use of com.jme3.math.Vector3f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class FbxToJmeTrack method toJmeTrackInternal.
private Track toJmeTrackInternal(int boneIndex, Transform inverseBindPose) {
float duration = animStack.getDuration();
FbxAnimCurveNode translationCurve = animCurves.get("Lcl Translation");
FbxAnimCurveNode rotationCurve = animCurves.get("Lcl Rotation");
FbxAnimCurveNode scalingCurve = animCurves.get("Lcl Scaling");
long[] fbxTimes = getKeyTimes();
float[] times = new float[fbxTimes.length];
// Translations / Rotations must be set on all tracks.
// (Required for jME3)
Vector3f[] translations = new Vector3f[fbxTimes.length];
Quaternion[] rotations = new Quaternion[fbxTimes.length];
Vector3f[] scales = null;
if (scalingCurve != null) {
scales = new Vector3f[fbxTimes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fbxTimes.length; i++) {
long fbxTime = fbxTimes[i];
float time = (float) (fbxTime * FbxAnimUtil.SECONDS_PER_UNIT);
if (time > duration) {
// Expand animation duration to fit the curve.
duration = time;
System.out.println("actual duration: " + duration);
times[i] = time;
if (translationCurve != null) {
translations[i] = translationCurve.getVector3Value(fbxTime);
} else {
translations[i] = new Vector3f();
if (rotationCurve != null) {
rotations[i] = rotationCurve.getQuaternionValue(fbxTime);
if (i > 0) {
if (rotations[i - 1].dot(rotations[i]) < 0) {
System.out.println("rotation will go the long way, oh noes");
rotations[i - 1].negate();
} else {
rotations[i] = new Quaternion();
if (scalingCurve != null) {
scales[i] = scalingCurve.getVector3Value(fbxTime);
if (inverseBindPose != null) {
applyInverse(translations[i], rotations[i], scales != null ? scales[i] : null, inverseBindPose);
if (boneIndex == -1) {
return new SpatialTrack(times, translations, rotations, scales);
} else {
if (scales != null) {
return new BoneTrack(boneIndex, times, translations, rotations, scales);
} else {
return new BoneTrack(boneIndex, times, translations, rotations);
use of com.jme3.math.Vector3f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class Vector3Serializer method writeObject.
public void writeObject(ByteBuffer buffer, Object object) throws IOException {
Vector3f vec3 = (Vector3f) object;
use of com.jme3.math.Vector3f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class ObjectHelper method flipMeshIfRequired.
* The method flips the mesh if the scale is mirroring it. Mirroring scale has either 1 or all 3 factors negative.
* If two factors are negative then there is no mirroring because a rotation and translation can be found that will
* lead to the same transform when all scales are positive.
* @param geometry
* the geometry that is being flipped if necessary
* @param scale
* the scale vector of the given geometry
private void flipMeshIfRequired(Geometry geometry, Vector3f scale) {
float s = scale.x * scale.y * scale.z;
if (s < 0 && geometry.getMesh() != null) {
// negative s means that the scale is mirroring the object
FloatBuffer normals = geometry.getMesh().getFloatBuffer(Type.Normal);
if (normals != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < normals.limit(); i += 3) {
if (scale.x < 0) {
normals.put(i, -normals.get(i));
if (scale.y < 0) {
normals.put(i + 1, -normals.get(i + 1));
if (scale.z < 0) {
normals.put(i + 2, -normals.get(i + 2));
if (geometry.getMesh().getMode() == Mode.Triangles) {
// there is no need to flip the indexes for lines and points
LOGGER.finer("Flipping index order in triangle mesh.");
Buffer indexBuffer = geometry.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Index).getData();
for (int i = 0; i < indexBuffer.limit(); i += 3) {
if (indexBuffer instanceof ShortBuffer) {
short index = ((ShortBuffer) indexBuffer).get(i + 1);
((ShortBuffer) indexBuffer).put(i + 1, ((ShortBuffer) indexBuffer).get(i + 2));
((ShortBuffer) indexBuffer).put(i + 2, index);
} else {
int index = ((IntBuffer) indexBuffer).get(i + 1);
((IntBuffer) indexBuffer).put(i + 1, ((IntBuffer) indexBuffer).get(i + 2));
((IntBuffer) indexBuffer).put(i + 2, index);
use of com.jme3.math.Vector3f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class GeneratedTexture method triangulate.
* This method triangulates the texture. In the result we get a set of small
* flat textures for each face of the given mesh. This can be later merged
* into one flat texture.
* @param mesh
* the mesh we create the texture for
* @param geometriesOMA
* the old memory address of the geometries group that the given
* mesh belongs to (required for bounding box calculations)
* @param coordinatesType
* the types of UV coordinates
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
* @return triangulated texture
public TriangulatedTexture triangulate(Mesh mesh, Long geometriesOMA, UVCoordinatesType coordinatesType, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
TemporalMesh geometries = (TemporalMesh) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(geometriesOMA, LoadedDataType.TEMPORAL_MESH);
int[] coordinatesSwappingIndexes = new int[] { ((Number) mTex.getFieldValue("projx")).intValue(), ((Number) mTex.getFieldValue("projy")).intValue(), ((Number) mTex.getFieldValue("projz")).intValue() };
List<Vector3f> uvs = UVCoordinatesGenerator.generateUVCoordinatesFor3DTexture(mesh, coordinatesType, coordinatesSwappingIndexes, geometries);
Vector3f[] uvsArray = uvs.toArray(new Vector3f[uvs.size()]);
BoundingBox boundingBox = UVCoordinatesGenerator.getBoundingBox(geometries);
Set<TriangleTextureElement> triangleTextureElements = new TreeSet<TriangleTextureElement>(new Comparator<TriangleTextureElement>() {
public int compare(TriangleTextureElement o1, TriangleTextureElement o2) {
return o1.faceIndex - o2.faceIndex;
int[] indices = new int[3];
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.getTriangleCount(); ++i) {
mesh.getTriangle(i, indices);
triangleTextureElements.add(new TriangleTextureElement(i, boundingBox, this, uvsArray, indices, blenderContext));
return new TriangulatedTexture(triangleTextureElements, blenderContext);
use of com.jme3.math.Vector3f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class ImageUtils method convertToNormalMapTexture.
* This method converts the given texture into normal-map texture.
* @param source
* the source texture
* @param strengthFactor
* the normal strength factor
* @return normal-map texture
public static Image convertToNormalMapTexture(Image source, float strengthFactor) {
BufferedImage sourceImage = ImageToAwt.convert(source, false, false, 0);
BufferedImage heightMap = new BufferedImage(sourceImage.getWidth(), sourceImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
BufferedImage bumpMap = new BufferedImage(sourceImage.getWidth(), sourceImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
ColorConvertOp gscale = new ColorConvertOp(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null);
gscale.filter(sourceImage, heightMap);
Vector3f S = new Vector3f();
Vector3f T = new Vector3f();
Vector3f N = new Vector3f();
for (int x = 0; x < bumpMap.getWidth(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < bumpMap.getHeight(); ++y) {
// generating bump pixel
S.x = 1;
S.y = 0;
S.z = strengthFactor * ImageUtils.getHeight(heightMap, x + 1, y) - strengthFactor * ImageUtils.getHeight(heightMap, x - 1, y);
T.x = 0;
T.y = 1;
T.z = strengthFactor * ImageUtils.getHeight(heightMap, x, y + 1) - strengthFactor * ImageUtils.getHeight(heightMap, x, y - 1);
float den = (float) Math.sqrt(S.z * S.z + T.z * T.z + 1);
N.x = -S.z;
N.y = -T.z;
N.z = 1;
// setting thge pixel in the result image
bumpMap.setRGB(x, y, ImageUtils.vectorToColor(N.x, N.y, N.z));
return ImageUtils.toJmeImage(bumpMap, source.getFormat());