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Example 26 with HeightMap

use of com.jme3.terrain.heightmap.HeightMap in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class TerrainQuad method createQuadPatch.

     * <code>createQuadPatch</code> creates four child patches from this quad.
protected void createQuadPatch(float[] heightMap) {
    // create 4 terrain patches
    int quarterSize = size >> 2;
    int halfSize = size >> 1;
    int split = (size + 1) >> 1;
    //if (lodCalculator == null)
    //    lodCalculator = createDefaultLodCalculator(); // set a default one
    offsetAmount += quarterSize;
    // 1 lower left
    float[] heightBlock1 = createHeightSubBlock(heightMap, 0, 0, split);
    Vector3f origin1 = new Vector3f(-halfSize * stepScale.x, 0, -halfSize * stepScale.z);
    Vector2f tempOffset1 = new Vector2f();
    tempOffset1.x = offset.x;
    tempOffset1.y = offset.y;
    tempOffset1.x += origin1.x / 2;
    tempOffset1.y += origin1.z / 2;
    TerrainPatch patch1 = new TerrainPatch(getName() + "Patch1", split, stepScale, heightBlock1, origin1, totalSize, tempOffset1, offsetAmount);
    patch1.setQuadrant((short) 1);
    patch1.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
    // 2 upper left
    float[] heightBlock2 = createHeightSubBlock(heightMap, 0, split - 1, split);
    Vector3f origin2 = new Vector3f(-halfSize * stepScale.x, 0, 0);
    Vector2f tempOffset2 = new Vector2f();
    tempOffset2.x = offset.x;
    tempOffset2.y = offset.y;
    tempOffset2.x += origin1.x / 2;
    tempOffset2.y += quarterSize * stepScale.z;
    TerrainPatch patch2 = new TerrainPatch(getName() + "Patch2", split, stepScale, heightBlock2, origin2, totalSize, tempOffset2, offsetAmount);
    patch2.setQuadrant((short) 2);
    patch2.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
    // 3 lower right
    float[] heightBlock3 = createHeightSubBlock(heightMap, split - 1, 0, split);
    Vector3f origin3 = new Vector3f(0, 0, -halfSize * stepScale.z);
    Vector2f tempOffset3 = new Vector2f();
    tempOffset3.x = offset.x;
    tempOffset3.y = offset.y;
    tempOffset3.x += quarterSize * stepScale.x;
    tempOffset3.y += origin3.z / 2;
    TerrainPatch patch3 = new TerrainPatch(getName() + "Patch3", split, stepScale, heightBlock3, origin3, totalSize, tempOffset3, offsetAmount);
    patch3.setQuadrant((short) 3);
    patch3.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
    // 4 upper right
    float[] heightBlock4 = createHeightSubBlock(heightMap, split - 1, split - 1, split);
    Vector3f origin4 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
    Vector2f tempOffset4 = new Vector2f();
    tempOffset4.x = offset.x;
    tempOffset4.y = offset.y;
    tempOffset4.x += quarterSize * stepScale.x;
    tempOffset4.y += quarterSize * stepScale.z;
    TerrainPatch patch4 = new TerrainPatch(getName() + "Patch4", split, stepScale, heightBlock4, origin4, totalSize, tempOffset4, offsetAmount);
    patch4.setQuadrant((short) 4);
    patch4.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
Also used : Vector2f(com.jme3.math.Vector2f) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f) BoundingBox(com.jme3.bounding.BoundingBox)


TerrainQuad (com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.TerrainQuad)18 AbstractHeightMap (com.jme3.terrain.heightmap.AbstractHeightMap)17 Material (com.jme3.material.Material)16 Texture (com.jme3.texture.Texture)16 ImageBasedHeightMap (com.jme3.terrain.heightmap.ImageBasedHeightMap)15 Vector3f (com.jme3.math.Vector3f)13 TerrainLodControl (com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.TerrainLodControl)11 Camera (com.jme3.renderer.Camera)8 DistanceLodCalculator (com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.lodcalc.DistanceLodCalculator)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 DirectionalLight (com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight)6 BoundingBox (com.jme3.bounding.BoundingBox)4 RigidBodyControl (com.jme3.bullet.control.RigidBodyControl)4 Vector2f (com.jme3.math.Vector2f)3 TextureKey (com.jme3.asset.TextureKey)2 BulletAppState (com.jme3.bullet.BulletAppState)2 ChaseCamera (com.jme3.input.ChaseCamera)2 AssetNotFoundException (com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException)1 CapsuleCollisionShape (com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.CapsuleCollisionShape)1 SphereCollisionShape (com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.SphereCollisionShape)1