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Example 1 with TNTEntity

use of net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity in project Arclight by IzzelAliz.

the class ExplosionMixin method doExplosionA.

 * @author IzzelAliz
 * @reason
public void doExplosionA() {
    Set<BlockPos> set = Sets.newHashSet();
    int i = 16;
    for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
        for (int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
            for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) {
                if (j == 0 || j == 15 || k == 0 || k == 15 || l == 0 || l == 15) {
                    double d0 = ((float) j / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
                    double d1 = ((float) k / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
                    double d2 = ((float) l / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
                    double d3 = Math.sqrt(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);
                    d0 = d0 / d3;
                    d1 = d1 / d3;
                    d2 = d2 / d3;
                    float f = this.size * (0.7F + * 0.6F);
                    double d4 = this.x;
                    double d6 = this.y;
                    double d8 = this.z;
                    for (float f1 = 0.3F; f > 0.0F; f -= 0.22500001F) {
                        BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(d4, d6, d8);
                        BlockState blockstate =;
                        IFluidState ifluidstate =;
                        if (!blockstate.isAir(, blockpos) || !ifluidstate.isEmpty()) {
                            float f2 = Math.max(blockstate.getExplosionResistance(, blockpos, exploder, (Explosion) (Object) this), ifluidstate.getExplosionResistance(, blockpos, exploder, (Explosion) (Object) this));
                            if (this.exploder != null) {
                                f2 = this.exploder.getExplosionResistance((Explosion) (Object) this,, blockpos, blockstate, ifluidstate, f2);
                            f -= (f2 + 0.3F) * 0.3F;
                        if (f > 0.0F && (this.exploder == null || this.exploder.canExplosionDestroyBlock((Explosion) (Object) this,, blockpos, blockstate, f))) {
                        d4 += d0 * (double) 0.3F;
                        d6 += d1 * (double) 0.3F;
                        d8 += d2 * (double) 0.3F;
    float f3 = this.size * 2.0F;
    int k1 = MathHelper.floor(this.x - (double) f3 - 1.0D);
    int l1 = MathHelper.floor(this.x + (double) f3 + 1.0D);
    int i2 = MathHelper.floor(this.y - (double) f3 - 1.0D);
    int i1 = MathHelper.floor(this.y + (double) f3 + 1.0D);
    int j2 = MathHelper.floor(this.z - (double) f3 - 1.0D);
    int j1 = MathHelper.floor(this.z + (double) f3 + 1.0D);
    List<Entity> list =, new AxisAlignedBB(k1, i2, j2, l1, i1, j1));
    net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.onExplosionDetonate(, (Explosion) (Object) this, list, f3);
    Vec3d vec3d = new Vec3d(this.x, this.y, this.z);
    for (Entity entity : list) {
        if (!entity.isImmuneToExplosions()) {
            double d12 = MathHelper.sqrt(entity.getDistanceSq(vec3d)) / f3;
            if (d12 <= 1.0D) {
                double d5 = entity.posX - this.x;
                double d7 = ((EntityBridge) entity).bridge$getEyeHeight() - this.y;
                double d9 = entity.posZ - this.z;
                double d13 = MathHelper.sqrt(d5 * d5 + d7 * d7 + d9 * d9);
                if (d13 != 0.0D) {
                    d5 = d5 / d13;
                    d7 = d7 / d13;
                    d9 = d9 / d13;
                    double d14 = Explosion.getBlockDensity(vec3d, entity);
                    double d10 = (1.0D - d12) * d14;
                    CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = this.exploder;
                    ((EntityBridge) entity).bridge$setForceExplosionKnockback(false);
                    boolean wasDamaged = entity.attackEntityFrom(this.getDamageSource(), (float) ((int) ((d10 * d10 + d10) / 2.0D * 7.0D * (double) f3 + 1.0D)));
                    CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = null;
                    if (!wasDamaged && !(entity instanceof TNTEntity || entity instanceof FallingBlockEntity) && !((EntityBridge) entity).bridge$isForceExplosionKnockback()) {
                    double d11 = d10;
                    if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
                        d11 = ProtectionEnchantment.getBlastDamageReduction((LivingEntity) entity, d10);
                    entity.setMotion(entity.getMotion().add(d5 * d11, d7 * d11, d9 * d11));
                    if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
                        PlayerEntity playerentity = (PlayerEntity) entity;
                        if (!playerentity.isSpectator() && (!playerentity.isCreative() || !playerentity.abilities.isFlying)) {
                            this.playerKnockbackMap.put(playerentity, new Vec3d(d5 * d10, d7 * d10, d9 * d10));
Also used : AxisAlignedBB(net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB) FallingBlockEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.FallingBlockEntity) FallingBlockEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.FallingBlockEntity) TNTEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity) Entity(net.minecraft.entity.Entity) PlayerEntity(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) DamagingProjectileEntity(net.minecraft.entity.projectile.DamagingProjectileEntity) LivingEntity(net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity) Explosion( TNTEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity) Vec3d(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d) PlayerEntity(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) LivingEntity(net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity) BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) EntityBridge(io.izzel.arclight.common.bridge.entity.EntityBridge) IFluidState(net.minecraft.fluid.IFluidState) Overwrite(org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Overwrite)

Example 2 with TNTEntity

use of net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity in project Mekanism by mekanism.

the class BlockObsidianTNT method createAndAddEntity.

public static void createAndAddEntity(@Nonnull World world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nullable LivingEntity igniter) {
    TNTEntity tnt = EntityObsidianTNT.create(world, pos.getX() + 0.5F, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.5F, igniter);
    if (tnt != null) {
        world.playSound(null, tnt.getX(), tnt.getY(), tnt.getZ(), SoundEvents.TNT_PRIMED, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 1.0F, 1.0F);
Also used : TNTEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity)

Example 3 with TNTEntity

use of net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity in project ChocolateQuestRepoured by TeamChocoQuest.

the class ProtectedRegionHelper method removeExplosionPreventedPositions.

public static void removeExplosionPreventedPositions(World world, Explosion explosion, boolean checkForOrigin) {
    IProtectedRegionManager manager = ProtectedRegionManager.getInstance(world);
    if (manager == null) {
    List<BlockPos> affectedBlockPositions = explosion.getToBlow();
    if (affectedBlockPositions.isEmpty()) {
    // If the exploder is our own custom tnt => let it blow!
    if (explosion.source instanceof EntityTNTPrimedCQR) {
    boolean flag = explosion.source instanceof TNTEntity;
    boolean flag1 = (flag && CQRConfig.dungeonProtection.enablePreventExplosionTNT) || (!flag && CQRConfig.dungeonProtection.enablePreventExplosionOther);
    boolean flag2 = CQRConfig.dungeonProtection.protectionSystemEnabled && flag1;
    if (flag2) {
        BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(explosion.getPosition());
        for (ProtectedRegion protectedRegion : manager.getProtectedRegions()) {
            if ((flag && protectedRegion.preventExplosionsTNT()) || (!flag && protectedRegion.preventExplosionsOther())) {
                if (checkForOrigin && protectedRegion.isInsideProtectedRegion(pos)) {
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < affectedBlockPositions.size(); i++) {
                        BlockPos pos1 = affectedBlockPositions.get(i);
                        if (protectedRegion.isInsideProtectedRegion(pos1)) {
            if (affectedBlockPositions.isEmpty()) {
    for (ProtectedRegion protectedRegion : manager.getProtectedRegions()) {
        for (BlockPos pos1 : affectedBlockPositions) {
            protectedRegion.setProtectionState(pos1, 0);
Also used : EntityTNTPrimedCQR(team.cqr.cqrepoured.entity.misc.EntityTNTPrimedCQR) TNTEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)

Example 4 with TNTEntity

use of net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity in project Fragile-Glass by fredtargaryen.

the class EntityDataManager method addCapabilityIfPossible.

public void addCapabilityIfPossible(Entity e, AttachCapabilitiesEvent<Entity> evt) {
    // A player would reasonably expect many existing entities to be able to break fragile blocks, but it is
    // very unlikely that anyone would go to the trouble of writing out all the config lines for every entity.
    // The following code does some type checks and creates BreakerDatas if the entity probably would break a block.
    BreakerData breakerData =;
    if (breakerData == null) {
        // A breakerdata for this entitytype has not been created yet
        if (e instanceof LivingEntity || e instanceof ArrowEntity || e instanceof FireballEntity || e instanceof MinecartEntity || e instanceof FireworkRocketEntity || e instanceof BoatEntity || e instanceof TNTEntity || e instanceof FallingBlockEntity) {
            breakerData = new BreakerData(DataReference.MINIMUM_ENTITY_SPEED_SQUARED, DataReference.MAXIMUM_ENTITY_SPEED_SQUARED, new String[] {});
  , breakerData);
    if (breakerData != null) {
        // The entity was predefined (via configs or commands) as being able to break a block,
        // or a BreakerData was automatically created above.
        ICapabilityProvider iCapProv = new ICapabilityProvider() {

            IBreakCapability inst = new IBreakCapability() {

                public void init(Entity e) {

                public void update(Entity e) {

                public double getSpeedSquared(Entity e) {
                    Vector3d motion = e.getMotion();
                    return motion.x * motion.x + motion.y * motion.y + motion.z * motion.z;

                public boolean isAbleToBreak(Entity e, double speedSq) {
                    BreakerData breakerData =;
                    if (breakerData == null)
                        return false;
                    return speedSq >= breakerData.getMinSpeedSquared() && speedSq <= breakerData.getMaxSpeedSquared();

                public double getMotionX(Entity e) {
                    return e.getMotion().x;

                public double getMotionY(Entity e) {
                    return e.getMotion().y;

                public double getMotionZ(Entity e) {
                    return e.getMotion().z;

                public byte getNoOfBreaks(Entity e) {
                    return 1;

            public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(@Nonnull Capability<T> capability, @Nullable Direction facing) {
                return capability == FragileGlassBase.BREAKCAP ? LazyOptional.of(() -> (T) inst) : LazyOptional.empty();
        evt.addCapability(DataReference.BREAK_LOCATION, iCapProv);
Also used : FallingBlockEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.FallingBlockEntity) BreakerData( BoatEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.BoatEntity) FallingBlockEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.FallingBlockEntity) ArrowEntity(net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ArrowEntity) BoatEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.BoatEntity) TNTEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity) Entity(net.minecraft.entity.Entity) LivingEntity(net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity) MinecartEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.minecart.MinecartEntity) FireballEntity(net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FireballEntity) FireworkRocketEntity(net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FireworkRocketEntity) TNTEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity) IBreakCapability(com.fredtargaryen.fragileglass.entity.capability.IBreakCapability) Capability(net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.Capability) MinecartEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.minecart.MinecartEntity) ICapabilityProvider(net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.ICapabilityProvider) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) ArrowEntity(net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ArrowEntity) FireworkRocketEntity(net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FireworkRocketEntity) Direction(net.minecraft.util.Direction) IBreakCapability(com.fredtargaryen.fragileglass.entity.capability.IBreakCapability) LivingEntity(net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity) Vector3d(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) FireballEntity(net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FireballEntity)

Example 5 with TNTEntity

use of net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity in project Mekanism by mekanism.

the class BlockObsidianTNT method wasExploded.

public void wasExploded(World world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nonnull Explosion explosion) {
    if (!world.isClientSide) {
        TNTEntity tnt = EntityObsidianTNT.create(world, pos.getX() + 0.5F, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.5F, explosion.getSourceMob());
        if (tnt != null) {
            tnt.setFuse((short) (world.random.nextInt(tnt.getLife() / 4) + tnt.getLife() / 8));
Also used : TNTEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity)


TNTEntity (net.minecraft.entity.item.TNTEntity)5 Entity (net.minecraft.entity.Entity)2 LivingEntity (net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity)2 FallingBlockEntity (net.minecraft.entity.item.FallingBlockEntity)2 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)2 BreakerData ( IBreakCapability (com.fredtargaryen.fragileglass.entity.capability.IBreakCapability)1 EntityBridge (io.izzel.arclight.common.bridge.entity.EntityBridge)1 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)1 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)1 BlockState (net.minecraft.block.BlockState)1 BoatEntity (net.minecraft.entity.item.BoatEntity)1 MinecartEntity (net.minecraft.entity.item.minecart.MinecartEntity)1 PlayerEntity (net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity)1 ArrowEntity (net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ArrowEntity)1 DamagingProjectileEntity (net.minecraft.entity.projectile.DamagingProjectileEntity)1 FireballEntity (net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FireballEntity)1 FireworkRocketEntity (net.minecraft.entity.projectile.FireworkRocketEntity)1 IFluidState (net.minecraft.fluid.IFluidState)1 Direction (net.minecraft.util.Direction)1