use of cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class TimeStepPanel method refresh.
private void refresh() {
if (solverTaskDescription == null) {
SolverDescription solverDescription = solverTaskDescription.getSolverDescription();
if (solverDescription.compareEqual(SolverDescription.StochGibson)) {
// stochastic time
} else if (solverDescription.compareEqual(SolverDescription.NFSim)) {
} else {
TimeStep ts = solverTaskDescription.getTimeStep();
getDefaultTimeStepTextField().setText(ts.getDefaultTimeStep() + "");
getMinimumTimeStepTextField().setText(ts.getMinimumTimeStep() + "");
getMaximumTimeStepTextField().setText(ts.getMaximumTimeStep() + "");
// fixed time step solvers and non spatial stochastic solvers only show default time step.
if (!solverDescription.hasVariableTimestep() || solverDescription.isNonSpatialStochasticSolver()) {
} else {
// variable time step solvers shows min and max, but sundials solvers don't show min
if (solverDescription.hasSundialsTimeStepping()) {
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SolverFactory method createSolver.
public static Solver createSolver(File userDir, File parallelDir, SimulationTask simTask, boolean bMessaging) throws SolverException {
SolverDescription solverDescription = simTask.getSimulationJob().getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription();
File simTaskFile = new File(userDir, simTask.getSimulationJobID() + "_" + simTask.getTaskID() + ".simtask.xml");
if (userDir.exists() && !simTaskFile.exists()) {
try {
String simTaskXmlText = XmlHelper.simTaskToXML(simTask);
XmlUtil.writeXMLStringToFile(simTaskXmlText, simTaskFile.toString(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SolverException("unable to write SimulationTask file");
if (solverDescription == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SolverDescription cannot be null");
Maker maker = FACTORY.get(solverDescription);
if (maker != null) {
Solver s = maker.make(simTask, userDir, parallelDir, bMessaging);
return s;
throw new SolverException("Unknown solver: " + solverDescription);
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class XmlHelper method sedmlToBioModel.
public static VCDocument sedmlToBioModel(VCLogger transLogger, ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo, SedML sedml, AbstractTask selectedTask) throws Exception {
if (sedml.getModels().isEmpty()) {
return null;
VCDocument doc = null;
try {
// extract the path only from the sedml file
String fullPath = FileUtils.getFullPath(externalDocInfo.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
// Namespace namespace = sedml.getNamespace();
// iterate through all the elements and show them at the console
List<org.jlibsedml.Model> mmm = sedml.getModels();
for (Model mm : mmm) {
List<org.jlibsedml.Simulation> sss = sedml.getSimulations();
for (org.jlibsedml.Simulation ss : sss) {
List<AbstractTask> ttt = sedml.getTasks();
for (AbstractTask tt : ttt) {
List<DataGenerator> ddd = sedml.getDataGenerators();
for (DataGenerator dd : ddd) {
List<Output> ooo = sedml.getOutputs();
for (Output oo : ooo) {
KisaoTerm sedmlKisao = null;
// this will become the vCell simulation
org.jlibsedml.Simulation sedmlSimulation = null;
// the "original" model referred to by the task
org.jlibsedml.Model sedmlOriginalModel = null;
String sedmlOriginalModelName = null;
if (selectedTask == null) {
// no task, just pick the Model and find its sbml file
sedmlOriginalModelName = SEDMLUtil.getName(mmm.get(0));
} else {
if (selectedTask instanceof Task) {
sedmlOriginalModel = sedml.getModelWithId(selectedTask.getModelReference());
sedmlSimulation = sedml.getSimulation(selectedTask.getSimulationReference());
} else if (selectedTask instanceof RepeatedTask) {
RepeatedTask rt = (RepeatedTask) selectedTask;
assert (rt.getSubTasks().size() == 1);
// first (and only) subtask
SubTask st = rt.getSubTasks().entrySet().iterator().next().getValue();
String taskId = st.getTaskId();
AbstractTask t = sedml.getTaskWithId(taskId);
// get model and simulation from subtask
sedmlOriginalModel = sedml.getModelWithId(t.getModelReference());
sedmlSimulation = sedml.getSimulation(t.getSimulationReference());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected task " + selectedTask);
sedmlOriginalModelName = sedmlOriginalModel.getId();
sedmlKisao = KisaoOntology.getInstance().getTermById(sedmlSimulation.getAlgorithm().getKisaoID());
// UniformTimeCourse [initialTime=0.0, numberOfPoints=1000, outputEndTime=1.0, outputStartTime=0.0,
// Algorithm [kisaoID=KISAO:0000019], getId()=SimSlow]
// identify the vCell solvers that would match best the sedml solver kisao id
List<SolverDescription> solverDescriptions = new ArrayList<>();
for (SolverDescription sd : SolverDescription.values()) {
KisaoTerm solverKisaoTerm = KisaoOntology.getInstance().getTermById(sd.getKisao());
if (solverKisaoTerm == null) {
boolean isExactlySame = solverKisaoTerm.equals(sedmlKisao);
if (isExactlySame && !solverKisaoTerm.isObsolete()) {
// we make a list with all the solvers that match the kisao
// from the list of vcell solvers that match the sedml kisao we select the ones that have a matching time step
SolverDescription solverDescription = null;
for (SolverDescription sd : solverDescriptions) {
if (true) {
solverDescription = sd;
// find out everything else we need about the application we're going to use,
// some of the info will be needed when we parse the sbml file
boolean bSpatial = false;
Application appType = Application.NETWORK_DETERMINISTIC;
Set<SolverDescription.SolverFeature> sfList = solverDescription.getSupportedFeatures();
for (SolverDescription.SolverFeature sf : sfList) {
switch(sf) {
case Feature_Rulebased:
appType = Application.RULE_BASED_STOCHASTIC;
case Feature_Stochastic:
appType = Application.NETWORK_STOCHASTIC;
case Feature_Deterministic:
appType = Application.NETWORK_DETERMINISTIC;
case Feature_Spatial:
bSpatial = true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// extract bioModel name from sedx (or sedml) file
String bioModelName = FileUtils.getBaseName(externalDocInfo.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
// if we have repeated task, we ignore them, we just use the normal resolvers for archive and changes
// once the application and simulation are built, we iterate through the repeated tasks and
// add math overrides to the simulation for each repeated task
ArchiveComponents ac = null;
if (externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("sedx") || externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("omex")) {
ac = Libsedml.readSEDMLArchive(new FileInputStream(externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath()));
ModelResolver resolver = new ModelResolver(sedml);
if (ac != null) {
resolver.add(new ArchiveModelResolver(ac));
resolver.add(new FileModelResolver());
resolver.add(new RelativeFileModelResolver(fullPath));
String newMdl = resolver.getModelString(sedmlOriginalModel);
// sbmlSource with all the changes applied
XMLSource sbmlSource = new XMLSource(newMdl);
doc = XmlHelper.importSBML(transLogger, sbmlSource, bSpatial);
BioModel bioModel = (BioModel) doc;
// we already have an application loaded from the sbml file, with initial conditions and stuff
// which may be not be suitable because the sedml kisao may need a different app type
// so we do a "copy as" to the right type and then delete the original we loaded from the sbml file
// the new application we're making from the old one
SimulationContext newSimulationContext = null;
if (bioModel.getSimulationContexts().length == 1) {
SimulationContext oldSimulationContext = bioModel.getSimulationContext(0);
newSimulationContext = SimulationContext.copySimulationContext(oldSimulationContext, sedmlOriginalModelName, bSpatial, appType);
} else {
// length == 0
newSimulationContext = bioModel.addNewSimulationContext(sedmlOriginalModelName, appType);
// making the new vCell simulation based on the sedml simulation
MathMappingCallback callback = new MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter(null);
newSimulationContext.refreshMathDescription(callback, NetworkGenerationRequirements.ComputeFullStandardTimeout);
Simulation newSimulation = new Simulation(newSimulationContext.getMathDescription());
// TODO: make sure that everything has proper names
// we check the repeated tasks, if any, and add to the list of math overrides
// if(selectedTask instanceof RepeatedTask) {
// for(Change change : ((RepeatedTask) selectedTask).getChanges()) {
// if(!(change instanceof SetValue)) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Only 'SetValue' changes are supported for repeated tasks.");
// }
// SetValue setValue = (SetValue)change;
// // TODO: extract target from XPath
// // ......
// //
// String target = "s0"; // for now we just use a hardcoded thing
// ConstantArraySpec cas;
// Range range = ((RepeatedTask) selectedTask).getRange(setValue.getRangeReference());
// if(range instanceof UniformRange) {
// cas = ConstantArraySpec.createIntervalSpec(target, ((UniformRange) range).getStart(), ((UniformRange) range).getEnd(),
// range.getNumElements(), ((UniformRange) range).getType() == UniformRange.UniformType.LOG ? true : false);
// } else if(range instanceof VectorRange) {
// // List<String> constants = new ArrayList<> ();
// // for(int i=0; i<range.getNumElements(); i++) {
// // constants.add(new Constant(i+"", new Expression(range.getElementAt(i))));
// // }
// // cas = ConstantArraySpec.createListSpec(target, constants);
// } else {
// throw new RuntimeException("Only 'Uniform Range' and 'Vector Range' are supported at this time.");
// }
// }
// }
// we identify the type of sedml simulation (uniform time course, etc)
// and set the vCell simulation parameters accordingly
SolverTaskDescription simTaskDesc = newSimulation.getSolverTaskDescription();
TimeBounds timeBounds = new TimeBounds();
TimeStep timeStep = new TimeStep();
double outputTimeStep = 0.1;
if (sedmlSimulation instanceof UniformTimeCourse) {
// we translate initial time to zero, we provide output for the duration of the simulation
// because we can't select just an interval the way the SEDML simulation can
double initialTime = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getInitialTime();
double outputStartTime = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getOutputStartTime();
double outputEndTime = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getOutputEndTime();
double outputNumberOfPoints = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getNumberOfPoints();
outputTimeStep = (outputEndTime - outputStartTime) / outputNumberOfPoints;
timeBounds = new TimeBounds(0, outputEndTime - initialTime);
} else if (sedmlSimulation instanceof OneStep) {
// for anything other than UniformTimeCourse we just ignore
} else if (sedmlSimulation instanceof SteadyState) {
} else {
OutputTimeSpec outputTimeSpec = new UniformOutputTimeSpec(outputTimeStep);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize bioModel for the given selection.");
return doc;
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class HybridSolver method getMathExecutableCommand.
protected String[] getMathExecutableCommand() {
String randomNumber = "";
// if one of the following paras is applied, all the paras in front of it must be set.
String epsilon = " 100";
String lambda = " 10";
String MSR_Tolerance = " 0.01";
String SDE_Tolerance = " 1e-4";
String SDE_dt = " 0.1";
String paraString = "";
SolverTaskDescription solverTaskDescription = simTask.getSimulation().getSolverTaskDescription();
NonspatialStochSimOptions stochOpts = solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt();
NonspatialStochHybridOptions hybridOpts = solverTaskDescription.getStochHybridOpt();
if (hybridOpts == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("expecting StochHybridOptions for solver type " + solverTaskDescription.getSolverDescription().getDisplayLabel());
epsilon = " " + String.valueOf(hybridOpts.getEpsilon());
lambda = " " + String.valueOf(hybridOpts.getLambda());
MSR_Tolerance = " " + String.valueOf(hybridOpts.getMSRTolerance());
if (solverTaskDescription.getSolverDescription().equals(SolverDescription.HybridMilAdaptive))
SDE_Tolerance = " " + String.valueOf(hybridOpts.getSDETolerance());
SDE_Tolerance = "";
SDE_dt = " " + String.valueOf(solverTaskDescription.getTimeStep().getDefaultTimeStep());
paraString = epsilon + lambda + MSR_Tolerance + SDE_Tolerance + SDE_dt;
if (stochOpts.isUseCustomSeed())
randomNumber = " -R " + String.valueOf(stochOpts.getCustomSeed());
SolverDescription solverDescription = null;
if (getIntegratorType() == HybridSolver.EMIntegrator) {
solverDescription = SolverDescription.HybridEuler;
} else if (getIntegratorType() == HybridSolver.MilsteinIntegrator) {
solverDescription = SolverDescription.HybridMilstein;
} else {
solverDescription = SolverDescription.HybridMilAdaptive;
String executableName;
try {
executableName = SolverUtilities.getExes(SolverDescription.HybridEuler)[0].getAbsolutePath();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to get executable for solver " + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
ArrayList<String> commandList = new ArrayList<String>();
String argumentString = paraString.toLowerCase() + randomNumber + " -OV";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(argumentString);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
return commandList.toArray(new String[0]);
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationWorkspace method checkSimulationParameters.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (5/11/2004 2:57:10 PM)
* @return boolean
* @param simulation cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation
private static boolean checkSimulationParameters(Simulation simulation, Component parent) {
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = new SimulationSymbolTable(simulation, 0);
String errorMessage = null;
long maxTimepoints = Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
long warningTimepoints = Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
boolean bSpatial = simulation.isSpatial();
if (bSpatial) {
maxTimepoints = Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
warningTimepoints = Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
long maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_0DE_MEGABYTES);
long warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES);
if (bSpatial) {
maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_PDE_MEGABYTES);
warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES);
} else if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch()) {
maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_STOCH_MEGABYTES);
warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES);
long expectedNumTimePoints = getExpectedNumTimePoints(simulation);
long expectedSizeBytes = getExpectedSizeBytes(simSymbolTable);
// check for error conditions (hard limits on resources) ... Note: each user should have it's own limits (and quotas).
SolverTaskDescription solverTaskDescription = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription();
SolverDescription solverDescription = solverTaskDescription.getSolverDescription();
if (expectedNumTimePoints > maxTimepoints) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has too many timepoints (" + expectedNumTimePoints + ") to be saved, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "suggested saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints\n" + "If you need to exceed the quota, please contact us";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (expectedSizeBytes > maxSizeBytes) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation's result dataset (" + CodeUtil.humanBytePrint(expectedSizeBytes) + ") is too large, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "suggested size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints or using a smaller mesh (if spatial)\n" + "If you need to exceed the quota, please contact us";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (simulation.getScanCount() > Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation generates too many simulations (" + simulation.getScanCount() + ") required for parameter scan, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "suggested limit for number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "Try choosing fewer parameters or reducing the size of scan for each parameter.";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (solverDescription.equals(SolverDescription.SundialsPDE)) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault()) {
DefaultOutputTimeSpec dot = (DefaultOutputTimeSpec) solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec();
int maxNumberOfSteps = dot.getKeepEvery() * dot.getKeepAtMost();
double maximumTimeStep = solverTaskDescription.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep();
double maxSimTime = maxNumberOfSteps * maximumTimeStep;
double endingTime = solverTaskDescription.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime();
if (maxSimTime < endingTime) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The maximum possible simulation time (keepEvery * maxTimestep * keepAtMost = " + maxSimTime + ") is less than simulation end time (" + endingTime + ").\n\n" + "You have chosen a variable time step solver and specified a maximum number of time steps of " + maxNumberOfSteps + " (keepEvery*keepAtMost). " + "Actual time steps are often small, but even if all steps were at the maximum time step of " + maximumTimeStep + ", the simulation end time of " + endingTime + " would not be reached. \n\n" + "Either adjust the parameters or choose the \"Output Interval\" option.";
} else if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && !(solverDescription.isNonSpatialStochasticSolver())) {
// to guarantee stochastic model uses stochastic methods and deterministic model uses ODE/PDE methods.
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Stochastic simulation(s) must use stochastic solver(s).\n" + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + " is not a stochastic solver!";
} else if (!simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && (solverDescription.isNonSpatialStochasticSolver())) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "ODE/PDE simulation(s) must use ODE/PDE solver(s).\n" + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + " is not a ODE/PDE solver!";
} else if (simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().isChomboSolver()) {
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = simulation.getMeshSpecification();
boolean bCellCentered = simulation.hasCellCenteredMesh();
if (meshSpecification != null && !meshSpecification.isAspectRatioOK(1e-4, bCellCentered)) {
errorMessage = "Non uniform spatial step is detected. This will affect the accuracy of the solution.\n\n" + "\u0394x=" + meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered) + "\n" + "\u0394y=" + meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered) + (meshSpecification.getGeometry().getDimension() < 3 ? "" : "\n\u0394z=" + meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered));
} else {
errorMessage = null;
if (errorMessage != null) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(parent, errorMessage);
return false;
} else if (simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().isChomboSolver()) {
Geometry geometry = simulation.getMathDescription().getGeometry();
ChomboMeshValidator meshValidator = new ChomboMeshValidator(geometry, simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getChomboSolverSpec());
ChomboMeshRecommendation chomboMeshRecommendation = meshValidator.computeMeshSpecs();
boolean bValid = chomboMeshRecommendation.validate();
if (!bValid) {
String option = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(parent, "Error", chomboMeshRecommendation.getErrorMessage(), chomboMeshRecommendation.getDialogOptions(), ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionClose);
if (ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionSuggestions.equals(option)) {
DialogUtils.showInfoDialog(parent, ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionSuggestions, chomboMeshRecommendation.getMeshSuggestions());
return bValid;
} else {
String warningMessage = null;
// don't check warning message for stochastic multiple trials, let it run.
if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getStochOpt() != null && simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
return true;
if (expectedNumTimePoints > warningTimepoints) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has large number of saving timepoints (" + expectedNumTimePoints + "), suggested saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints";
} else if (expectedSizeBytes > warningSizeBytes) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has large result dataset (" + (expectedSizeBytes / 1000000L) + "MB), suggested size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints or using a coarser mesh if spatial.";
} else if (simulation.getScanCount() > Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation generates a large number of simulations (" + simulation.getScanCount() + ") required for parameter scan.\n" + "maximum number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "suggested limit for the number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "Try choosing fewer parameters or reducing the size of scan for each parameter.";
if (solverDescription.equals(SolverDescription.SundialsPDE)) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getRelativeErrorTolerance() > 1e-4) {
String msg = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Warning: it is not reccomended to use a relative tolerance that is greater than \n1e-4 for " + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + ".";
warningMessage = warningMessage == null ? msg : warningMessage + "\n\n" + msg;
} else if (solverDescription.isSemiImplicitPdeSolver()) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getRelativeErrorTolerance() > 1e-8) {
String msg = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Warning: it is not reccomended to use a relative tolerance that is greater than \n1e-8 for " + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + ".";
warningMessage = warningMessage == null ? msg : warningMessage + "\n\n" + msg;
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = simulation.getMeshSpecification();
boolean bCellCentered = simulation.hasCellCenteredMesh();
if (meshSpecification != null && !meshSpecification.isAspectRatioOK(bCellCentered)) {
warningMessage = (warningMessage == null ? "" : warningMessage + "\n\n") + "Non uniform spatial step is detected. This might affect the accuracy of the solution.\n\n" + "\u0394x=" + meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered) + "\n" + "\u0394y=" + meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered) + (meshSpecification.getGeometry().getDimension() < 3 ? "" : "\n\u0394z=" + meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered));
if (warningMessage != null) {
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(parent, warningMessage + "\n\nDo you want to continue anyway?", new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
return (result != null && result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK));
} else {
return true;