use of io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.OperationVariable in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.
the class OpcUaEndpoint method callOperation.
* Calls the desired operation in the service.
* @param operation The desired operation
* @param inputVariables The input arguments
* @param submodel The corresponding submodel
* @param refElement The reference to the SubmodelElement
* @return The OutputArguments The output arguments returned from the operation call
* @throws StatusException If the operation fails
public List<OperationVariable> callOperation(Operation operation, List<OperationVariable> inputVariables, Submodel submodel, Reference refElement) throws StatusException {
List<OperationVariable> outputArguments;
try {
InvokeOperationSyncRequest request = new InvokeOperationSyncRequest();
List<Key> path = new ArrayList<>();
// execute method
InvokeOperationSyncResponse response = (InvokeOperationSyncResponse) service.execute(request);
if (isSuccess(response.getStatusCode())) {"callOperation: Operation " + operation.getIdShort() + " executed successfully");
} else if (response.getStatusCode() == StatusCode.ClientMethodNotAllowed) {
logger.warn("callOperation: Operation " + operation.getIdShort() + " error executing operation: " + response.getStatusCode());
throw new StatusException(StatusCodes.Bad_NotExecutable);
} else {
logger.warn("callOperation: Operation " + operation.getIdShort() + " error executing operation: " + response.getStatusCode());
throw new StatusException(StatusCodes.Bad_UnexpectedError);
outputArguments = response.getPayload().getOutputArguments();
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("callOperation error", ex);
throw ex;
return outputArguments;
use of io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.OperationVariable in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.
the class AasServiceMethodManagerListener method onCall.
* Callback method when a method was called
* @param serviceContext the current service context
* @param objectId the ID of the node whose method is being called
* @param object the object node whose method is being called, if available
* @param methodId the ID of the method being called
* @param method the method node being called, if available
* @param inputArguments input argument values
* @param inputArgumentResults argument errors. If errors in the values are
* encountered.
* @param inputArgumentDiagnosticInfos diagnostic info, in case of errors.
* @param outputs output values. The array is pre-created, just fill in the
* values.
* @return true if you handle the call, which prevents any other handler
* being called.
* @throws StatusException if there are errors in the method handling. For
* example, if you set inputArgumentResults, you should throw a
* StatusException with StatusCodes.Bad_InvalidArgument
public boolean onCall(ServiceContext serviceContext, NodeId objectId, UaNode object, NodeId methodId, UaMethod method, Variant[] inputArguments, StatusCode[] inputArgumentResults, DiagnosticInfo[] inputArgumentDiagnosticInfos, Variant[] outputs) throws StatusException {
boolean retval = false;
// Handle method calls
// Note that the outputs array is already allocated"onCall: method " + methodId.toString() + ": called. InputArguments: " + Arrays.toString(inputArguments));
try {
if (endpoint == null) {
logger.warn("onCall: no Endpoint available");
} else {
SubmodelElementData data = nodeManager.getAasData(objectId);
Operation aasOper = (Operation) data.getSubmodelElement();
if (aasOper != null) {
List<OperationVariable> inputVariables = aasOper.getInputVariables();
ValueConverter.setOperationValues(inputVariables, inputArguments);
List<OperationVariable> outputVariables = endpoint.callOperation(aasOper, inputVariables, data.getSubmodel(), data.getReference());
ValueConverter.setOutputArguments(outputVariables, outputs);
retval = true;
} else {"onCall: Property for " + objectId.toString() + " not found");
} catch (StatusException se) {
logger.error("onCall StatusException", se);
throw se;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
logger.error("onCall Exception", ex);
throw new StatusException(ex.getMessage(), StatusCodes.Bad_UnexpectedError);
return retval;
use of io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.OperationVariable in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.
the class OpcUaAssetConnection method registerOperationProvider.
* {@inheritdoc}
* @throws AssetConnectionException if nodeId could not be parsed
* @throws AssetConnectionException if nodeId does not refer to a method
* node
* @throws AssetConnectionException if parent node of nodeId could not be
* resolved
* @throws AssetConnectionException if output variables are null or do
* contain any other type than
* {@link de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.value.PropertyValue}
public void registerOperationProvider(Reference reference, OpcUaOperationProviderConfig operationProvider) throws AssetConnectionException {
String baseErrorMessage = "error registering operation provider";
final NodeId nodeId = parseNodeId(operationProvider.getNodeId());
final UaNode node;
try {
node = client.getAddressSpace().getNode(nodeId);
} catch (UaException ex) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - could not resolve nodeId (nodeId: %s)", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()), ex);
if (!UaMethodNode.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getClass())) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - provided node must be a method (nodeId: %s", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()));
final UaMethodNode methodNode = (UaMethodNode) node;
final NodeId parentNodeId;
try {
parentNodeId = client.getAddressSpace().getNode(nodeId).browseNodes(AddressSpace.BrowseOptions.builder().setBrowseDirection(BrowseDirection.Inverse).build()).get(0).getNodeId();
} catch (UaException ex) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - could not resolve parent node (nodeId: %s)", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()), ex);
final Argument[] methodArguments;
try {
methodArguments = methodNode.readInputArgumentsAsync().get() != null ? methodNode.readInputArgumentsAsync().get() : new Argument[0];
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - could not read input arguments (nodeId: %s)", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()), ex);
final Argument[] methodOutputArguments;
try {
methodOutputArguments = methodNode.readOutputArgumentsAsync().get() != null ? methodNode.readOutputArgumentsAsync().get() : new Argument[0];
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - could not read ouput arguments (nodeId: %s)", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()), ex);
final OperationVariable[] outputVariables = serviceContext.getOperationOutputVariables(reference) != null ? serviceContext.getOperationOutputVariables(reference) : new OperationVariable[0];
for (var outputVariable : outputVariables) {
if (outputVariable == null) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - output variable must be non-null (nodeId: %s)", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()));
SubmodelElement submodelElement = outputVariable.getValue();
if (submodelElement == null) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - output variable must contain non-null submodel element (nodeId: %s)", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()));
if (!Property.class.isAssignableFrom(submodelElement.getClass())) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - unsupported element type (nodeId: %s, element type: %s)", baseErrorMessage, submodelElement.getClass(), operationProvider.getNodeId()));
this.operationProviders.put(reference, new AssetOperationProvider() {
public OperationVariable[] invoke(OperationVariable[] input, OperationVariable[] inoutput) throws AssetConnectionException {
String baseErrorMessage = "error invoking operation on asset connection";
Map<String, ElementValue> inputParameter = input == null ? new HashMap<>() : Stream.of(input).collect(Collectors.toMap(x -> x.getValue().getIdShort(), x -> ElementValueMapper.toValue(x.getValue())));
Map<String, ElementValue> inoutputParameter = inoutput == null ? new HashMap<>() : Stream.of(inoutput).collect(Collectors.toMap(x -> x.getValue().getIdShort(), x -> ElementValueMapper.toValue(x.getValue())));
if (methodArguments.length != (inputParameter.size() + inoutputParameter.size())) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - argument count mismatch (expected: %d, provided input arguments: %d, provided inoutput arguments: %d)", baseErrorMessage, methodArguments.length, inputParameter.size(), inoutputParameter.size()));
Variant[] actualParameters = new Variant[methodArguments.length];
for (int i = 0; i < methodArguments.length; i++) {
String argumentName = methodArguments[i].getName();
ElementValue parameterValue;
if (inputParameter.containsKey(argumentName)) {
parameterValue = inputParameter.get(argumentName);
} else if (inoutputParameter.containsKey(argumentName)) {
parameterValue = inoutputParameter.get(argumentName);
} else {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - missing argument (argument name: %s)", baseErrorMessage, argumentName));
if (parameterValue == null) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - parameter value must be non-null (argument name: %s)", baseErrorMessage, argumentName));
if (!PropertyValue.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterValue.getClass())) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - currently only parameters of the Property are supported (argument name: %s, provided type: %s)", baseErrorMessage, argumentName, parameterValue.getClass()));
actualParameters[i] = valueConverter.convert(((PropertyValue) parameterValue).getValue(), methodArguments[i].getDataType());
CallMethodResult methodResult;
try {
methodResult = CallMethodRequest(parentNodeId, nodeId, actualParameters)).get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
throw new AssetConnectionException(String.format("%s - executing OPC UA method failed (nodeId: %s)", baseErrorMessage, operationProvider.getNodeId()));
OperationVariable[] result = new OperationVariable[outputVariables.length];
for (int i = 0; i < methodOutputArguments.length; i++) {
String argumentName = methodArguments[i].getName();
for (int j = 0; j < outputVariables.length; j++) {
if (Objects.equals(argumentName, outputVariables[j].getValue().getIdShort())) {
SubmodelElement element = outputVariables[j].getValue();
Datatype targetType = ((PropertyValue) ElementValueMapper.toValue(element)).getValue().getDataType();
TypedValue<?> newValue = valueConverter.convert(methodResult.getOutputArguments()[i], targetType);
// TODO better use deep copy?
DefaultProperty newProperty = new DefaultProperty.Builder().idShort(element.getIdShort()).build();
ElementValueMapper.setValue(newProperty, PropertyValue.builder().value(newValue).build());
result[j] = new DefaultOperationVariable.Builder().value(newProperty).build();
// update inoutput variable values
if (inoutputParameter.containsKey(argumentName)) {
// find in original array and set there
for (int j = 0; j < inoutput.length; j++) {
if (Objects.equals(argumentName, inoutput[j].getValue().getIdShort())) {
ElementValueMapper.setValue(inoutput[j].getValue(), new PropertyValue(valueConverter.convert(methodResult.getOutputArguments()[i], ((PropertyValue) inoutputParameter.get(argumentName)).getValue().getDataType())));
return result;
use of io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.OperationVariable in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.
the class AasServiceNodeManager method setOperationArgument.
* Sets the arguments for the given Operation Variable.
* @param arg The UA argument
* @param var The corresponding Operation Variable
private void setOperationArgument(Argument arg, OperationVariable var) {
try {
if (var.getValue() instanceof Property) {
Property prop = (Property) var.getValue();
// Description
addDescriptions(arg, prop.getDescriptions());
NodeId type = ValueConverter.convertValueTypeStringToNodeId(prop.getValueType());
if (type.isNullNodeId()) {
logger.warn("setOperationArgument: Property " + prop.getIdShort() + ": Unknown type: " + prop.getValueType());
// Default type is String. That's what we receive from the AAS Service
} else {
} else {
logger.warn("setOperationArgument: unknown Argument type");
} catch (Throwable ex) {
logger.error("setOperationArgument Exception", ex);
throw ex;
use of io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.OperationVariable in project FAAAST-Service by FraunhoferIOSB.
the class AasServiceNodeManager method addAasOperation.
* Adds an AAS Operation to the given node.
* @param node The desired UA node
* @param aasOperation The corresponding AAS operation to add
* @param submodel The corresponding Submodel as parent object of the data element
* @param parentRef The reference to the parent object
* @param ordered Specifies whether the operation should be added ordered
* (true) or unordered (false)
private void addAasOperation(UaNode node, Operation aasOperation, Submodel submodel, Reference parentRef, boolean ordered) {
try {
String name = aasOperation.getIdShort();
QualifiedName browseName = UaQualifiedName.from(opc.i4aas.ObjectTypeIds.AASOperationType.getNamespaceUri(), name).toQualifiedName(getNamespaceTable());
NodeId nid = getDefaultNodeId();
AASOperationType oper = createInstance(AASOperationType.class, nid, browseName, LocalizedText.english(name));
addSubmodelElementBaseData(oper, aasOperation);
Reference operRef = AasUtils.toReference(parentRef, aasOperation);
// for operations we put the corresponding operation object into the map
submodelElementAasMap.put(nid, new SubmodelElementData(aasOperation, submodel, SubmodelElementData.Type.OPERATION, operRef));
logger.debug("addAasOperation: NodeId " + nid + "; Property: " + aasOperation);
// add method
NodeId myMethodId = new NodeId(getNamespaceIndex(), nid.getValue().toString() + "." + name);
PlainMethod method = new PlainMethod(this, myMethodId, name, Locale.ENGLISH);
Argument[] inputs = new Argument[aasOperation.getInputVariables().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < aasOperation.getInputVariables().size(); i++) {
OperationVariable v = aasOperation.getInputVariables().get(i);
inputs[i] = new Argument();
setOperationArgument(inputs[i], v);
Argument[] outputs = new Argument[1];
for (int i = 0; i < aasOperation.getOutputVariables().size(); i++) {
OperationVariable v = aasOperation.getOutputVariables().get(i);
outputs[i] = new Argument();
setOperationArgument(outputs[i], v);
MethodManagerUaNode m = (MethodManagerUaNode) this.getMethodManager();
method.setDescription(new LocalizedText("", ""));
if (ordered) {
node.addReference(oper, Identifiers.HasOrderedComponent, false);
} else {
referableMap.put(operRef, new ObjectData(aasOperation, oper, submodel));
} catch (Throwable ex) {
logger.error("addAasOperation Exception", ex);