use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ResourceDefn in project kindling by HL7.
the class ResourceTableGenerator method generate.
public XhtmlNode generate(ResourceDefn r, String prefix, boolean isActive) throws Exception {
HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(dest, inlineGraphics, true);
ElementDefn e = r.getRoot();
RenderMode mode = e.typeCode().equals("Logical") && hasLogicalMapping(e) ? RenderMode.LOGICAL : RenderMode.RESOURCE;
TableModel model = gen.initNormalTable(prefix, mode == RenderMode.LOGICAL, true, r.getName(), isActive);
model.getRows().add(genElement(e, gen, true, e.getName(), false, prefix, mode, true, r.getStatus(), r.isAbstract(), r.isInterface()));
return gen.generate(model, prefix, 0, null);
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ResourceDefn in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class JavaResourceGenerator method writeSearchParameterField.
// private void generateImpl(String namenn, ResourceDefn resourceDefn, String jn, ElementDefinition root, String version, Date genDate) throws Exception {
// // TODO - restore this
// // write(" public "+namenn+" get"+namenn+"() {\r\n");
// // write(" return new "+jn+namenn+"Impl(this);\r\n");
// // write(" }\r\n");
// //
// // // now, generate the implementation
// // JavaPatternImplGenerator jrg = new JavaPatternImplGenerator(new FileOutputStream(javaPatternDir+jn+namenn+""), definitions, adornments, enumInfo);
// // jrg.generate(resourceDefn.getRoot(), jn, JavaGenClass.Resource, null, genDate, version, false, null, null, namenn, root);
// // jrg.close();
// //
// }
private void writeSearchParameterField(String name, JavaGenClass clss, boolean isAbstract, SearchParameter sp, String code, String[] theCompositeOf, List<SearchParameter> searchParams, String rn) throws IOException {
String constName = cleanSpName(code).toUpperCase();
* SearchParamDefinition (SP_[name])
write(" /**\r\n");
write(" * Search parameter: <b>" + code + "</b>\r\n");
write(" * <p>\r\n");
write(" * Description: <b>" + sp.getDescription() + "</b><br>\r\n");
write(" * Type: <b>" + sp.getType().toCode() + "</b><br>\r\n");
write(" * Path: <b>" + sp.getExpression() + "</b><br>\r\n");
write(" * </p>\r\n");
write(" */\r\n");
write(" @SearchParamDefinition(name=\"" + code + "\", path=\"" + defaultString(sp.getExpression()) + "\", description=\"" + Utilities.escapeJava(sp.getDescription()) + "\", type=\"" + sp.getType().toCode() + "\"");
if (theCompositeOf != null && theCompositeOf.length > 0) {
write(", compositeOf={");
for (int i = 0; i < theCompositeOf.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
write(", ");
write("\"" + theCompositeOf[i] + "\"");
Set<String> providesMembershipIn = new TreeSet<String>();
for (CompartmentDefinition next : this.definitions.getCompartments().getList()) {
for (CompartmentDefinitionResourceComponent nextEntry : next.getResource()) {
if (nextEntry.getCode().equals(upFirst(name))) {
for (StringType nextPart : nextEntry.getParam()) {
if (nextPart.toString().equals(code)) {
if (providesMembershipIn.size() > 0) {
write(", providesMembershipIn={ ");
boolean first = true;
for (String next : providesMembershipIn) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
write(", ");
write("@ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name=\"" + upFirst(next) + "\")");
write(" }");
Set<String> targets = new TreeSet<>();
for (CodeType c : sp.getTarget()) {
if (targets != null && !targets.isEmpty() && !targets.contains("Any")) {
write(", target={");
boolean first = true;
for (String nextTarget : targets) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
write(", ");
write("List".equals(nextTarget) ? "ListResource" : nextTarget);
write(" }");
write(" )\r\n");
write(" public static final String SP_" + constName + " = \"" + code + "\";\r\n");
String genericTypes = "";
if (theCompositeOf != null && theCompositeOf.length > 0) {
SearchParameter typeDef0 = findSearchParam(searchParams, theCompositeOf[0]);
SearchParameter typeDef1 = findSearchParam(searchParams, theCompositeOf[1]);
genericTypes = "<" + upFirst(typeDef0.getType().toCode()) + "ClientParam" + "," + upFirst(typeDef1.getType().toCode()) + "ClientParam>";
* Client parameter ([name])
write(" /**\r\n");
write(" * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>" + code + "</b>\r\n");
write(" * <p>\r\n");
write(" * Description: <b>" + sp.getDescription() + "</b><br>\r\n");
write(" * Type: <b>" + sp.getType().toCode() + "</b><br>\r\n");
write(" * Path: <b>" + sp.getExpression() + "</b><br>\r\n");
write(" * </p>\r\n");
write(" */\r\n");
write(" public static final" + upFirst(sp.getType().toCode()) + "ClientParam" + genericTypes + " " + constName + " = new" + upFirst(sp.getType().toCode()) + "ClientParam" + genericTypes + "(SP_" + constName + ");\r\n\r\n");
if (sp.getType() == SearchParamType.REFERENCE && clss == JavaGenClass.Resource && !isAbstract) {
String incName = upFirst(name) + ":" + code;
write(" * Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies\r\n");
write(" * the path value of \"<b>" + incName + "</b>\".\r\n");
write(" */\r\n");
write(" public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_" + cleanSpName(code).toUpperCase() + " = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include(\"" + incName + "\").toLocked();\r\n\r\n");
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ResourceDefn in project kindling by HL7.
the class BreadCrumbManager method getSpineOrder1.
private void getSpineOrder1(List<String> res, Page page) throws Exception {
if (page.getType() == PageType.resource) {
ResourceDefn rd = definitions.getResourceByName(page.resource);
String resource = page.resource.toLowerCase();
res.add(resource + ".html");
if (!rd.isAbstract()) {
res.add(resource + "-examples.html");
res.add(resource + "-definitions.html");
if (!rd.getName().equals("Parameters")) {
res.add(resource + "-mappings.html");
res.add(resource + "-explanations.html");
res.add(resource + "-profiles.html");
} else if (!Utilities.noString(page.filename))
for (Node p : page.getChildren()) {
if (p instanceof Page)
getSpineOrder1(res, (Page) p);
else {
// ignore for now
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ResourceDefn in project kindling by HL7.
the class ResourceValidator method check.
public void check(List<ValidationMessage> errors, String name, ResourceDefn rd) throws Exception {
for (String s : rd.getHints()) hint(errors, IssueType.INFORMATIONAL, rd.getName(), false, s);
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), !name.equals("Metadata"), "The name 'Metadata' is not a legal name for a resource");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), !name.equals("History"), "The name 'History' is not a legal name for a resource");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), !name.equals("Tag"), "The name 'Tag' is not a legal name for a resource");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), !name.equals("Tags"), "The name 'Tags' is not a legal name for a resource");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), !name.equals("MailBox"), "The name 'MailBox' is not a legal name for a resource");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), !name.equals("Validation"), "The name 'Validation' is not a legal name for a resource");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), name.equals("Parameters") || translations.hasTranslation(name), "The name '" + name + "' is not found in the file translations.xml");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), name.length() > 1 && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(0)), "Resource Name must start with an uppercase alpha character");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), !Utilities.noString(rd.getFmmLevel()), "Resource must have a maturity level");
// too many downstream issues in the parsers, and it would only happen as a transient thing when designing the resources
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), rd.getRoot().getElements().size() > 0, "A resource must have at least one element in it before the build can proceed");
// too many downstream issues in the parsers, and it would only happen as a transient thing when designing the resources
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), rd.getWg() != null, "A resource must have a designated owner");
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), !Utilities.noString(rd.getRoot().getW5()), "A resource must have a W5 category");
// pattern related rules
buildW5Mappings(rd.getRoot(), true);
if ((isWorkflowPattern(rd, "Event") || isWorkflowPattern(rd, "Request")) && hasPatient(rd)) {
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getSearchParams().containsKey("patient"), "An 'event' or 'request' resource must have a search parameter 'patient'");
if (suppressedwarning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), hasW5Mappings(rd) || rd.getName().equals("Binary") || rd.getName().equals("OperationOutcome") || rd.getName().equals("Parameters"), "A resource must have w5 mappings")) {
String w5Order = listW5Elements(rd);
String w5CorrectOrder = listW5Correct(rd);
if (!w5Order.equals(w5CorrectOrder)) {
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), false, "Resource elements are out of order. The correct order is '" + w5CorrectOrder + "' but the actual order is '" + w5Order + "'");
// System.out.println("Resource "+parent.getName()+": elements are out of order. The correct order is '"+w5CorrectOrder+"' but the actual order is '"+w5Order+"'");
if (!Utilities.noString(rd.getProposedOrder())) {
w5Order = listW5Elements(rd, rd.getProposedOrder());
if (!w5Order.equals(w5CorrectOrder)) {
rule(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), false, "Proposed Resource elements are out of order. The correct order is '" + w5CorrectOrder + "' but the proposed order is '" + w5Order + "'");
} else
System.out.println("Proposed order for " + rd.getName() + ": build order ok");
if (Utilities.noString(rd.getEnteredInErrorStatus()))
if (hasStatus(rd, "entered-in-error"))
rd.setEnteredInErrorStatus(".status = entered-in-error");
else if (hasStatus(rd, "retired"))
rd.setEnteredInErrorStatus(".status = retired");
else if (hasActivFalse(rd))
rd.setEnteredInErrorStatus(".active = false");
// too many downstream issues in the parsers, and it would only happen as a transient thing when designing the resources
warning(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), false, "A resource must have an 'entered in error' status");
String s = rd.getRoot().getMapping(Definitions.RIM_MAPPING);
hint(errors, IssueType.REQUIRED, rd.getName(), !Utilities.noString(s), "RIM Mapping is required");
for (Operation op : rd.getOperations()) {
warning(errors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, rd.getName() + ".$" + op.getName(), hasOpExample(op.getExamples(), false), "Operation must have an example request");
warning(errors, IssueType.BUSINESSRULE, rd.getName() + ".$" + op.getName(), hasOpExample(op.getExamples(), true), "Operation must have an example response");
List<String> vsWarns = new ArrayList<String>();
int vsWarnings = checkElement(errors, rd.getName(), rd.getRoot(), rd, null, s == null || !s.equalsIgnoreCase("n/a"), false, hasSummary(rd.getRoot()), vsWarns, true, rd.getStatus());
if (!resourceIsTechnical(name)) {
// these are exempt because identification is tightly managed
ElementDefn id = rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "identifier", true, false);
if (id == null)
warning(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), false, "All resources should have an identifier");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), id.typeCode().equals("Identifier"), "If a resource has an element named identifier, it must have a type 'Identifier'");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "text", true, false) == null, "Element named \"text\" not allowed");
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "contained", true, false) == null, "Element named \"contained\" not allowed");
if (rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "subject", true, false) != null && rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "subject", true, false).typeCode().startsWith("Reference"))
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getSearchParams().containsKey("subject"), "A resource that contains a subject reference must have a search parameter 'subject'");
ElementDefn ped = rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "patient", true, false);
if (ped != null && ped.typeCode().startsWith("Reference")) {
SearchParameterDefn spd = rd.getSearchParams().get("patient");
if (rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), spd != null, "A resource that contains a patient reference must have a search parameter 'patient'"))
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), (spd.getTargets().size() == 1 && spd.getTargets().contains("Patient")) || (ped.getTypes().get(0).getParams().size() == 1 && ped.getTypes().get(0).getParams().get(0).equals("Patient")), "A Patient search parameter must only refer to patient");
ElementDefn sed = rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "subject", true, false);
if (sed != null && sed.typeCode().startsWith("Reference") && sed.typeCode().contains("Patient"))
warning(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getSearchParams().containsKey("patient"), "A resource that contains a subject that can be a patient reference must have a search parameter 'patient'");
if (rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "identifier", true, false) != null) {
warning(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getSearchParams().containsKey("identifier"), "A resource that contains an identifier must have a search parameter 'identifier'");
if (rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "status", true, false) != null) {
// todo: change to a warning post STU3
hint(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getSearchParams().containsKey("status"), "A resource that contains a status element must have a search parameter 'status'");
if (rd.getRoot().getElementByName(definitions, "url", true, false) != null) {
warning(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), rd.getSearchParams().containsKey("url"), "A resource that contains a url element must have a search parameter 'url'");
checkSearchParams(errors, rd);
for (Operation op : rd.getOperations()) {
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName() + "/$" + op.getName(), !parentHasOp(rd.getRoot().typeCode(), op.getName()), "Duplicate Operation Name $" + op.getName() + " on " + rd.getName());
for (Compartment c : definitions.getCompartments()) {
if (rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), name.equals("Parameters") || c.getResources().containsKey(rd), "Resource not entered in resource map for compartment '" + c.getTitle() + "' (compartments.xml)")) {
String param = c.getResources().get(rd);
if (!Utilities.noString(param)) {
// rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, parent.getName(), param.equals("{def}") || parent.getSearchParams().containsKey(c.getName()), "Resource "+parent.getName()+" in compartment " +c.getName()+" must have a search parameter named "+c.getName().toLowerCase()+")");
for (String p : param.split("\\|")) {
String pn = p.trim();
if (pn.contains("."))
pn = pn.substring(0, pn.indexOf("."));
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), Utilities.noString(pn) || pn.equals("{def}") || rd.getSearchParams().containsKey(pn), "Resource " + rd.getName() + " in compartment " + c.getName() + ": parameter " + param + " was not found (" + pn + ")");
// Remove suppressed messages
List<ValidationMessage> suppressed = new ArrayList<ValidationMessage>();
for (ValidationMessage em : errors) {
if (isSuppressedMessage(em.getDisplay())) {
// last check: if maturity level is
int warnings = 0;
int hints = 0;
for (ValidationMessage em : errors) {
if (em.getLevel() == IssueSeverity.WARNING)
else if (em.getLevel() == IssueSeverity.INFORMATION)
boolean ok = warnings == 0 || "0".equals(rd.getFmmLevel());
if (rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), ok, "Resource " + rd.getName() + " (FMM=" + rd.getFmmLevel() + ") cannot have an FMM level >1 (" + rd.getFmmLevel() + ") if it has warnings"))
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), vsWarnings == 0 || "0".equals(rd.getFmmLevel()), "Resource " + rd.getName() + " (FMM=" + rd.getFmmLevel() + ") cannot have an FMM level >1 (" + rd.getFmmLevel() + ") if it has linked value set warnings (" + vsWarns.toString() + ")");
ok = hints == 0 || Integer.parseInt(rd.getFmmLevel()) < 3;
rule(errors, IssueType.STRUCTURE, rd.getName(), ok, "Resource " + rd.getName() + " (FMM=" + rd.getFmmLevel() + ") cannot have an FMM level >2 (" + rd.getFmmLevel() + ") if it has informational hints");
// if (isInterface(rd.getRoot().typeCode())) {
// checkInterface(errors, rd, definitions.getBaseResources().get(rd.getRoot().typeCode()));
// }
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ResourceDefn in project kindling by HL7.
the class ProfileGenerator method generate.
public StructureDefinition generate(Profile pack, ConstraintStructure profile, ResourceDefn resource, String id, String html, ImplementationGuideDefn usage, List<ValidationMessage> issues, ResourceDefn baseResource) throws Exception {
if (profile.getResource() != null)
return profile.getResource();
StructureDefinition p = new StructureDefinition();
p.setUrl("" + id);
if (usage != null && !usage.isCore()) {
if (!id.startsWith(usage.getCode() + "-"))
throw new Exception("Error: " + id + " must start with " + usage.getCode() + "-");
if (!resource.getRoot().getTypes().isEmpty() && (resource.getRoot().getTypes().get(0).getProfile() != null))
p.setBaseDefinition("" + resource.getName());
if (definitions.hasType(resource.getName()))
p.setUserData("filename", id);
p.setUserData("path", ((usage == null || usage.isCore()) ? "" : usage.getCode() + File.separator) + id + ".html");
if (pack.hasMetadata("summary-" + profile.getTitle()))
ToolingExtensions.addMarkdownExtension(p, "", pack.metadata("summary-" + profile.getTitle()));
ToolResourceUtilities.updateUsage(p, usage.getCode());
if (pack.hasMetadata("author.reference"))
p.addContact().getTelecom().add(Factory.newContactPoint(ContactPointSystem.URL, pack.metadata("author.reference")));
// <code> opt Zero+ Coding assist with indexing and finding</code>
if (!p.hasDescriptionElement() && pack.hasMetadata("description"))
p.setDescription(preProcessMarkdown(pack.metadata("description"), "pack.description"));
if (!p.hasPurpose() && pack.hasMetadata("requirements"))
p.setExperimental(Utilities.existsInList(pack.metadata("Experimental"), "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "1"));
if (pack.hasMetadata("date"))
p.setDateElement(Factory.newDateTime(pack.metadata("date").substring(0, 10)));
if (pack.hasMetadata("fmm-level"))
ToolingExtensions.addIntegerExtension(p, ToolingExtensions.EXT_FMM_LEVEL, Integer.parseInt(pack.getFmmLevel()));
else if (pack.hasMetadata("fmm"))
ToolingExtensions.addIntegerExtension(p, ToolingExtensions.EXT_FMM_LEVEL, Integer.parseInt(pack.metadata("fmm")));
else if (!Utilities.noString(resource.getFmmLevel()))
ToolingExtensions.addIntegerExtension(p, ToolingExtensions.EXT_FMM_LEVEL, Integer.parseInt(resource.getFmmLevel()));
else if (baseResource != null && !Utilities.noString(baseResource.getFmmLevel()))
ToolingExtensions.addIntegerExtension(p, ToolingExtensions.EXT_FMM_LEVEL, Integer.parseInt(baseResource.getFmmLevel()));
if (pack.hasMetadata("workgroup"))
ToolingExtensions.setCodeExtension(p, ToolingExtensions.EXT_WORKGROUP, pack.getWg());
else if (resource.getWg() != null)
ToolingExtensions.setCodeExtension(p, ToolingExtensions.EXT_WORKGROUP, resource.getWg().getCode());
else if (baseResource != null && baseResource.getWg() != null)
ToolingExtensions.setCodeExtension(p, ToolingExtensions.EXT_WORKGROUP, baseResource.getWg().getCode());
if (pack.hasMetadata("Standards-Status"))
ToolingExtensions.setStandardsStatus(p, StandardsStatus.fromCode(pack.metadata("Standards-Status")), null);
ToolingExtensions.setStandardsStatus(p, resource.getStatus(), null);
if (pack.hasMetadata("status"))
if (pack.getMetadata().containsKey("code"))
for (String s : pack.getMetadata().get("code")) if (!Utilities.noString(s))
if (pack.hasMetadata("datadictionary"))
ToolingExtensions.setStringExtension(p, "", pack.metadata("datadictionary"));
Set<String> containedSlices = new HashSet<String>();
p.setDifferential(new StructureDefinitionDifferentialComponent());
defineElement(pack, p, p.getDifferential().getElement(), resource.getRoot(), resource.getName(), containedSlices, new ArrayList<ProfileGenerator.SliceHandle>(), SnapShotMode.None, true, null, null, false);
List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String pn : names) {
pack.getSearchParameters().add(makeSearchParam(p, pack.getId() + "-" + resource.getName() + "-" + pn, resource.getName(), resource.getSearchParams().get(pn), resource));
StructureDefinition base = definitions.getSnapShotForBase(p.getBaseDefinition());
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
new ProfileUtilities(context, null, pkp).sortDifferential(base, p, p.getName(), errors, false);
for (String s : errors) issues.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.ProfileValidator, IssueType.STRUCTURE, -1, -1, p.getUrl(), s, IssueSeverity.WARNING));
// ok, c is the differential. now we make the snapshot
new ProfileUtilities(context, issues, pkp).generateSnapshot(base, p, "" + p.getType(), "", p.getName());
XhtmlNode div = new XhtmlNode(NodeType.Element, "div");
div.addText("to do");
p.setText(new Narrative());
new ProfileUtilities(context, issues, pkp).setIds(p, false);
return p;