use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method poke.
public ChunkCell poke(int x, int y, int z, Voxel voxel, int sunlight, int blocklight, int metadata, WorldModificationCause cause) throws WorldException {
x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(x);
y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(y);
z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(z);
Region region = this.getRegionWorldCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (region == null)
throw new RegionNotLoadedException(this, x / 256, y / 256, z / 256);
Chunk chunk = region.getChunk((x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
if (chunk == null)
throw new ChunkNotLoadedException(region, (x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
return chunk.poke(x, y, z, voxel, sunlight, blocklight, metadata, cause);
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method pokeRaw.
public void pokeRaw(int x, int y, int z, int raw_data) {
x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(x);
y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(y);
z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(z);
Chunk chunk = this.getChunkWorldCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (chunk != null)
chunk.pokeRaw(x, y, z, raw_data);
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method peekSafely.
public WorldCell peekSafely(int x, int y, int z) {
x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(x);
y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(y);
z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(z);
Region region = this.getRegionWorldCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (region == null) {
return new UnloadedWorldCell(x, y, z, this.getGameContext().getContent().voxels().air(), 0, 0, 0);
Chunk chunk = region.getChunk((x / 32) % 8, (y / 32) % 8, (z / 32) % 8);
if (chunk == null)
return new UnloadedWorldCell(x, y, z, this.getGameContext().getContent().voxels().air(), 0, 0, 0);
return chunk.peek(x, y, z);
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method pokeRawSilently.
public void pokeRawSilently(int x, int y, int z, int raw_data) {
x = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(x);
y = sanitizeVerticalCoordinate(y);
z = sanitizeHorizontalCoordinate(z);
Chunk chunk = this.getChunkWorldCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (chunk != null)
chunk.pokeRawSilently(x, y, z, raw_data);
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class ChunkLightBaker method pokeRawFast.
private void pokeRawFast(int x, int y, int z, int data) {
// Still within bounds !
CubicChunk relevantChunk = findRelevantChunk(x, y, z);
if (relevantChunk != null) {
chunk.pokeRawSilently(x, y, z, data);
int oldData = world.peekRaw(x + chunkX * 32, y + chunkY * 32, z + chunkZ * 32);
world.pokeRawSilently(x + chunkX * 32, y + chunkY * 32, z + chunkZ * 32, data);
Chunk updateme = world.getChunkWorldCoordinates(x + chunkX * 32, y + chunkY * 32, z + chunkZ * 32);
if (updateme != null && oldData != data)