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Example 1 with Line

use of com.jme3.scene.shape.Line in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class MotionPath method CreateLinearPath.

private Geometry CreateLinearPath() {
    Material mat = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
    mat.setColor("Color", ColorRGBA.Blue);
    Geometry lineGeometry = new Geometry("line", new Curve(spline, 0));
    return lineGeometry;
Also used : Geometry(com.jme3.scene.Geometry) Curve(com.jme3.scene.shape.Curve) Material(com.jme3.material.Material)

Example 2 with Line

use of com.jme3.scene.shape.Line in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class SceneWithAnimationLoader method load.

public Object load(AssetInfo assetInfo) throws IOException {
    AssetKey<?> key = assetInfo.getKey();
    if (!(key instanceof ModelKey))
        throw new AssetLoadException("Invalid asset key");
    InputStream stream = assetInfo.openStream();
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(stream);
    AnimationList animList = new AnimationList();
    String modelName = null;
    try {
        while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
            String line = scanner.nextLine();
            if (line.startsWith("#"))
            if (modelName == null) {
                modelName = line;
            String[] split = split(line);
            if (split.length < 3)
                throw new IOException("Unparseable string \"" + line + "\"");
            int start;
            int end;
            try {
                start = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
                end = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IOException("Unparseable string \"" + line + "\"", e);
            animList.add(split[2], split.length > 3 ? split[3] : null, start, end);
    } finally {
    return assetInfo.getManager().loadAsset(new SceneKey(key.getFolder() + modelName, animList));
Also used : Scanner(java.util.Scanner) ModelKey(com.jme3.asset.ModelKey) InputStream( IOException( AssetLoadException(com.jme3.asset.AssetLoadException)

Example 3 with Line

use of com.jme3.scene.shape.Line in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class ParticlesHelper method toParticleEmitter.

public ParticleEmitter toParticleEmitter(Structure particleSystem) throws BlenderFileException {
    ParticleEmitter result = null;
    Pointer pParticleSettings = (Pointer) particleSystem.getFieldValue("part");
    if (pParticleSettings.isNotNull()) {
        Structure particleSettings = pParticleSettings.fetchData().get(0);
        int totPart = ((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("totpart")).intValue();
        // draw type will be stored temporarily in the name (it is used during modifier applying operation)
        int drawAs = ((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("draw_as")).intValue();
        // P - point, L - line, N - None, B - Bilboard
        char nameSuffix;
        switch(drawAs) {
            case PART_DRAW_NOT:
                nameSuffix = 'N';
                // no need to generate particles in this case
                totPart = 0;
            case PART_DRAW_BB:
                nameSuffix = 'B';
            case PART_DRAW_OB:
            case PART_DRAW_GR:
                nameSuffix = 'P';
                // TODO: support groups and aobjects
                LOGGER.warning("Neither object nor group particles supported yet! Using point representation instead!");
            case PART_DRAW_LINE:
                nameSuffix = 'L';
                // TODO: support lines
                LOGGER.warning("Lines not yet supported! Using point representation instead!");
                // all others are rendered as points in blender
                nameSuffix = 'P';
        result = new ParticleEmitter(particleSettings.getName() + nameSuffix, Type.Triangle, totPart);
        if (nameSuffix == 'N') {
            // no need to set anything else
            return result;
        // setting the emitters shape (the shapes meshes will be set later during modifier applying operation)
        int from = ((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("from")).intValue();
        switch(from) {
            case PART_FROM_VERT:
                result.setShape(new EmitterMeshVertexShape());
            case PART_FROM_FACE:
                result.setShape(new EmitterMeshFaceShape());
            case PART_FROM_VOLUME:
                result.setShape(new EmitterMeshConvexHullShape());
                LOGGER.warning("Default shape used! Unknown emitter shape value ('from' parameter: " + from + ')');
        // reading acceleration
        DynamicArray<Number> acc = (DynamicArray<Number>) particleSettings.getFieldValue("acc");
        result.setGravity(-acc.get(0).floatValue(), -acc.get(1).floatValue(), -acc.get(2).floatValue());
        // setting the colors
        result.setEndColor(new ColorRGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
        result.setStartColor(new ColorRGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
        // reading size
        float sizeFactor = nameSuffix == 'B' ? 1.0f : 0.3f;
        float size = ((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("size")).floatValue() * sizeFactor;
        // reading lifetime
        int fps = blenderContext.getBlenderKey().getFps();
        float lifetime = ((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("lifetime")).floatValue() / fps;
        float randlife = ((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("randlife")).floatValue() / fps;
        result.setLowLife(lifetime * (1.0f - randlife));
        // preparing influencer
        ParticleInfluencer influencer;
        int phystype = ((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("phystype")).intValue();
        switch(phystype) {
            case PART_PHYS_NEWTON:
                influencer = new NewtonianParticleInfluencer();
                ((NewtonianParticleInfluencer) influencer).setNormalVelocity(((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("normfac")).floatValue());
                ((NewtonianParticleInfluencer) influencer).setVelocityVariation(((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("randfac")).floatValue());
                ((NewtonianParticleInfluencer) influencer).setSurfaceTangentFactor(((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("tanfac")).floatValue());
                ((NewtonianParticleInfluencer) influencer).setSurfaceTangentRotation(((Number) particleSettings.getFieldValue("tanphase")).floatValue());
            case PART_PHYS_BOIDS:
            case // TODO: support other influencers
                LOGGER.warning("Boids and Keyed particles physic not yet supported! Empty influencer used!");
            case PART_PHYS_NO:
                influencer = new EmptyParticleInfluencer();
    return result;
Also used : ParticleEmitter(com.jme3.effect.ParticleEmitter) EmptyParticleInfluencer(com.jme3.effect.influencers.EmptyParticleInfluencer) Pointer(com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.Pointer) EmitterMeshVertexShape(com.jme3.effect.shapes.EmitterMeshVertexShape) EmitterMeshFaceShape(com.jme3.effect.shapes.EmitterMeshFaceShape) NewtonianParticleInfluencer(com.jme3.effect.influencers.NewtonianParticleInfluencer) ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) EmitterMeshConvexHullShape(com.jme3.effect.shapes.EmitterMeshConvexHullShape) DynamicArray(com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.DynamicArray) Structure(com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.Structure) EmptyParticleInfluencer(com.jme3.effect.influencers.EmptyParticleInfluencer) ParticleInfluencer(com.jme3.effect.influencers.ParticleInfluencer) NewtonianParticleInfluencer(com.jme3.effect.influencers.NewtonianParticleInfluencer)

Example 4 with Line

use of com.jme3.scene.shape.Line in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class Glsl100ShaderGenerator method updateDefinesName.

     * transforms defines name is the shader node code.
     * One can use a #if defined(inputVariableName) in a shaderNode code.
     * This method is responsible for changing the variable name with the 
     * appropriate defined based on the mapping condition of this variable.
     * Complex condition syntax are handled.     
     * @param nodeSource the sahderNode source code
     * @param shaderNode the ShaderNode being processed
     * @return the modified shaderNode source.
protected String updateDefinesName(String nodeSource, ShaderNode shaderNode) {
    String[] lines = nodeSource.split("\\n");
    ConditionParser parser = new ConditionParser();
    for (String line : lines) {
        if (line.trim().startsWith("#if")) {
            List<String> params = parser.extractDefines(line.trim());
            String l = line.trim().replaceAll("defined", "").replaceAll("#if ", "").replaceAll("#ifdef", "");
            boolean match = false;
            for (String param : params) {
                for (VariableMapping map : shaderNode.getInputMapping()) {
                    if ((map.getLeftVariable().getName()).equals(param)) {
                        if (map.getCondition() != null) {
                            l = l.replaceAll(param, map.getCondition());
                            match = true;
            if (match) {
                nodeSource = nodeSource.replace(line.trim(), "#if " + l);
    return nodeSource;
Also used : ConditionParser(com.jme3.material.plugins.ConditionParser)

Example 5 with Line

use of com.jme3.scene.shape.Line in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class LODGeomap method writeIndexArrayLodVariable.

public IndexBuffer writeIndexArrayLodVariable(int lod, int rightLod, int topLod, int leftLod, int bottomLod, int totalSize) {
    int numIndexes = calculateNumIndexesLodDiff(lod);
    IndexBuffer ib = IndexBuffer.createIndexBuffer(numIndexes, numIndexes);
    VerboseBuffer buffer = new VerboseBuffer(ib);
    //System.out.println("	for (z="+lod+"; z<"+(getWidth()-(1*lod))+"; z+="+lod+")");
    for (int r = lod; r < getWidth() - (2 * lod); r += lod) {
        // row
        int rowIdx = r * getWidth();
        int nextRowIdx = (r + 1 * lod) * getWidth();
        for (int c = lod; c < getWidth() - (1 * lod); c += lod) {
            // column
            int idx = rowIdx + c;
            idx = nextRowIdx + c;
        // add degenerate triangles
        if (r < getWidth() - (3 * lod)) {
            int idx = nextRowIdx + getWidth() - (1 * lod) - 1;
            // inset by 1
            idx = nextRowIdx + (1 * lod);
    //int runningBufferCount = buffer.getCount();
    //System.out.println("buffer start: "+runningBufferCount);
    // right
    int br = getWidth() * (getWidth() - lod) - 1 - lod;
    // bottom right -1
    int corner = getWidth() * getWidth() - 1;
    // bottom right corner
    if (rightLod > lod) {
        // if lower LOD
        int idx = corner;
        // iterations
        int it = (getWidth() - 1) / rightLod;
        int lodDiff = rightLod / lod;
        for (int i = it; i > 0; i--) {
            // for each lod level of the neighbour
            idx = getWidth() * (i * rightLod + 1) - 1;
            for (int j = 1; j <= lodDiff; j++) {
                // for each section in that lod level
                int idxB = idx - (getWidth() * (j * lod)) - lod;
                if (j == lodDiff && i == 1) {
                    // the last one
                    buffer.put(getWidth() - 1);
                } else if (j == lodDiff) {
                    buffer.put(idxB + lod);
                } else {
        // reset winding order
        // top-right +1row
        buffer.put(getWidth() * (lod + 1) - lod - 1);
        // top-right
        buffer.put(getWidth() - 1);
    } else {
        //br+1);//degenerate to flip winding order
        for (int row = getWidth() - lod; row > lod; row -= lod) {
            // mult to get row
            int idx = row * getWidth() - 1;
            buffer.put(idx - lod);
        buffer.put(getWidth() - 1);
    // top 			(the order gets reversed here so the diagonals line up)
    if (topLod > lod) {
        // if lower LOD
        if (rightLod > lod) {
            // need to flip winding order
            buffer.put(getWidth() - 1);
            buffer.put(getWidth() * lod - 1);
            buffer.put(getWidth() - 1);
        int idx = getWidth() - 1;
        // iterations
        int it = (getWidth() - 1) / topLod;
        int lodDiff = topLod / lod;
        for (int i = it; i > 0; i--) {
            // for each lod level of the neighbour
            idx = (i * topLod);
            for (int j = 1; j <= lodDiff; j++) {
                // for each section in that lod level
                int idxB = lod * getWidth() + (i * topLod) - (j * lod);
                if (j == lodDiff && i == 1) {
                    // the last one
                } else if (j == lodDiff) {
                    buffer.put(idx - topLod);
                } else {
    } else {
        if (rightLod > lod) {
            buffer.put(getWidth() - 1);
        for (int col = getWidth() - 1 - lod; col > 0; col -= lod) {
            int idx = col + (lod * getWidth());
            idx = col;
    // left
    if (leftLod > lod) {
        // if lower LOD
        int idx = 0;
        // iterations
        int it = (getWidth() - 1) / leftLod;
        int lodDiff = leftLod / lod;
        for (int i = 0; i < it; i++) {
            // for each lod level of the neighbour
            idx = getWidth() * (i * leftLod);
            for (int j = 1; j <= lodDiff; j++) {
                // for each section in that lod level
                int idxB = idx + (getWidth() * (j * lod)) + lod;
                if (j == lodDiff && i == it - 1) {
                    // the last one
                    buffer.put(getWidth() * getWidth() - getWidth());
                } else if (j == lodDiff) {
                    buffer.put(idxB - lod);
                } else {
    } else {
        buffer.put(getWidth() * lod + lod);
        for (int row = lod; row < getWidth() - lod; row += lod) {
            int idx = row * getWidth();
            idx = row * getWidth() + lod;
        buffer.put(getWidth() * (getWidth() - 1));
    // bottom
    if (bottomLod > lod) {
        // if lower LOD
        if (leftLod > lod) {
            buffer.put(getWidth() * (getWidth() - 1));
            buffer.put(getWidth() * (getWidth() - lod));
            buffer.put(getWidth() * (getWidth() - 1));
        int idx = getWidth() * getWidth() - getWidth();
        // iterations
        int it = (getWidth() - 1) / bottomLod;
        int lodDiff = bottomLod / lod;
        for (int i = 0; i < it; i++) {
            // for each lod level of the neighbour
            idx = getWidth() * getWidth() - getWidth() + (i * bottomLod);
            for (int j = 1; j <= lodDiff; j++) {
                // for each section in that lod level
                int idxB = idx - (getWidth() * lod) + j * lod;
                if (j == lodDiff && i == it - 1) {
                    // the last one
                    buffer.put(getWidth() * getWidth() - 1);
                } else if (j == lodDiff) {
                    buffer.put(idx + bottomLod);
                } else {
    } else {
        if (leftLod > lod) {
            buffer.put(getWidth() * (getWidth() - 1));
            buffer.put(getWidth() * getWidth() - (getWidth() * lod) + lod);
            buffer.put(getWidth() * (getWidth() - 1));
        for (int col = lod; col < getWidth() - lod; col += lod) {
            // up
            int idx = getWidth() * (getWidth() - 1 - lod) + col;
            // down
            idx = getWidth() * (getWidth() - 1) + col;
    //buffer.put(getWidth()*getWidth()-1-lod); // <-- THIS caused holes at the end!
    buffer.put(getWidth() * getWidth() - 1);
    // fill in the rest of the buffer with degenerates, there should only be a couple
    for (int i = buffer.getCount(); i < numIndexes; i++) {
        buffer.put(getWidth() * getWidth() - 1);
    return buffer.delegate;
Also used : IndexBuffer(com.jme3.scene.mesh.IndexBuffer)


Vector3f (com.jme3.math.Vector3f)8 Material (com.jme3.material.Material)5 Geometry (com.jme3.scene.Geometry)5 Statement (com.jme3.util.blockparser.Statement)4 IOException ( IndexBuffer (com.jme3.scene.mesh.IndexBuffer)3 FloatBuffer (java.nio.FloatBuffer)3 AssetLoadException (com.jme3.asset.AssetLoadException)2 ShaderNodeDefinitionKey (com.jme3.asset.ShaderNodeDefinitionKey)2 Vector2f (com.jme3.math.Vector2f)2 Mesh (com.jme3.scene.Mesh)2 Box (com.jme3.scene.shape.Box)2 Curve (com.jme3.scene.shape.Curve)2 Line (com.jme3.scene.shape.Line)2 Texture (com.jme3.texture.Texture)2 BufferedReader ( InputStream ( InputStreamReader ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 AssetInfo (com.jme3.asset.AssetInfo)1