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Example 11 with BiomeType

use of in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.

the class SpongeChunkGenerator method populate.

public void populate(int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
    IMixinWorldServer world = (IMixinWorldServer);
    final PhaseTracker phaseTracker = PhaseTracker.getInstance();
    long i1 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
    long j1 = this.rand.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
    this.rand.setSeed(chunkX * i1 + chunkZ * j1 ^;
    BlockFalling.fallInstantly = true;
    // Have to regeneate the biomes so that any virtual biomes can be passed
    // to the populator.
    this.cachedBiomes.reuse(new Vector3i(chunkX * 16, 0, chunkZ * 16));
    ImmutableBiomeVolume biomeBuffer = this.cachedBiomes.getImmutableBiomeCopy();
    BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(chunkX * 16, 0, chunkZ * 16);
    BiomeType biome = (BiomeType), 0, 16)); chunk = (, chunkZ);
    BiomeGenerationSettings settings = getBiomeSettings(biome);
    List<Populator> populators = new ArrayList<>(this.pop);
    Populator snowPopulator = null;
    Iterator<Populator> itr = populators.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        Populator populator =;
        if (populator instanceof SnowPopulator) {
            snowPopulator = populator;
    if (snowPopulator != null) {
    Sponge.getGame().getEventManager().post(SpongeEventFactory.createPopulateChunkEventPre(Sponge.getCauseStackManager().getCurrentCause(), populators, chunk));
    List<String> flags = Lists.newArrayList();
    Vector3i min = new Vector3i(chunkX * 16 + 8, 0, chunkZ * 16 + 8); spongeWorld = (;
    Extent volume = new SoftBufferExtentViewDownsize(chunk.getWorld(), min, min.add(15, 255, 15), min.sub(8, 0, 8), min.add(23, 255, 23));
    for (Populator populator : populators) {
        final PopulatorType type = populator.getType();
        if (type == null) {
            System.err.printf("Found a populator with a null type: %s populator%n", populator);
        if (Sponge.getGame().getEventManager().post(SpongeEventFactory.createPopulateChunkEventPopulate(Sponge.getCauseStackManager().getCurrentCause(), populator, chunk))) {
        try (CauseStackManager.StackFrame frame = Sponge.getCauseStackManager().pushCauseFrame()) {
            Timing timing = null;
            if (Timings.isTimingsEnabled()) {
                timing = this.populatorTimings.get(populator.getType().getId());
                if (timing == null) {
                    // ,
                    timing = SpongeTimingsFactory.ofSafe("populate - " + populator.getType().getId());
                    // this.chunkGeneratorTiming);
                    this.populatorTimings.put(populator.getType().getId(), timing);
            try (PhaseContext<?> context = GenerationPhase.State.POPULATOR_RUNNING.createPhaseContext().world(world).populator(type).buildAndSwitch()) {
                if (populator instanceof IFlaggedPopulator) {
                    ((IFlaggedPopulator) populator).populate(spongeWorld, volume, this.rand, biomeBuffer, flags);
                } else {
                    populator.populate(spongeWorld, volume, this.rand, biomeBuffer);
                if (Timings.isTimingsEnabled()) {
    // populate method so that its particular changes are used.
    if (this.baseGenerator instanceof SpongeGenerationPopulator) {
        Timing timing = null;
        if (Timings.isTimingsEnabled()) {
            IGenerationPopulator spongePopulator = (IGenerationPopulator) this.baseGenerator;
            timing = spongePopulator.getTimingsHandler();
        ((SpongeGenerationPopulator) this.baseGenerator).getHandle(, chunkZ);
        if (Timings.isTimingsEnabled()) {
    PopulateChunkEvent.Post event = SpongeEventFactory.createPopulateChunkEventPost(Sponge.getCauseStackManager().getCurrentCause(), ImmutableList.copyOf(populators), chunk);
    BlockFalling.fallInstantly = false;
Also used : Extent( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IGenerationPopulator( PopulatorType( World( BiomeType( SoftBufferExtentViewDownsize( ChunkGeneratorOverworld( IChunkProviderOverworld( CauseStackManager(org.spongepowered.api.event.CauseStackManager) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) BiomeGenerationSettings( SpongeBiomeGenerationSettings( GenerationPopulator( Populator( IFlaggedPopulator( SnowPopulator( IGenerationPopulator( ImmutableBiomeVolume( IFlaggedPopulator( IMixinWorldServer( PopulateChunkEvent( IMixinChunk(org.spongepowered.common.interfaces.IMixinChunk) Chunk( PhaseTracker(org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.PhaseTracker) Vector3i(com.flowpowered.math.vector.Vector3i) SnowPopulator( Timing(co.aikar.timings.Timing)

Example 12 with BiomeType

use of in project SpongeAPI by SpongePowered.

the class VoidWorldGeneratorModifier method modifyWorldGenerator.

public void modifyWorldGenerator(WorldProperties world, DataContainer settings, WorldGenerator worldGenerator) {
    for (BiomeType biome : Sponge.getRegistry().getAllOf(BiomeType.class)) {
        BiomeGenerationSettings biomeSettings = worldGenerator.getBiomeSettings(biome);
    worldGenerator.setBaseGenerationPopulator((world1, buffer, biomes) -> {
    worldGenerator.setBiomeGenerator(buffer -> buffer.getBiomeWorker().fill((x, y, z) -> BiomeTypes.VOID));
Also used : WorldGenerator( World( WorldProperties( Sponge(org.spongepowered.api.Sponge) DataContainer( BiomeGenerationSettings( BiomeType( BiomeTypes( WorldGeneratorModifier( BiomeType( BiomeGenerationSettings(

Example 13 with BiomeType

use of in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.

the class FlatGeneratorSettingsParser method fromString.

public static FlatGeneratorSettings fromString(@Nullable String value) {
    if (value == null) {
        return null;
    // Split the value into parts
    final List<String> parts = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(';').split(value));
    // Try to extract the version from the parts
    int version = 0;
    if (parts.size() > 1) {
        version = Coerce.toInteger(parts.remove(0));
    // Smaller then 0 is unknown? and 3 is the latest format version
    if (version < 0 || version > 3) {
        return null;
    // The layers are stored in the first part
    final String layersPart = parts.remove(0);
    // The parsed layers
    final List<FlatLayer> layers = new ArrayList<>();
    // Can be empty if there are no layers
    if (!layersPart.isEmpty()) {
        // The separator that can be used to create a layer
        // of x amount of blocks
        final char depthSeparator = version >= 3 ? '*' : 'x';
        Splitter.on(',').split(layersPart).forEach(s -> {
            // The block type
            BlockType blockType;
            // The data value (optional)
            int blockData = 0;
            // The depth of the layer
            int depth = 1;
            // The depth separated by the depth separator followed by the block state
            final List<String> parts1 = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(depthSeparator).limit(2).split(s));
            if (parts1.size() > 1) {
                final Optional<Integer> optDepth = Coerce.asInteger(parts1.remove(0));
                if (optDepth.isPresent()) {
                    depth = GenericMath.clamp(optDepth.get(), 0, 255);
                    if (depth <= 0) {
                        // Skip to the next layer
            String blockStatePart = parts1.get(0);
            final int index = blockStatePart.lastIndexOf(':');
            if (index > 0) {
                Optional<Integer> optData = Coerce.asInteger(blockStatePart.substring(index + 1));
                if (optData.isPresent()) {
                    blockData = GenericMath.clamp(optData.get(), 0, 15);
                    blockStatePart = blockStatePart.substring(0, index);
            // Try to parse the block id as internal (int) id
            final Optional<Integer> optId = Coerce.asInteger(blockStatePart);
            if (optId.isPresent()) {
                blockType = BlockRegistryModule.get().getStateByInternalId(optId.get()).orElse(BlockTypes.STONE.getDefaultState()).getType();
            // Not an integer, try the catalog system
            } else {
                blockType = BlockRegistryModule.get().getById(blockStatePart).orElse(BlockTypes.STONE);
            layers.add(new FlatLayer(BlockRegistryModule.get().getStateByTypeAndData(blockType, (byte) blockData).get(), depth));
    // Try to parse the biome type if present
    BiomeType biomeType = BiomeTypes.PLAINS;
    if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
        final String biomePart = parts.remove(0);
        final Optional<Integer> optBiomeId = Coerce.asInteger(biomePart);
        final Optional<BiomeType> optBiome;
        if (optBiomeId.isPresent()) {
            optBiome = BiomeRegistryModule.get().getByInternalId(optBiomeId.get());
        } else {
            optBiome = BiomeRegistryModule.get().getById(biomePart);
        if (optBiome.isPresent()) {
            biomeType = optBiome.get();
    // Extra data (like structures)
    final DataContainer extraData = DataContainer.createNew();
    if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
        final String extraPart = parts.remove(0);
        if (!extraPart.isEmpty()) {
            Splitter.on(',').split(extraPart).forEach(s -> {
                String key = s;
                // Check if there is extra data attached to the key
                final int valuesIndex = s.indexOf('(');
                if (valuesIndex != -1) {
                    // Separate the key from the values
                    key = s.substring(0, valuesIndex);
                    int endIndex = s.lastIndexOf(')');
                    if (endIndex == -1) {
                        endIndex = s.length();
                    // Get the values section from the string
                    s = s.substring(valuesIndex + 1, endIndex);
                    // Create the view to store the values
                    final DataView dataView = extraData.createView(DataQuery.of(key));
                    if (!s.isEmpty()) {
                        Splitter.on(' ').split(s).forEach(v -> {
                            final List<String> parts1 = Splitter.on('=').limit(2).splitToList(v);
                            // Must be greater then 1, otherwise it's invalid
                            if (parts1.size() > 1) {
                                // Currently, only integer values seem to be supported
                                dataView.set(DataQuery.of(parts1.get(0)), Coerce.toInteger(parts1.get(1)));
                } else {
    return new FlatGeneratorSettings(biomeType, layers, extraData);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BiomeType( DataView( DataContainer( BlockType(org.spongepowered.api.block.BlockType) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 14 with BiomeType

use of in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.

the class LanternChunkManager method populateChunk.

private void populateChunk(LanternChunk chunk, Cause cause, Random random) {
    chunk.populating = true;
    // Populate
    int chunkX = chunk.getX() * 16;
    int chunkZ = chunk.getZ() * 16;
    long worldSeed =;
    long xSeed = random.nextLong() / 2 * 2 + 1;
    long zSeed = random.nextLong() / 2 * 2 + 1;
    long chunkSeed = xSeed * chunkX + zSeed * chunkZ ^ worldSeed;
    // noinspection ConstantConditions
    final ChunkBiomeBuffer biomeBuffer = this.genBuffers.get().chunkBiomeBuffer;
    biomeBuffer.reuse(new Vector3i(chunkX + 8, 0, chunkZ + 8));
    // We ave to regenerate the biomes so that any
    // virtual biomes can be passed to the populator.
    final BiomeGenerator biomeGenerator = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeGenerator();
    // Initialize the biomes into the chunk
    final ImmutableBiomeVolume immutableBiomeVolume = biomeBuffer.getImmutableBiomeCopy();
    // Using the biome at an arbitrary point within the chunk
    // ({16, 0, 16} in the vanilla game)
    final BiomeType biomeType = immutableBiomeVolume.getBiome(chunkX + 16, 0, chunkZ + 16);
    // Get the generation settings
    final BiomeGenerationSettings biomeGenSettings = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeSettings(biomeType);
    final List<Populator> populators = new LinkedList<>(biomeGenSettings.getPopulators());
    final EventManager eventManager = Sponge.getEventManager();
    final Vector3i min = new Vector3i(chunkX + 8, 0, chunkZ + 8);
    final Extent volume = new SoftBufferExtentViewDownsize(chunk.getWorld(), min, min.add(15, 0, 15), min.sub(8, 0, 8), min.add(23, 0, 23));
    // Call the pre populate event, this allows
    // modifications to the populators list
    // Called before a chunk begins populating. (javadoc), populators, chunk));
    // First populate the chunk with the biome populators
    for (Populator populator : populators) {
        // Called when a populator is about to run against a chunk. (javadoc), populator, chunk));
        populator.populate(, volume, random);
    // Called when a chunk finishes populating. (javadoc), ImmutableList.copyOf(populators), chunk));;
    // We are done
    chunk.populated = true;
    chunk.populating = false;
Also used : ImmutableBiomeVolume( EventManager(org.spongepowered.api.event.EventManager) Extent( BiomeGenerator( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) VirtualBiomeType( BiomeType( SoftBufferExtentViewDownsize( Vector3i(com.flowpowered.math.vector.Vector3i) BiomeGenerationSettings( GenerationPopulator( Populator(

Example 15 with BiomeType

use of in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.

the class LanternChunkManager method generate.

 * Attempts to generate the chunk.
 * @param chunk The chunk
 * @param cause The cause
private void generate(LanternChunk chunk, Cause cause) {
    final EventManager eventManager = Sponge.getEventManager();, chunk));
    final GenerationBuffers buffers = this.genBuffers.get();
    // noinspection ConstantConditions
    final ChunkBiomeBuffer biomeBuffer = buffers.chunkBiomeBuffer;
    biomeBuffer.reuse(new Vector3i(chunk.getX() << 4, 0, chunk.getZ() << 4));
    // Generate the biomes
    final BiomeGenerator biomeGenerator = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeGenerator();
    // Initialize the biomes into the chunk
    final ImmutableBiomeVolume immutableBiomeVolume = biomeBuffer.getImmutableBiomeCopy();
    final ChunkBlockBuffer blockBuffer = buffers.chunkBlockBuffer;
    blockBuffer.reuse(new Vector3i(chunk.getX() << 4, 0, chunk.getZ() << 4));
    // Apply the main world generator
    final GenerationPopulator baseGenerator = this.worldGenerator.getBaseGenerationPopulator();
    baseGenerator.populate(, blockBuffer, immutableBiomeVolume);
    // Get all the used biome types
    final Set<BiomeType> biomeTypes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(biomeBuffer.biomeTypes);
    for (BiomeType biomeType : biomeTypes) {
        final BiomeGenerationSettings settings = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeSettings(biomeType);
        for (GenerationPopulator generator : settings.getGenerationPopulators()) {
            generator.populate(, blockBuffer, immutableBiomeVolume);
    // Apply the generator populators to complete the block buffer
    for (GenerationPopulator generator : this.worldGenerator.getGenerationPopulators()) {
        generator.populate(, blockBuffer, immutableBiomeVolume);
    // Create the chunk sections
    final ChunkSection[] sections = new ChunkSection[CHUNK_SECTIONS];
    for (int sy = 0; sy < CHUNK_SECTIONS; sy++) {
        final int nonAirCount = blockBuffer.nonAirCount[sy];
        if (nonAirCount > 0) {
            sections[sy] = new ChunkSection(blockBuffer.types[sy]);
    // Initialize the chunk
    chunk.initializeLight();, chunk));
Also used : ImmutableBiomeVolume( EventManager(org.spongepowered.api.event.EventManager) BiomeGenerator( VirtualBiomeType( BiomeType( GenerationPopulator( Vector3i(com.flowpowered.math.vector.Vector3i) BiomeGenerationSettings( ChunkSection(


BiomeType ( Vector3i (com.flowpowered.math.vector.Vector3i)10 VirtualBiomeType ( BiomeGenerationSettings ( ImmutableBiomeVolume ( GenerationPopulator ( Biome ( UnmodifiableBiomeVolume ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Extent ( Populator ( Timing (co.aikar.timings.Timing)2 ResourceLocation (net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation)2 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)2 World ( Chunk ( ChunkGeneratorOverworld ( DataContainer ( EventManager (org.spongepowered.api.event.EventManager)2 BiomeGenerator (