Search in sources :

Example 16 with EndData

use of com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class Netlist method GetHiddenSinks.

private ArrayList<ConnectionPoint> GetHiddenSinks(Net thisNet, Byte bitIndex, ArrayList<Component> SplitterList, Component ActiveSplitter, Set<String> HandledNets, Boolean isSourceNet) {
    ArrayList<ConnectionPoint> result = new ArrayList<ConnectionPoint>();
		 * to prevent deadlock situations we check if we already looked at this
		 * net
    String NetId = Integer.toString(MyNets.indexOf(thisNet)) + "-" + Byte.toString(bitIndex);
    if (HandledNets.contains(NetId)) {
        return result;
    } else {
    if (thisNet.hasBitSinks(bitIndex) && !isSourceNet) {
    /* Check if we have a connection to another splitter */
    for (Component currentSplitter : SplitterList) {
        if (ActiveSplitter != null) {
            if (currentSplitter.equals(ActiveSplitter)) {
        List<EndData> ends = currentSplitter.getEnds();
        for (byte end = 0; end < ends.size(); end++) {
            if (thisNet.contains(ends.get(end).getLocation())) {
                /* Here we have to process the inherited bits of the parent */
                byte[] BusBitConnection = ((Splitter) currentSplitter).GetEndpoints();
                if (end == 0) {
                    /* this is a main net, find the connected end */
                    Byte SplitterEnd = BusBitConnection[bitIndex];
                    /* Find the corresponding Net index */
                    Byte Netindex = 0;
                    for (int index = 0; index < bitIndex; index++) {
                        if (BusBitConnection[index] == SplitterEnd) {
                    /* Find the connected Net */
                    Net SlaveNet = null;
                    for (Net thisnet : MyNets) {
                        if (thisnet.contains(ends.get(SplitterEnd).getLocation())) {
                            SlaveNet = thisnet;
                    if (SlaveNet != null) {
                        if (SlaveNet.IsRootNet()) {
                            /* Trace down the slavenet */
                            result.addAll(GetHiddenSinks(SlaveNet, Netindex, SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, false));
                        } else {
                            result.addAll(GetHiddenSinks(SlaveNet.getParent(), SlaveNet.getBit(Netindex), SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, false));
                } else {
                    ArrayList<Byte> Rootindices = new ArrayList<Byte>();
                    for (byte b = 0; b < BusBitConnection.length; b++) {
                        if (BusBitConnection[b] == end) {
                    Net RootNet = null;
                    for (Net thisnet : MyNets) {
                        if (thisnet.contains(currentSplitter.getEnd(0).getLocation())) {
                            RootNet = thisnet;
                    if (RootNet != null) {
                        if (RootNet.IsRootNet()) {
                            result.addAll(GetHiddenSinks(RootNet, Rootindices.get(bitIndex), SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, false));
                        } else {
                            result.addAll(GetHiddenSinks(RootNet.getParent(), RootNet.getBit(Rootindices.get(bitIndex)), SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, false));
    return result;
Also used : EndData(com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData) Splitter(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Splitter) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InstanceComponent(com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstanceComponent) Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component)

Example 17 with EndData

use of com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class Netlist method GenerateNetlist.

private boolean GenerateNetlist(FPGAReport Reporter, String HDLIdentifier) {
    ArrayList<SimpleDRCContainer> drc = new ArrayList<SimpleDRCContainer>();
    boolean errors = false;
    GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
    JFrame panel = new JFrame("Netlist: " + MyCircuit.getName());
    GridBagLayout thisLayout = new GridBagLayout();
    JLabel LocText = new JLabel("Generating Netlist for Circuit: " + MyCircuit.getName());
    gbc.gridx = 0;
    gbc.gridy = 0;
    gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
    panel.add(LocText, gbc);
    JProgressBar progres = new JProgressBar(0, 7);
    gbc.gridx = 0;
    gbc.gridy = 1;
    gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
    panel.add(progres, gbc);
    panel.setLocation(Projects.getCenteredLoc(panel.getWidth(), panel.getHeight()));
    CircuitName = MyCircuit.getName();
		 * FIRST PASS: In this pass we take all wire segments and see if they
		 * are connected to other segments. If they are connected we build a
		 * net.
    while (wires.size() != 0) {
        Net NewNet = new Net();
        GetNet(null, NewNet);
        if (!NewNet.isEmpty()) {
		 * Here we start to detect direct input-output component connections,
		 * read we detect "hidden" nets
    Set<Component> components = MyCircuit.getNonWires();
    /* we Start with the creation of an outputs list */
    Set<Location> OutputsList = new HashSet<Location>();
    Set<Location> InputsList = new HashSet<Location>();
    Set<Component> TunnelList = new HashSet<Component>();
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_IOError"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE));
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_BitwidthError"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_WIRE));
    for (Component com : components) {
			 * We do not process the splitter and tunnel, they are processed
			 * later on
        boolean Ignore = false;
        /* In this case, the probe should not be synthetised:
			 * We could set the Probe as non-HDL element. But If we set the Probe
			 * as non HDL element, logisim will not allow user to download the design. 
			 * In some case we need to use Logisim Simulation before running the design on the hardware. 
			 * During simulation, probes are very helpful to see signals values. And when simulation is ok, 
			 * the user does not want to delete all probes.
			 * Thus, here we remove it form the netlist so it is transparent.
        if (com.getFactory() instanceof Probe) {
        if (com.getFactory() instanceof SplitterFactory) {
            Ignore = true;
        if (com.getFactory() instanceof Tunnel) {
            Ignore = true;
        List<EndData> ends = com.getEnds();
        for (EndData end : ends) {
            if (!Ignore) {
                if (end.isInput() && end.isOutput()) {
                if (end.isOutput()) {
                } else {
            /* Here we are going to mark the bitwidths on the nets */
            int width = end.getWidth().getWidth();
            Location loc = end.getLocation();
            for (Net ThisNet : MyNets) {
                if (ThisNet.contains(loc)) {
                    if (!ThisNet.setWidth(width)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < drc.size(); i++) {
        if (drc.get(i).DRCInfoPresent()) {
            errors = true;
    if (errors) {
        return false;
    Rectangle ProgRect = progres.getBounds();
    ProgRect.x = 0;
    ProgRect.y = 0;
		 * Now we check if an input pin is connected to an output and in case of
		 * a Splitter if it is connected to either of them
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetAdd_ComponentWidthMismatch"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE));
    Map<Location, Integer> Points = new HashMap<Location, Integer>();
    for (Component comp : components) {
        for (EndData end : comp.getEnds()) {
            Location loc = end.getLocation();
            if (Points.containsKey(loc)) {
                /* Found a connection already used */
                boolean newNet = true;
                for (Net net : MyNets) {
                    if (net.contains(loc))
                        newNet = false;
                if (newNet) {
                    int BitWidth = Points.get(loc);
                    if (BitWidth == end.getWidth().getWidth()) {
                        MyNets.add(new Net(loc, BitWidth));
                    } else {
            } else
                Points.put(loc, end.getWidth().getWidth());
    if (drc.get(0).DRCInfoPresent()) {
        return false;
    ProgRect = progres.getBounds();
    ProgRect.x = 0;
    ProgRect.y = 0;
		 * Here we are going to process the tunnels and possible merging of the
		 * tunneled nets
    boolean TunnelsPresent = false;
    for (Component com : TunnelList) {
        List<EndData> ends = com.getEnds();
        for (EndData end : ends) {
            for (Net ThisNet : MyNets) {
                if (ThisNet.contains(end.getLocation())) {
                    TunnelsPresent = true;
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetMerge_BitWidthError"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_WIRE));
    if (TunnelsPresent) {
        Iterator<Net> NetIterator = MyNets.listIterator();
        while (NetIterator.hasNext()) {
            Net ThisNet =;
            if (ThisNet.HasTunnel() && (MyNets.indexOf(ThisNet) < (MyNets.size() - 1))) {
                boolean merged = false;
                Iterator<Net> SearchIterator = MyNets.listIterator(MyNets.indexOf(ThisNet) + 1);
                while (SearchIterator.hasNext() && !merged) {
                    Net SearchNet =;
                    for (String name : ThisNet.TunnelNames()) {
                        if (SearchNet.ContainsTunnel(name) && !merged) {
                            merged = true;
                            if (!SearchNet.merge(ThisNet)) {
                if (merged) {
    if (drc.get(0).DRCInfoPresent()) {
        return false;
    ProgRect = progres.getBounds();
    ProgRect.x = 0;
    ProgRect.y = 0;
    /* At this point all net segments are build. All tunnels have been removed. There is still the processing of
		 * the splitters and the determination of the direction of the nets.
    /* First we are going to check on duplicated splitters and remove them */
    Iterator<Component> MySplitIterator = MyComplexSplitters.listIterator();
    while (MySplitIterator.hasNext()) {
        Component ThisSplitter =;
        if (MyComplexSplitters.indexOf(ThisSplitter) < (MyComplexSplitters.size() - 1)) {
            boolean FoundDuplicate = false;
            Iterator<Component> SearchIterator = MyComplexSplitters.listIterator(MyComplexSplitters.indexOf(ThisSplitter) + 1);
            while (SearchIterator.hasNext() && !FoundDuplicate) {
                Component SearchSplitter =;
                if (SearchSplitter.getLocation().equals(ThisSplitter.getLocation())) {
                    FoundDuplicate = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < SearchSplitter.getEnds().size(); i++) {
                        if (!SearchSplitter.getEnd(i).getLocation().equals(ThisSplitter.getEnd(i).getLocation()))
                            FoundDuplicate = false;
            if (FoundDuplicate) {
                SimpleDRCContainer warn = new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_duplicatedSplitter"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_SEVERE, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE);
    /* In this round we are going to detect the unconnected nets meaning those having a width of 0 and remove them */
    Iterator<Net> NetIterator = MyNets.listIterator();
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_emptynets"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_NORMAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_WIRE));
    while (NetIterator.hasNext()) {
        Net wire =;
        if (wire.BitWidth() == 0) {
    if (drc.get(0).DRCInfoPresent()) {
    MySplitIterator = MyComplexSplitters.iterator();
    /* We also check quickly the splitters and remove the ones where input-bus is output-bus. We mark those who are not
		 * correctly connected and remove both versions from the set.
    drc.add(new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_ShortCircuit"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_FATAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_WIRE));
    errors = false;
    while (MySplitIterator.hasNext()) {
        Component mySplitter =;
        int BusWidth = mySplitter.getEnd(0).getWidth().getWidth();
        List<EndData> myEnds = mySplitter.getEnds();
        int MaxFanoutWidth = 0;
        int index = -1;
        for (int i = 1; i < myEnds.size(); i++) {
            int width = mySplitter.getEnd(i).getWidth().getWidth();
            if (width > MaxFanoutWidth) {
                MaxFanoutWidth = width;
                index = i;
        /* stupid situation first: the splitters bus connection is a single fanout */
        if (BusWidth == MaxFanoutWidth) {
            Net busnet = null;
            Net connectedNet = null;
            Location BusLoc = mySplitter.getEnd(0).getLocation();
            Location ConnectedLoc = mySplitter.getEnd(index).getLocation();
            boolean issueWarning = false;
            /* here we search for the nets */
            for (Net CurrentNet : MyNets) {
                if (CurrentNet.contains(BusLoc)) {
                    if (busnet != null) {
                        Reporter.AddFatalError("BUG: Multiple bus nets found for a single splitter\n ==> " + this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber() + "\n");
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        busnet = CurrentNet;
                if (CurrentNet.contains(ConnectedLoc)) {
                    if (connectedNet != null) {
                        Reporter.AddFatalError("BUG: Multiple nets found for a single splitter split connection\n ==> " + this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber() + "\n");
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        connectedNet = CurrentNet;
            if (connectedNet != null) {
                if (busnet != null) {
                    /* we can merge both nets */
                    if (!busnet.merge(connectedNet)) {
                        Reporter.AddFatalError("BUG: Splitter bus merge error\n ==> " + this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber() + "\n");
                        return false;
                    } else {
                } else {
                    issueWarning = true;
            } else {
                issueWarning = true;
            if (issueWarning) {
                SimpleDRCContainer warn = new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_NoSplitterConnection"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_SEVERE, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE);
        /* Does not exist anymore */
    ProgRect = progres.getBounds();
    ProgRect.x = 0;
    ProgRect.y = 0;
		 * Finally we have to process the splitters to determine the bus
		 * hierarchy (if any)
		 * In this round we only process the evident splitters and remove them
		 * from the list
    Iterator<Component> MySplitters = MyComplexSplitters.iterator();
    while (MySplitters.hasNext()) {
        Component com =;
			 * Currently by definition end(0) is the combined end of the
			 * splitter
        List<EndData> ends = com.getEnds();
        EndData CombinedEnd = ends.get(0);
        int RootNet = -1;
        /* We search for the root net in the list of nets */
        for (int i = 0; i < MyNets.size() && RootNet < 0; i++) {
            if (MyNets.get(i).contains(CombinedEnd.getLocation())) {
                RootNet = i;
        if (RootNet < 0) {
            Reporter.AddFatalError("BUG: Splitter without a bus connection\n ==> " + this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber() + "\n");
            return false;
			 * Now we process all the other ends to find the child busses/nets
			 * of this root bus
        ArrayList<Integer> Connections = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 1; i < ends.size(); i++) {
            EndData ThisEnd = ends.get(i);
            /* Find the connected net */
            int ConnectedNet = -1;
            for (int j = 0; j < MyNets.size() && ConnectedNet < 1; j++) {
                if (MyNets.get(j).contains(ThisEnd.getLocation())) {
                    ConnectedNet = j;
        boolean unconnectedEnds = false;
        for (int i = 1; i < ends.size(); i++) {
            int ConnectedNet = Connections.get(i - 1);
            if (ConnectedNet >= 0) {
                /* There is a net connected to this splitter's end point */
                if (!MyNets.get(ConnectedNet).setParent(MyNets.get(RootNet))) {
                /* Here we have to process the inherited bits of the parent */
                byte[] BusBitConnection = ((Splitter) com).GetEndpoints();
                for (byte b = 0; b < BusBitConnection.length; b++) {
                    if (BusBitConnection[b] == i) {
            } else {
                unconnectedEnds = true;
        if (unconnectedEnds) {
            SimpleDRCContainer warn = new SimpleDRCContainer(MyCircuit, Strings.get("NetList_NoSplitterEndConnections"), SimpleDRCContainer.LEVEL_NORMAL, SimpleDRCContainer.MARK_INSTANCE);
    ProgRect = progres.getBounds();
    ProgRect.x = 0;
    ProgRect.y = 0;
		 * Now the complete netlist is created, we have to check that each
		 * net/bus entry has only 1 source and 1 or more sinks. If there exist
		 * more than 1 source we have a short circuit! We keep track of the
		 * sources and sinks at the root nets/buses
    for (Net ThisNet : MyNets) {
        if (ThisNet.IsRootNet()) {
    for (Component comp : components) {
        if (comp.getFactory() instanceof SubcircuitFactory) {
            if (!ProcessSubcircuit(comp, Reporter)) {
                return false;
        } else if ((comp.getFactory() instanceof Pin) || (comp.getFactory().getIOInformation() != null) || (comp.getFactory().getHDLGenerator(HDLIdentifier, comp.getAttributeSet()) != null)) {
            if (!ProcessNormalComponent(comp, Reporter)) {
                return false;
    ProgRect = progres.getBounds();
    ProgRect.x = 0;
    ProgRect.y = 0;
		 * Here we are going to process the complex splitters, note that in the
		 * previous handling of the splitters we marked all nets connected to a
		 * complex splitter with a forcerootnet annotation; we are going to
		 * cycle trough all these nets
    for (Net thisnet : MyNets) {
        if (thisnet.IsForcedRootNet()) {
            /* Cycle through all the bits of this net */
            for (int bit = 0; bit < thisnet.BitWidth(); bit++) {
                for (Component comp : MyComplexSplitters) {
						 * Currently by definition end(0) is the combined end of
						 * the splitter
                    List<EndData> ends = comp.getEnds();
                    EndData CombinedEnd = ends.get(0);
                    int ConnectedBus = -1;
                    /* We search for the root net in the list of nets */
                    for (int i = 0; i < MyNets.size() && ConnectedBus < 0; i++) {
                        if (MyNets.get(i).contains(CombinedEnd.getLocation())) {
                            ConnectedBus = i;
                    if (ConnectedBus < 0) {
							 * This should never happen as we already checked in
							 * the first pass
                        Reporter.AddFatalError("BUG: This is embarasing as this should never happen\n ==> " + this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber() + "\n");
                        return false;
                    for (int endid = 1; endid < ends.size(); endid++) {
							 * we iterate through all bits to see if the current
							 * net is connected to this splitter
                        if (thisnet.contains(ends.get(endid).getLocation())) {
								 * first we have to get the bitindices of the
								 * rootbus
								 * Here we have to process the inherited bits of
								 * the parent
                            byte[] BusBitConnection = ((Splitter) comp).GetEndpoints();
                            ArrayList<Byte> IndexBits = new ArrayList<Byte>();
                            for (byte b = 0; b < BusBitConnection.length; b++) {
                                if (BusBitConnection[b] == endid) {
                            byte ConnectedBusIndex = IndexBits.get(bit);
                            /* Figure out the rootbusid and rootbusindex */
                            Net Rootbus = MyNets.get(ConnectedBus);
                            while (!Rootbus.IsRootNet()) {
                                ConnectedBusIndex = Rootbus.getBit(ConnectedBusIndex);
                                Rootbus = Rootbus.getParent();
                            ConnectionPoint SolderPoint = new ConnectionPoint(comp);
                            SolderPoint.SetParrentNet(Rootbus, ConnectedBusIndex);
                            Boolean IsSink = true;
                            if (!thisnet.hasBitSource(bit)) {
                                if (HasHiddenSource(Rootbus, ConnectedBusIndex, MyComplexSplitters, comp, new HashSet<String>())) {
                                    IsSink = false;
                            if (IsSink) {
                                thisnet.addSinkNet(bit, SolderPoint);
                            } else {
                                thisnet.addSourceNet(bit, SolderPoint);
    ProgRect = progres.getBounds();
    ProgRect.x = 0;
    ProgRect.y = 0;
    /* So now we have all information we need! */
    return true;
Also used : GridBagConstraints(java.awt.GridBagConstraints) SplitterFactory(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.SplitterFactory) GridBagLayout(java.awt.GridBagLayout) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JProgressBar(javax.swing.JProgressBar) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Probe(com.cburch.logisim.std.wiring.Probe) JFrame(javax.swing.JFrame) SubcircuitFactory(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.SubcircuitFactory) InstanceComponent(com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstanceComponent) Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) EndData(com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData) Splitter(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Splitter) JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) Tunnel(com.cburch.logisim.std.wiring.Tunnel) Pin(com.cburch.logisim.std.wiring.Pin) Location(

Example 18 with EndData

use of com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class Netlist method GetHiddenSource.

private SourceInfo GetHiddenSource(Net thisNet, Byte bitIndex, List<Component> SplitterList, Component ActiveSplitter, Set<String> HandledNets, Set<Wire> Segments, FPGAReport Reporter) {
		 * to prevent deadlock situations we check if we already looked at this
		 * net
    String NetId = Integer.toString(MyNets.indexOf(thisNet)) + "-" + Byte.toString(bitIndex);
    if (HandledNets.contains(NetId)) {
        return null;
    } else {
    if (thisNet.hasBitSource(bitIndex)) {
        List<ConnectionPoint> sources = thisNet.GetBitSources(bitIndex);
        if (sources.size() != 1) {
            Reporter.AddFatalError("BUG: Found multiple sources\n ==> " + this.getClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getLineNumber() + "\n");
            return null;
        return new SourceInfo(sources.get(0), bitIndex);
    /* Check if we have a connection to another splitter */
    for (Component currentSplitter : SplitterList) {
        if (currentSplitter.equals(ActiveSplitter)) {
        List<EndData> ends = currentSplitter.getEnds();
        for (byte end = 0; end < ends.size(); end++) {
            if (thisNet.contains(ends.get(end).getLocation())) {
                /* Here we have to process the inherited bits of the parent */
                byte[] BusBitConnection = ((Splitter) currentSplitter).GetEndpoints();
                if (end == 0) {
                    /* this is a main net, find the connected end */
                    Byte SplitterEnd = BusBitConnection[bitIndex];
                    /* Find the corresponding Net index */
                    Byte Netindex = 0;
                    for (int index = 0; index < bitIndex; index++) {
                        if (BusBitConnection[index] == SplitterEnd) {
                    /* Find the connected Net */
                    Net SlaveNet = null;
                    for (Net thisnet : MyNets) {
                        if (thisnet.contains(ends.get(SplitterEnd).getLocation())) {
                            SlaveNet = thisnet;
                    if (SlaveNet != null) {
                        if (SlaveNet.IsRootNet()) {
                            /* Trace down the slavenet */
                            SourceInfo ret = GetHiddenSource(SlaveNet, Netindex, SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, Segments, Reporter);
                            if (ret != null)
                                return ret;
                        } else {
                            SourceInfo ret = GetHiddenSource(SlaveNet.getParent(), SlaveNet.getBit(Netindex), SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, Segments, Reporter);
                            if (ret != null)
                                return ret;
                } else {
                    ArrayList<Byte> Rootindices = new ArrayList<Byte>();
                    for (byte b = 0; b < BusBitConnection.length; b++) {
                        if (BusBitConnection[b] == end) {
                    Net RootNet = null;
                    for (Net thisnet : MyNets) {
                        if (thisnet.contains(currentSplitter.getEnd(0).getLocation())) {
                            RootNet = thisnet;
                    if (RootNet != null) {
                        if (RootNet.IsRootNet()) {
                            SourceInfo ret = GetHiddenSource(RootNet, Rootindices.get(bitIndex), SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, Segments, Reporter);
                            if (ret != null)
                                return ret;
                        } else {
                            SourceInfo ret = GetHiddenSource(RootNet.getParent(), RootNet.getBit(Rootindices.get(bitIndex)), SplitterList, currentSplitter, HandledNets, Segments, Reporter);
                            if (ret != null)
                                return ret;
    return null;
Also used : EndData(com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData) Splitter(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Splitter) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InstanceComponent(com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstanceComponent) Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component)

Example 19 with EndData

use of com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class MoveGesture method computeConnections.

private static Set<ConnectionData> computeConnections(Circuit circuit, Set<Component> selected) {
    if (selected == null || selected.isEmpty())
        return Collections.emptySet();
    // first identify locations that might be connected
    Set<Location> locs = new HashSet<Location>();
    for (Component comp : selected) {
        for (EndData end : comp.getEnds()) {
    // now see which of them require connection
    Set<ConnectionData> conns = new HashSet<ConnectionData>();
    for (Location loc : locs) {
        boolean found = false;
        for (Component comp : circuit.getComponents(loc)) {
            if (!selected.contains(comp)) {
                found = true;
        if (found) {
            List<Wire> wirePath;
            Location wirePathStart;
            Wire lastOnPath = findWire(circuit, loc, selected, null);
            if (lastOnPath == null) {
                wirePath = Collections.emptyList();
                wirePathStart = loc;
            } else {
                wirePath = new ArrayList<Wire>();
                Location cur = loc;
                for (Wire w = lastOnPath; w != null; w = findWire(circuit, cur, selected, w)) {
                    cur = w.getOtherEnd(cur);
                wirePathStart = cur;
            Direction dir = null;
            if (lastOnPath != null) {
                Location other = lastOnPath.getOtherEnd(loc);
                int dx = loc.getX() - other.getX();
                int dy = loc.getY() - other.getY();
                if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) {
                    dir = dx > 0 ? Direction.EAST : Direction.WEST;
                } else {
                    dir = dy > 0 ? Direction.SOUTH : Direction.NORTH;
            conns.add(new ConnectionData(loc, dir, wirePath, wirePathStart));
    return conns;
Also used : EndData(com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData) Wire(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Wire) Direction( Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component) Location( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 20 with EndData

use of com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData in project logisim-evolution by reds-heig.

the class PortHDLGeneratorFactory method GetEntity.

// #2
public ArrayList<String> GetEntity(Netlist TheNetlist, AttributeSet attrs, String ComponentName, FPGAReport Reporter, String HDLType) {
    NetlistComponent ComponentInfo = null;
    compMap.put(ComponentName, new HashMap<Integer, InOutMap>());
    for (NetlistComponent comp : TheNetlist.GetNormalComponents()) {
        if (comp.GetComponent().getAttributeSet().equals(attrs)) {
            ComponentInfo = comp;
    int mapIdx = 0;
    for (int portNr = 0; portNr < ComponentInfo.GetComponent().getEnds().size(); portNr++) {
        Location splitterLoc = findEndConnection(ComponentInfo.GetComponent().getEnd(portNr).getLocation(), TheNetlist.getCircuit());
        if (splitterLoc == null) {
            Reporter.AddFatalError("Found 0, 2 or more connections on PortIO's splitter (" + ComponentName + ")");
            return null;
        for (Splitter split : TheNetlist.getSplitters()) {
            if (split.getLocation().equals(splitterLoc)) {
                // trouve le
                // premier
                // splitter du
                // Port
                compMap.get(ComponentName).put(mapIdx, new InOutMap(Type.INOUT, new Point(0, split.GetEndpoints().length - 1), portNr));
                int splitPortNr = 0;
                for (EndData end : split.getEnds()) {
                    if (!end.getLocation().equals(splitterLoc)) {
                        // parcours
                        // les
                        // sortie
                        // du
                        // splitter
                        Location compLoc = findEndConnection(end.getLocation(), TheNetlist.getCircuit());
                        if (compLoc == null) {
                            Reporter.AddFatalError("Found 0, 2 or more connections on PortIO's splitter (" + ComponentName + ")");
                            return null;
                        for (Component comp : TheNetlist.getCircuit().getNonWires(compLoc)) {
                            // splitter
                            for (EndData port : comp.getEnds()) {
                                if (port.getLocation().equals(compLoc)) {
                                    // splitter
                                    if (!(comp instanceof Splitter) && !(comp instanceof PortIO)) {
                                        if (port.isInput()) {
                                            compMap.get(ComponentName).put(mapIdx, new InOutMap(Type.OUT, getBitRange(split.GetEndpoints(), splitPortNr), portNr));
                                        } else if (port.isOutput()) {
                                            compMap.get(ComponentName).put(mapIdx, new InOutMap(Type.IN, getBitRange(split.GetEndpoints(), splitPortNr), portNr));
                                    } else {
                                        Reporter.AddFatalError("Cannot connect PortIO's splitter to other splitter or PortIO (" + ComponentName + ")");
                                        return null;
    ArrayList<String> Contents = new ArrayList<String>();
    Contents.addAll(FileWriter.getGenerateRemark(ComponentName, VHDL, TheNetlist.projName()));
    Contents.add("ENTITY " + ComponentName + " IS");
    Contents.add("   PORT ( ");
    for (int i = 0; i < compMap.get(ComponentName).size(); i++) {
        String line = "          ";
        switch(compMap.get(ComponentName).get(i).getType()) {
            case IN:
                line += inBusName + "_" + i + "  : IN ";
            case OUT:
                line += outBusName + "_" + i + "  : OUT ";
            case INOUT:
                line += inOutBusName + "_" + i + "  : INOUT ";
                Reporter.AddFatalError("Found component of unknown type (" + compMap.get(ComponentName).get(i).toString() + ")");
        if (compMap.get(ComponentName).get(i).getSize() == 1) {
            line += "std_logic";
        } else {
            line += "std_logic_vector (" + (compMap.get(ComponentName).get(i).getSize() - 1) + " DOWNTO 0)";
        if (i == (compMap.get(ComponentName).size() - 1)) {
            line += ")";
        line += ";";
    Contents.add("END " + ComponentName + ";");
    return Contents;
Also used : EndData(com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData) Splitter(com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Splitter) NetlistComponent(com.bfh.logisim.designrulecheck.NetlistComponent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point) NetlistComponent(com.bfh.logisim.designrulecheck.NetlistComponent) Component(com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component) Location(


EndData (com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData)20 Component (com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component)8 Location ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 Splitter (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Splitter)6 InstanceComponent (com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstanceComponent)5 BitWidth ( SubcircuitFactory (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.SubcircuitFactory)2 Wire (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Wire)2 Pin (com.cburch.logisim.std.wiring.Pin)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 NetlistComponent (com.bfh.logisim.designrulecheck.NetlistComponent)1 Circuit (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit)1 CircuitAttributes (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitAttributes)1 SplitterFactory (com.cburch.logisim.circuit.SplitterFactory)1 ComponentEvent (com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentEvent)1 Attribute ( Bounds ( Direction ( Value (