use of io.xol.chunkstories.api.client.ClientInterface in project chunkstories-api by Hugobros3.
the class EntityComponentController method pull.
public void pull(StreamSource from, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
long controllerUUID = 0;
boolean isControllerNotNull = dis.readBoolean();
if (isControllerNotNull)
controllerUUID = dis.readLong();
// This is strictly illegal, only remotely connected client worlds will accept such requests
if (!(entity.getWorld() instanceof WorldClientNetworkedRemote)) {
// Terminate connections immediately
if (from instanceof Player)
((Player) from).disconnect("Illegal controller set attempt, terminating client connection for " + from);
LocalPlayer player = ((ClientInterface) entity.getWorld().getGameContext()).getPlayer();
assert player != null;
if (isControllerNotNull) {
// long controllerUUID = dis.readLong();
long clientUUID = player.getUUID();
System.out.println("Entity " + entity + " is now in control of " + controllerUUID + " me=" + clientUUID);
// This update tells us we are now in control of this entity
if (clientUUID == controllerUUID) {
EntityControllable controlledEntity = (EntityControllable) entity;
// TODO sort out local hosted worlds properly ?
// Client.getInstance().getServerConnection().subscribe(entity);
controller = player;
System.out.println("The client is now in control of entity " + controlledEntity);
} else {
// If we receive a different UUID than ours in a EntityComponent change, it means that we don't control it anymore and someone else does.
if (player.getControlledEntity() != null && player.getControlledEntity().equals(entity)) {
// Client.getInstance().getServerConnection().unsubscribe(entity);
controller = null;
System.out.println("Lost control of entity " + entity + " to " + controllerUUID);
} else {
// If we receive a different UUID than ours in a EntityComponent change, it means that we don't control it anymore and someone else does.
if (player.getControlledEntity() != null && player.getControlledEntity().equals(entity)) {
// Client.getInstance().getServerConnection().unsubscribe(entity);
controller = null;
System.out.println("Lost control of entity " + entity);
use of io.xol.chunkstories.api.client.ClientInterface in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class VoxelTexturesStoreAndAtlaser method buildTextureAtlas.
public void buildTextureAtlas() {
try {
// Clear previous values
// colors.clear();
// Compute all sizes first.
int totalSurfacedNeeded = 0;
// File folder = new File("./res/voxels/textures/");
// Get all sizes :
List<VoxelTextureAtlased> voxelTexturesSortedBySize = new ArrayList<VoxelTextureAtlased>();
// First we want to iterate over every file to get an idea of how many textures (and of how many sizes) we are dealing
Iterator<AssetHierarchy> allFiles = content.modsManager().getAllUniqueEntries();
AssetHierarchy entry;
Asset f;
while (allFiles.hasNext()) {
entry =;
if (entry.getName().startsWith("./voxels/textures/")) {
String name = entry.getName().replace("./voxels/textures/", "");
if (name.contains("/"))
f = entry.topInstance();
if (f.getName().endsWith(".png")) {
String textureName = name.replace(".png", "");
// System.out.println("texName:"+textureName+" "+entry.getKey());
if (!texMap.containsKey(textureName)) {
VoxelTextureAtlased voxelTexture = new VoxelTextureAtlased(textureName, uniquesIds);
voxelTexture.imageFileDimensions = getImageSize(f);
totalSurfacedNeeded += voxelTexture.imageFileDimensions * voxelTexture.imageFileDimensions;
// Sort them by size
Collections.sort(voxelTexturesSortedBySize, new Comparator<VoxelTextureAtlased>() {
public int compare(VoxelTextureAtlased a, VoxelTextureAtlased b) {
return, a.imageFileDimensions);
for (VoxelTextureAtlased voxelTexture : voxelTexturesSortedBySize) {
// System.out.println(vt.imageFileDimensions);
texMap.put(voxelTexture.getName(), voxelTexture);
// Estimates the required texture atlas size by surface
int sizeRequired = 16;
for (int i = 4; i < 14; i++) {
int iSize = (int) Math.pow(2, i);
if (iSize * iSize >= totalSurfacedNeeded) {
sizeRequired = iSize;
// ChunkStoriesLogger.getInstance().info("At least " + sizeRequired + " by " + sizeRequired + " for TextureAtlas (surfacedNeeded : " + totalSurfacedNeeded + ")");
// Delete previous atlases
File diffuseTextureFile = new File(GameDirectory.getGameFolderPath() + "/cache/tiles_merged_albedo.png");
if (diffuseTextureFile.exists())
File normalTextureFile = new File(GameDirectory.getGameFolderPath() + "/cache/tiles_merged_normal.png");
if (normalTextureFile.exists())
File materialTextureFile = new File(GameDirectory.getGameFolderPath() + "/cache/tiles_merged_material.png");
if (materialTextureFile.exists())
// Build the new one
boolean loadedOK = false;
while (// Security to prevend
!loadedOK && sizeRequired <= 8192) // HUGE-ASS textures
// We need this
BLOCK_ATLAS_SIZE = sizeRequired;
loadedOK = true;
// Create boolean bitfield
boolean[][] used = new boolean[sizeRequired / 16][sizeRequired / 16];
diffuseTextureImage = null;
normalTextureImage = null;
materialTextureImage = null;
if (content.getContext() instanceof ClientInterface) {
diffuseTextureImage = new BufferedImage(sizeRequired, sizeRequired, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
normalTextureImage = new BufferedImage(sizeRequired, sizeRequired, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
materialTextureImage = new BufferedImage(sizeRequired, sizeRequired, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT);
logger.debug("This is a client so we'll make the texture atlas");
BufferedImage imageBuffer;
for (VoxelTextureAtlased vt : voxelTexturesSortedBySize) {
// Find a free spot on the atlas
boolean foundSpot = false;
int spotX = 0, spotY = 0;
for (int a = 0; (a < sizeRequired / 16 && !foundSpot); a++) for (int b = 0; (b < sizeRequired / 16 && !foundSpot); b++) {
if (// Unused
used[a][b] == false && a + vt.imageFileDimensions / 16 <= sizeRequired / 16 && b + vt.imageFileDimensions / 16 <= sizeRequired / 16) {
boolean usedAlready = false;
// Not pretty loops that do clamped space checks
for (int i = 0; (i < vt.imageFileDimensions / 16 && a + i < sizeRequired / 16); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < vt.imageFileDimensions / 16 && b + j < sizeRequired / 16); j++) if (// Well
used[a + i][b + j] == true)
// fuck
// it
usedAlready = true;
if (!usedAlready) {
spotX = a * 16;
spotY = b * 16;
vt.setAtlasS(spotX * BLOCK_ATLAS_FACTOR);
vt.setAtlasT(spotY * BLOCK_ATLAS_FACTOR);
vt.setAtlasOffset(vt.imageFileDimensions * BLOCK_ATLAS_FACTOR);
foundSpot = true;
for (int i = 0; (i < vt.imageFileDimensions / 16 && a + i < sizeRequired / 16); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < vt.imageFileDimensions / 16 && b + j < sizeRequired / 16); j++) used[a + i][b + j] = true;
if (!foundSpot) {
System.out.println("Failed to find a space to place the texture in. Retrying with a larger atlas.");
loadedOK = false;
imageBuffer ="./voxels/textures/" + vt.getName() + ".png").read());
// imageBuffer =;
float alphaTotal = 0;
int nonNullPixels = 0;
Vector3f color = new Vector3f();
for (int x = 0; x < vt.imageFileDimensions; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < vt.imageFileDimensions; y++) {
int rgb = imageBuffer.getRGB(x, y);
if (diffuseTextureImage != null)
diffuseTextureImage.setRGB(spotX + x, spotY + y, rgb);
float alpha = ((rgb & 0xFF000000) >>> 24) / 255f;
// System.out.println("a:"+alpha);
alphaTotal += alpha;
if (alpha > 0)
float red = ((rgb & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255f * alpha;
float green = ((rgb & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255f * alpha;
float blue = (rgb & 0x0000FF) / 255f * alpha;
color.add(new Vector3f(red, green, blue));
// Vector3f.add(color, new Vector3f(red, green, blue), color);
color.mul(1f / alphaTotal);
if (nonNullPixels > 0)
alphaTotal /= nonNullPixels;
vt.setColor(new Vector4f(color.x(), color.y(), color.z(), alphaTotal));
// Don't bother if it's not a Client context
if (diffuseTextureImage == null)
// Do also the normal maps !
Asset normalMap = content.modsManager().getAsset("./voxels/textures/normal/" + vt.getName() + ".png");
if (normalMap == null)
normalMap = content.modsManager().getAsset("./voxels/textures/normal/notex.png");
imageBuffer =;
for (int x = 0; x < vt.imageFileDimensions; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < vt.imageFileDimensions; y++) {
int rgb = imageBuffer.getRGB(x % imageBuffer.getWidth(), y % imageBuffer.getHeight());
normalTextureImage.setRGB(spotX + x, spotY + y, rgb);
// And the materials !
Asset materialMap = content.modsManager().getAsset("./voxels/textures/material/" + vt.getName() + ".png");
if (materialMap == null)
materialMap = content.modsManager().getAsset("./voxels/textures/material/notex.png");
imageBuffer =;
for (int x = 0; x < vt.imageFileDimensions; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < vt.imageFileDimensions; y++) {
int rgb = imageBuffer.getRGB(x % imageBuffer.getWidth(), y % imageBuffer.getHeight());
materialTextureImage.setRGB(spotX + x, spotY + y, rgb);
if (loadedOK && diffuseTextureImage != null) {
// save it son
ImageIO.write(diffuseTextureImage, "PNG", diffuseTextureFile);
ImageIO.write(normalTextureImage, "PNG", normalTextureFile);
ImageIO.write(materialTextureImage, "PNG", materialTextureFile);
diffuseTexture = null;
normalTexture = null;
materialTexture = null;
} else
// It's too small, initial estimation was wrong !
sizeRequired *= 2;
// Read textures metadata
// TODO read all overrides in priority
} catch (Exception e) {
use of io.xol.chunkstories.api.client.ClientInterface in project chunkstories-core by Hugobros3.
the class CoreContentPlugin method onEnable.
public void onEnable() {
itemsLogic = new ItemsLogicListener(this);
pluginExecutionContext.getPluginManager().registerEventListener(itemsLogic, this);
if (this.getPluginExecutionContext() instanceof ClientInterface) {
renderingLogic = new RenderingEventsListener(this, (ClientInterface) getPluginExecutionContext());
pluginExecutionContext.getPluginManager().registerEventListener(renderingLogic, this);