use of com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.materials.MaterialContext in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class MaterialHelper method getMaterials.
* This method returns the table of materials connected to the specified structure. The given structure can be of any type (ie. mesh or
* curve) but needs to have 'mat' field/
* @param structureWithMaterials
* the structure containing the mesh data
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
* @return a list of vertices colors, each color belongs to a single vertex
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
public MaterialContext[] getMaterials(Structure structureWithMaterials, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
Pointer ppMaterials = (Pointer) structureWithMaterials.getFieldValue("mat");
MaterialContext[] materials = null;
if (ppMaterials.isNotNull()) {
List<Structure> materialStructures = ppMaterials.fetchData();
if (materialStructures != null && materialStructures.size() > 0) {
MaterialHelper materialHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(MaterialHelper.class);
materials = new MaterialContext[materialStructures.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Structure s : materialStructures) {
materials[i++] = s == null ? null : materialHelper.toMaterialContext(s, blenderContext);
return materials;
use of com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.materials.MaterialContext in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class BlenderLoader method load.
public Spatial load(AssetInfo assetInfo) throws IOException {
try {
BlenderContext blenderContext = this.setup(assetInfo);
AnimationHelper animationHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(AnimationHelper.class);
BlenderKey blenderKey = blenderContext.getBlenderKey();
LoadedFeatures loadedFeatures = new LoadedFeatures();
for (FileBlockHeader block : blenderContext.getBlocks()) {
switch(block.getCode()) {
case BLOCK_OB00:
ObjectHelper objectHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(ObjectHelper.class);
Node object = (Node) objectHelper.toObject(block.getStructure(blenderContext), blenderContext);
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "{0}: {1}--> {2}", new Object[] { object.getName(), object.getLocalTranslation().toString(), object.getParent() == null ? "null" : object.getParent().getName() });
if (object.getParent() == null) {
if (object instanceof LightNode && ((LightNode) object).getLight() != null) {
loadedFeatures.lights.add(((LightNode) object).getLight());
} else if (object instanceof CameraNode && ((CameraNode) object).getCamera() != null) {
loadedFeatures.cameras.add(((CameraNode) object).getCamera());
case // Scene
case // Material
MaterialHelper materialHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(MaterialHelper.class);
MaterialContext materialContext = materialHelper.toMaterialContext(block.getStructure(blenderContext), blenderContext);
case // Mesh
MeshHelper meshHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(MeshHelper.class);
TemporalMesh temporalMesh = meshHelper.toTemporalMesh(block.getStructure(blenderContext), blenderContext);
case // Image
TextureHelper textureHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(TextureHelper.class);
Texture image = textureHelper.loadImageAsTexture(block.getStructure(blenderContext), 0, blenderContext);
if (image != null && image.getImage() != null) {
// render results are stored as images but are not being loaded
case BLOCK_TE00:
Structure textureStructure = block.getStructure(blenderContext);
int type = ((Number) textureStructure.getFieldValue("type")).intValue();
if (type == TextureHelper.TEX_IMAGE) {
TextureHelper texHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(TextureHelper.class);
Texture texture = texHelper.getTexture(textureStructure, null, blenderContext);
if (texture != null) {
// null is returned when texture has no image
} else {
LOGGER.fine("Only image textures can be loaded as unlinked assets. Generated textures will be applied to an existing object.");
case // World
LandscapeHelper landscapeHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(LandscapeHelper.class);
Structure worldStructure = block.getStructure(blenderContext);
String worldName = worldStructure.getName();
if (blenderKey.getUsedWorld() == null || blenderKey.getUsedWorld().equals(worldName)) {
Light ambientLight = landscapeHelper.toAmbientLight(worldStructure);
if (ambientLight != null) {
loadedFeatures.objects.add(new LightNode(null, ambientLight));
} = landscapeHelper.toSky(worldStructure);
loadedFeatures.backgroundColor = landscapeHelper.toBackgroundColor(worldStructure);
Filter fogFilter = landscapeHelper.toFog(worldStructure);
if (fogFilter != null) {
case BLOCK_AC00:
LOGGER.fine("Loading unlinked animations is not yet supported!");
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Ommiting the block: {0}.", block.getCode());
LOGGER.fine("Baking constraints after every feature is loaded.");
ConstraintHelper constraintHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(ConstraintHelper.class);
LOGGER.fine("Loading scenes and attaching them to the root object.");
for (FileBlockHeader sceneBlock : loadedFeatures.sceneBlocks) {
loadedFeatures.scenes.add(this.toScene(sceneBlock.getStructure(blenderContext), blenderContext));
LOGGER.fine("Creating the root node of the model and applying loaded nodes of the scene and loaded features to it.");
Node modelRoot = new Node(blenderKey.getName());
for (Node scene : loadedFeatures.scenes) {
if (blenderKey.isLoadUnlinkedAssets()) {
LOGGER.fine("Setting loaded content as user data in resulting sptaial.");
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> linkedData = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
Map<String, Object> thisFileData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
thisFileData.put("scenes", loadedFeatures.scenes == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.scenes);
thisFileData.put("objects", loadedFeatures.objects == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.objects);
thisFileData.put("meshes", loadedFeatures.meshes == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.meshes);
thisFileData.put("materials", loadedFeatures.materials == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.materials);
thisFileData.put("textures", loadedFeatures.textures == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.textures);
thisFileData.put("images", loadedFeatures.images == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.images);
thisFileData.put("animations", loadedFeatures.animations == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.animations);
thisFileData.put("cameras", loadedFeatures.cameras == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.cameras);
thisFileData.put("lights", loadedFeatures.lights == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.lights);
thisFileData.put("filters", loadedFeatures.filters == null ? new ArrayList<Object>() : loadedFeatures.filters);
thisFileData.put("backgroundColor", loadedFeatures.backgroundColor);
linkedData.put("this", thisFileData);
modelRoot.setUserData("linkedData", linkedData);
return modelRoot;
} catch (BlenderFileException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Unexpected importer exception occured: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
} finally {
use of com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.materials.MaterialContext in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class BlenderContext method getLinkedFeature.
* The method returns linked feature of a given name from the specified blender path.
* @param blenderFilePath
* the blender file path
* @param featureName
* the feature name we want to get
* @return linked feature or null if none was found
public Object getLinkedFeature(String blenderFilePath, String featureName) {
Map<String, Object> linkedFeatures = this.linkedFeatures.get(blenderFilePath);
if (linkedFeatures != null) {
String namePrefix = (featureName.charAt(0) + "" + featureName.charAt(1)).toUpperCase();
featureName = featureName.substring(2);
if ("SC".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<Node> scenes = (List<Node>) linkedFeatures.get("scenes");
if (scenes != null) {
for (Node scene : scenes) {
if (featureName.equals(scene.getName())) {
return scene;
} else if ("OB".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<Node> features = (List<Node>) linkedFeatures.get("objects");
if (features != null) {
for (Node feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
} else if ("ME".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<TemporalMesh> temporalMeshes = (List<TemporalMesh>) linkedFeatures.get("meshes");
if (temporalMeshes != null) {
for (TemporalMesh temporalMesh : temporalMeshes) {
if (featureName.equals(temporalMesh.getName())) {
return temporalMesh;
} else if ("MA".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<MaterialContext> features = (List<MaterialContext>) linkedFeatures.get("materials");
if (features != null) {
for (MaterialContext feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
} else if ("TX".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<Texture> features = (List<Texture>) linkedFeatures.get("textures");
if (features != null) {
for (Texture feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
} else if ("IM".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<Texture> features = (List<Texture>) linkedFeatures.get("images");
if (features != null) {
for (Texture feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
} else if ("AC".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<Animation> features = (List<Animation>) linkedFeatures.get("animations");
if (features != null) {
for (Animation feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
} else if ("CA".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<Camera> features = (List<Camera>) linkedFeatures.get("cameras");
if (features != null) {
for (Camera feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
} else if ("LA".equals(namePrefix)) {
List<Light> features = (List<Light>) linkedFeatures.get("lights");
if (features != null) {
for (Light feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
} else if ("FI".equals(featureName)) {
List<Filter> features = (List<Filter>) linkedFeatures.get("lights");
if (features != null) {
for (Filter feature : features) {
if (featureName.equals(feature.getName())) {
return feature;
return null;