = 0;
    // Until no more changes, do:
    while (changes) {
        changes = false;
        // defined by the strategies).
        for (int j = 0; j < m_strategy.getIterationsPerCycle(); ++j) {
            // For each pixel in the image.
            while (currentCursor.hasNext()) {
                // Move both cursors
                // Get the position of the current cursor.
                final long[] coordinates = new long[currentCursor.numDimensions()];
                // Copy the value of the image currently operated upon.
                final boolean curr = currentCursor.get().get();
                // Only foreground pixels may be thinned
                if (curr) {
                    // Ask the strategy whether to flip the foreground pixel or not.
                    final boolean flip = m_strategy.removePixel(coordinates, currRa, j);
                    // If yes - change and keep track of the change.
                    if (flip) {
                        changes = true;
            // One step of the cycle is finished, notify the strategy.
            // Reset the cursors to the beginning and assign pointers for the next
            // iteration.
            // Keep track of the most recent image. Needed for output.
            if (currRa == ra2) {
                currRa = ra1;
                currentCursor = firstCursor;
                nextCursor = secondCursor;
            } else {
                currRa = ra2;
                currentCursor = secondCursor;
                nextCursor = firstCursor;
            // Keep track of iterations.
    // ra2. Copy it to output.
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
        // Ra1 points to img1, ra2 points to output.
        copy(buffer, output);
Also used : BitType(net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType)

Example 9 with Cursor

use of net.imglib2.Cursor in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class IntegralVariance method compute.

public void compute(final RectangleNeighborhood<Composite<I>> input, final DoubleType output) {
    // computation according to
    final IntegralCursor<Composite<I>> cursorS1 = new IntegralCursor<>(input);
    final int dimensions = input.numDimensions();
    // Compute \sum (-1)^{dim - ||cornerVector||_{1}} * I(x^{cornerVector})
    final DoubleType sum1 = new DoubleType();
    // Convert from input to return type
    final Converter<I, DoubleType> conv = new RealDoubleConverter<>();
    // Compute \sum (-1)^{dim - ||cornerVector||_{1}} * I(x^{cornerVector})
    final DoubleType sum2 = new DoubleType();
    final DoubleType valueAsDoubleType = new DoubleType();
    while (cursorS1.hasNext()) {
        final Composite<I> compositeValue =;
        final I value1 = compositeValue.get(0).copy();
        conv.convert(value1, valueAsDoubleType);
        // Obtain the cursor position encoded as corner vector
        final int cornerInteger1 = cursorS1.getCornerRepresentation();
        // Determine if the value has to be added (factor==1) or subtracted
        // (factor==-1)
        final DoubleType factor = new DoubleType(Math.pow(-1.0d, dimensions - IntegralMean.norm(cornerInteger1)));
        final I value2 = compositeValue.get(1).copy();
        conv.convert(value2, valueAsDoubleType);
        // Determine if the value has to be added (factor==1) or subtracted
        // (factor==-1)
    final int area = (int) Intervals.numElements(Intervals.expand(input, -1l));
    // NB: Reuse available DoubleType
    // NB
    // NB
    valueAsDoubleType.sub(new DoubleType(1));
    // NB
Also used : Composite(net.imglib2.view.composite.Composite) DoubleType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType) IntegralCursor(net.imagej.ops.image.integral.IntegralCursor) RealDoubleConverter(net.imglib2.converter.RealDoubleConverter)

Example 10 with Cursor

use of net.imglib2.Cursor in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class RidgeDetectionUtils method getMaxCoords.

protected static long[] getMaxCoords(RandomAccessibleInterval<DoubleType> input, boolean useAbsoluteValue) {
    long[] dims = new long[input.numDimensions()];
    double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    Cursor<DoubleType> cursor = Views.iterable(input).localizingCursor();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        double current = useAbsoluteValue ? Math.abs(cursor.get().get()) : cursor.get().get();
        if (current > max) {
            max = current;
            for (int d = 0; d < input.numDimensions(); d++) {
                dims[d] = cursor.getLongPosition(d);
    return dims;
Also used : DoubleType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType) RealPoint(net.imglib2.RealPoint) Point(net.imglib2.Point)


Test (org.junit.Test)43 AbstractOpTest (net.imagej.ops.AbstractOpTest)40 DoubleType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType)30 Random (java.util.Random)21 FinalInterval (net.imglib2.FinalInterval)21 ByteType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.ByteType)14 RandomAccessibleInterval (net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval)12 RectangleShape (net.imglib2.algorithm.neighborhood.RectangleShape)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 DiamondShape (net.imglib2.algorithm.neighborhood.DiamondShape)10 Shape (net.imglib2.algorithm.neighborhood.Shape)10 BitType (net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType)8 FloatType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType)8 Img (net.imglib2.img.Img)7 HorizontalLineShape (net.imglib2.algorithm.neighborhood.HorizontalLineShape)6 UnsignedByteType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType)6 Before (org.junit.Before)6 IterableInterval (net.imglib2.IterableInterval)4 Point (net.imglib2.Point)4 RealPoint (net.imglib2.RealPoint)4