use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class DebugInfoRenderer method getLoadedChunksVramFootprint.
private String getLoadedChunksVramFootprint() {
int nbChunks = 0;
long octelsTotal = 0;
ChunksIterator i = world.getAllLoadedChunks();
Chunk c;
while (i.hasNext()) {
c =;
if (c == null)
if (c instanceof ChunkRenderable) {
ChunkRenderDataHolder chunkRenderData = ((ClientChunk) c).getChunkRenderData();
if (chunkRenderData != null) {
// octelsTotal += chunkRenderData.getVramUsage();
// , storing " + octelsTotal / 1024 / 1024 + "Mb of vertex data.";
return nbChunks + " chunks";
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class DebugInfoRenderer method drawF3debugMenu.
public void drawF3debugMenu(RenderingInterface renderingInterface) {
CameraInterface camera = renderingInterface.getCamera();
Entity playerEntity = client.getPlayer().getControlledEntity();
/*int timeTook = Client.profiler.timeTook();
String debugInfo = Client.profiler.reset("gui").toString();
if (timeTook > 400)
System.out.println("Lengty frame, printing debug information : \n" + debugInfo);*/
// Memory usage
long total = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
long used = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
// By default use the camera position
int bx = ((int) camera.getCameraPosition().x());
int by = ((int) camera.getCameraPosition().y());
int bz = ((int) camera.getCameraPosition().z());
int lx = bx, ly = by, lz = bz;
// If the player can look use that
if (playerEntity != null && playerEntity instanceof EntityControllable) {
Location loc = ((EntityControllable) playerEntity).getBlockLookingAt(true);
if (loc != null) {
lx = (int) loc.x();
ly = (int) loc.y();
lz = (int) loc.z();
int raw_data = world.peekRaw(lx, ly, lz);
CellData cell = world.peekSafely(lx, ly, lz);
// System.out.println(;
int cx = bx / 32;
int cy = by / 32;
int cz = bz / 32;
int csh = world.getRegionsSummariesHolder().getHeightAtWorldCoordinates(bx, bz);
// Obtain the angle the player is facing
VoxelSide side = VoxelSide.TOP;
float angleX = -1;
if (playerEntity != null && playerEntity instanceof EntityLiving)
angleX = Math.round(((EntityLiving) playerEntity).getEntityRotationComponent().getHorizontalRotation());
double dx = Math.sin(angleX / 360 * 2.0 * Math.PI);
double dz = Math.cos(angleX / 360 * 2.0 * Math.PI);
if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dz)) {
if (dx > 0)
side = VoxelSide.RIGHT;
side = VoxelSide.LEFT;
} else {
if (dz > 0)
side = VoxelSide.FRONT;
side = VoxelSide.BACK;
// Count all the entities
int ec = 0;
IterableIterator<Entity> i = world.getAllLoadedEntities();
while (i.hasNext()) {;
Chunk current = world.getChunk(cx, cy, cz);
int x_top = renderingInterface.getWindow().getHeight() - 16;
Font font = null;
font = renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().getFont("LiberationSans-Regular", 12);
if (font == null)
font = renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().getFont("LiberationSans-Regular", 12);
int lineHeight = font.getLineHeight();
int posx, posy;
String text;
posx = 8;
posy = x_top - posx;
text = GLCalls.getStatistics() + " Chunks in view : " + world.getWorldRenderer().getChunksRenderer().getChunksVisible() + " Entities " + ec + " Particles :" + ((ClientParticlesRenderer) world.getParticlesManager()).count() + " #FF0000Render FPS: " + Client.getInstance().getGameWindow().getFPS() + " avg: " + Math.floor(10000.0 / Client.getInstance().getGameWindow().getFPS()) / 10.0 + " #00FFFFSimulation FPS: " + world.getWorldRenderer().getWorld().getGameLogic().getSimulationFps();
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "RAM usage : " + used / 1024 / 1024 + " / " + total / 1024 / 1024 + " MB used, chunks loaded in ram: " + world.getRegionsHolder().countChunksWithData() + "/" + world.getRegionsHolder().countChunks() + " " + Math.floor(world.getRegionsHolder().countChunksWithData() * 4 * 32 * 32 * 32 / (1024L * 1024 / 100f)) / 100f + "MB used by chunks";
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
long totalVram = (renderingInterface.getTotalVramUsage()) / 1024 / 1024;
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "VRAM usage : " + totalVram + "MB as " + Texture2DGL.getTotalNumberOfTextureObjects() + " textures using " + Texture2DGL.getTotalVramUsage() / 1024 / 1024 + "MB + " + VertexBufferGL.getTotalNumberOfVerticesObjects() + " vbos using " + renderingInterface.getVertexDataVramUsage() / 1024 / 1024 + " MB";
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Worker threads: " + world.getGameContext().tasks() + " - " + world.ioHandler.toString();
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Position : x:" + bx + " y:" + by + " z:" + bz + " dir: " + angleX + " side: " + side + " #FF0000Block looking at#FFFFFF : pos: " + lx + ": " + ly + ": " + lz + " data: " + raw_data + " voxel_type: " + cell.getVoxel().getName() + " sl:" + cell.getSunlight() + " bl: " + cell.getBlocklight() + " meta:" + cell.getMetaData() + " csh:" + csh;
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Current Summary : " + world.getRegionsSummariesHolder().getHeightmapChunkCoordinates(cx, cz);
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Current Region : " + world.getRegionChunkCoordinates(cx, cy, cz);
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
if (current == null) {
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Current chunk null";
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
} else if (current instanceof ChunkRenderable) {
ChunkRenderDataHolder chunkRenderData = ((ClientChunk) current).getChunkRenderData();
if (chunkRenderData != null) {
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Current Chunk : " + current + " - " + chunkRenderData.toString();
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
} else {
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Current Chunk : " + current + " - No rendering data";
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
if (playerEntity != null && playerEntity instanceof Entity) {
posy -= lineHeight;
text = "Controlled Entity : " + playerEntity;
renderingInterface.getFontRenderer().drawStringWithShadow(font, posx, posy, text, 1, 1, new Vector4f(1));
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class WorldImplementation method redrawEverything.
public synchronized // TODO move to client
void redrawEverything() {
ChunksIterator i = this.getAllLoadedChunks();
Chunk c;
while (i.hasNext()) {
c =;
if (c instanceof ChunkRenderable) {
ChunkRenderable c2 = (ChunkRenderable) c;
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class TaskBakeChunk method task.
protected boolean task(TaskExecutor taskExecutor) {
if (!(taskExecutor instanceof BakeChunkTaskExecutor))
throw new UnexecutableTaskException(this, "This class requires to be executed by a BakeChunkTaskExecutor");
this.cmd = ((BakeChunkTaskExecutor) taskExecutor).getBuffers();
if (chunk == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Fuck off no");
Vector3dc camera = ((WorldClient) chunk.getWorld()).getWorldRenderer().getRenderingInterface().getCamera().getCameraPosition();
// Check we aren't too far from the camera, and thus that our request hasn't been yet cancelled
int vx = Math2.floor(camera.x() / 32);
int vy = Math2.floor(camera.y() / 32);
int vz = Math2.floor(camera.z() / 32);
int dx = LoopingMathHelper.moduloDistance(chunk.getChunkX(), vx, chunk.getWorld().getSizeInChunks());
int dz = LoopingMathHelper.moduloDistance(chunk.getChunkZ(), vz, chunk.getWorld().getSizeInChunks());
int dy = Math.abs(chunk.getChunkY() - vy);
int chunksViewDistance = (int) (world.getClient().getConfiguration().getIntOption("client.rendering.viewDistance") / 32);
if (dx > chunksViewDistance || dz > chunksViewDistance || dy > 2) {
//"unscheduled chunk mesh render task for it being too far to be rendered anyway");
return true;
// Require the chunk and nearby ones to be already loaded in the world
ChunkRenderable chunkWithinWorld = (ChunkRenderable) world.getChunk(chunk.getChunkX(), chunk.getChunkY(), chunk.getChunkZ());
if (chunkWithinWorld != null) {
// Require the chunks ARROUND it to be already loaded in the world
int nearChunks = 0;
if (world.isChunkLoaded(chunk.getChunkX() + 1, chunk.getChunkY(), chunk.getChunkZ()))
if (world.isChunkLoaded(chunk.getChunkX() - 1, chunk.getChunkY(), chunk.getChunkZ()))
if (world.isChunkLoaded(chunk.getChunkX(), chunk.getChunkY(), chunk.getChunkZ() + 1))
if (world.isChunkLoaded(chunk.getChunkX(), chunk.getChunkY(), chunk.getChunkZ() - 1))
if (world.isChunkLoaded(chunk.getChunkX(), chunk.getChunkY() + 1, chunk.getChunkZ()) || chunk.getChunkY() == world.getWorldInfo().getSize().heightInChunks - 1)
if (world.isChunkLoaded(chunk.getChunkX(), chunk.getChunkY() - 1, chunk.getChunkZ()) || chunk.getChunkY() == 0)
if (nearChunks != 6) {
// We wait until that's the case
return false;
} else {
// We wait until the chunk is loaded in the world ( or destroyed, then the task is cancelled )
return false;
// If the chunk has pending light updates, wait until THOSE are done
if (chunk.lightBaker.pendingUpdates() > 0) {
return false;
int updatesToConsider = chunk.chunkRenderData.unbakedUpdates.get();
// Don't waste time rendering void chunks m8
if (chunk.isAirChunk())
i = 32;
int cx = chunk.getChunkX();
int cy = chunk.getChunkY();
int cz = chunk.getChunkZ();
// Fill chunk caches ( saves much time avoiding slow-ass world->regions hashmap->chunk holder access for each vert )
for (int relx = -1; relx <= 1; relx++) for (int rely = -1; rely <= 1; rely++) for (int relz = -1; relz <= 1; relz++) {
CubicChunk chunk2 = (CubicChunk) world.getChunk(cx + relx, cy + rely, cz + relz);
if (chunk2 != null)
cmd.cache[((relx + 1) * 3 + (rely + 1)) * 3 + (relz + 1)] = chunk2.chunkVoxelData;
cmd.cache[((relx + 1) * 3 + (rely + 1)) * 3 + (relz + 1)] = null;
// Make sure we clear each sub-buffer type.
for (int i = 0; i < ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.VertexLayout.values().length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.LodLevel.values().length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.ShadingType.values().length; k++) {
// Creates wrapper/interfaces for all the elements
ChunkRenderer chunkRendererOutput = new ChunkRenderer() {
public VoxelBakerHighPoly getHighpolyBakerFor(LodLevel lodLevel, ShadingType renderPass) {
return (VoxelBakerHighPoly) cmd.byteBuffersWrappers[VertexLayout.INTRICATE.ordinal()][lodLevel.ordinal()][renderPass.ordinal()];
public VoxelBakerCubic getLowpolyBakerFor(LodLevel lodLevel, ShadingType renderPass) {
return (VoxelBakerCubic) cmd.byteBuffersWrappers[VertexLayout.WHOLE_BLOCKS.ordinal()][lodLevel.ordinal()][renderPass.ordinal()];
ChunkBakerRenderContext chunkRenderingContext = new ChunkBakerRenderContext(chunk, cx, cy, cz);
bakedBlockId = -1;
Map<Voxel, DynamicallyRenderedVoxelType> dynamicVoxels = new HashMap<>();
BakeChunkScratchCell cell = new BakeChunkScratchCell(world);
// Render the fucking thing!
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 32; k++) {
peek(i, k, j, cell);
if (cell.voxel.isAir())
// Fill near-blocks info
// chunkRenderingContext.prepareVoxelLight(); // lol nope
VoxelRenderer voxelRenderer = cell.getVoxelRenderer();
if (voxelRenderer == null)
voxelRenderer = world.getContent().voxels().getDefaultVoxelRenderer();
// Run the VoxelRenderer
voxelRenderer.bakeInto(chunkRendererOutput, chunkRenderingContext, chunk, cell);
// We handle voxels with a dynamic renderer here too - we just add them to a list !
if (voxelRenderer instanceof VoxelDynamicRenderer) {
DynamicallyRenderedVoxelType drvt = dynamicVoxels.get(cell.voxel);
if (drvt == null) {
drvt = new DynamicallyRenderedVoxelType((VoxelDynamicRenderer) voxelRenderer, cell.voxel);
dynamicVoxels.put(cell.voxel, drvt);
drvt.indexes.add(i * 1024 + k * 32 + j);
// Parse output neatly
int[][][] sizes = new int[ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.VertexLayout.values().length][ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.LodLevel.values().length][ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.ShadingType.values().length];
int[][][] offsets = new int[ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.VertexLayout.values().length][ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.LodLevel.values().length][ChunkMeshDataSubtypes.ShadingType.values().length];
int currentOffset = 0;
// Compute total size to create final bytebuffer
int sizeInBytes = 0;
for (VertexLayout vertexLayout : VertexLayout.values()) for (LodLevel lodLevel : LodLevel.values()) for (ShadingType renderPass : ShadingType.values()) {
int vertexLayoutIndex = vertexLayout.ordinal();
int lodLevelIndex = lodLevel.ordinal();
int renderPassIndex = renderPass.ordinal();
final ByteBuffer relevantByteBuffer = cmd.byteBuffers[vertexLayoutIndex][lodLevelIndex][renderPassIndex];
// / vertexLayout.bytesPerVertex;
sizeInBytes += relevantByteBuffer.position();
ByteBuffer finalData = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(sizeInBytes);
MemFreeByteBuffer wrappedBuffer = new MemFreeByteBuffer(finalData);
// For EACH section, make offset and shite
for (VertexLayout vertexLayout : VertexLayout.values()) for (LodLevel lodLevel : LodLevel.values()) for (ShadingType renderPass : ShadingType.values()) {
int vertexLayoutIndex = vertexLayout.ordinal();
int lodLevelIndex = lodLevel.ordinal();
int renderPassIndex = renderPass.ordinal();
// Else it gets really long for no reason
final ByteBuffer relevantByteBuffer = cmd.byteBuffers[vertexLayoutIndex][lodLevelIndex][renderPassIndex];
offsets[vertexLayoutIndex][lodLevelIndex][renderPassIndex] = currentOffset;
sizes[vertexLayoutIndex][lodLevelIndex][renderPassIndex] = relevantByteBuffer.position() / vertexLayout.bytesPerVertex;
// Move the offset accordingly
currentOffset += relevantByteBuffer.position();
// Limit the temporary byte buffer and fill the main buffer with it
ChunkMeshDataSections newRenderData = new ChunkMeshDataSections(wrappedBuffer, sizes, offsets);
DynamicallyRenderedVoxelType[] bakedDrvt = new DynamicallyRenderedVoxelType[dynamicVoxels.size()];
Iterator<DynamicallyRenderedVoxelType> i = dynamicVoxels.values().iterator();
for (int j = 0; j < dynamicVoxels.size(); j++) {
if (i.hasNext())
bakedDrvt[j] =;
else {
logger.error("while baking dynamicVoxelTypes array the iterator returned less than dynamicVoxels.size() elements");
bakedDrvt = null;
newRenderData.dynamicVoxelTypes = bakedDrvt;
return true;
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class CubicChunk method pokeInternal.
* The 'core' of the core, this private function is responsible for placing and
* keeping everyone up to snuff on block modifications. It all comes back to this really.
private ActualChunkVoxelContext pokeInternal(final int worldX, final int worldY, final int worldZ, Voxel newVoxel, final int sunlight, final int blocklight, final int metadata, int raw_data, final boolean use_raw_data, final boolean update, final boolean return_context, final WorldModificationCause cause) {
int x = sanitizeCoordinate(worldX);
int y = sanitizeCoordinate(worldY);
int z = sanitizeCoordinate(worldZ);
ActualChunkVoxelContext cell_pre = peek(x, y, z);
Voxel formerVoxel = cell_pre.getVoxel();
assert formerVoxel != null;
FreshFutureCell future = new FreshFutureCell(cell_pre);
if (use_raw_data) {
// We need this for voxel placement logic
newVoxel = world.getContentTranslator().getVoxelForId(;
// Build the future from parsing the raw data
} else {
// Build the raw data from the set parameters by editing the in-place data
// (because we allow only editing some aspects of the cell data)
raw_data = cell_pre.getData();
if (newVoxel != null) {
raw_data = VoxelFormat.changeId(raw_data, world.getContentTranslator().getIdForVoxel(newVoxel));
if (sunlight >= 0) {
raw_data = VoxelFormat.changeSunlight(raw_data, sunlight);
if (blocklight >= 0) {
raw_data = VoxelFormat.changeBlocklight(raw_data, blocklight);
if (metadata >= 0) {
raw_data = VoxelFormat.changeMeta(raw_data, metadata);
try {
if (newVoxel == null || formerVoxel.equals(newVoxel)) {
formerVoxel.onModification(cell_pre, future, cause);
} else {
formerVoxel.onRemove(cell_pre, cause);
newVoxel.onPlace(future, cause);
} catch (WorldException e) {
// Abort !
if (return_context)
return cell_pre;
return null;
// Allocate if it makes sense
if (chunkVoxelData == null)
chunkVoxelData = atomicalyCreateInternalData();
chunkVoxelData[x * 32 * 32 + y * 32 + z] = raw_data;
if (newVoxel != null && !formerVoxel.equals(newVoxel))
// Update lightning
if (update)
lightBaker.computeLightSpread(x, y, z, cell_pre.raw_data, raw_data);
// Increment the modifications counter
// Don't spam the thread creation spawn
// Update related summary
if (update)
world.getRegionsSummariesHolder().updateOnBlockPlaced(x, y, z, future);
// Mark the nearby chunks to be re-rendered
if (update) {
int sx = chunkX;
int ex = sx;
int sy = chunkY;
int ey = sy;
int sz = chunkZ;
int ez = sz;
if (x == 0)
else if (x == 31)
if (y == 0)
else if (y == 31)
if (z == 0)
else if (z == 31)
for (int ix = sx; ix <= ex; ix++) for (int iy = sy; iy <= ey; iy++) for (int iz = sz; iz <= ez; iz++) {
Chunk chunk = world.getChunk(ix, iy, iz);
if (chunk != null && chunk instanceof ChunkRenderable)
((ChunkRenderable) chunk).meshUpdater().requestMeshUpdate();
// If this is a 'master' world, notify remote users of the change !
if (update && world instanceof WorldMaster && !(world instanceof WorldTool)) {
PacketVoxelUpdate packet = new PacketVoxelUpdate(new ActualChunkVoxelContext(chunkX * 32 + x, chunkY * 32 + y, chunkZ * 32 + z, raw_data));
Iterator<WorldUser> pi = this.chunkHolder.users.iterator();
while (pi.hasNext()) {
WorldUser user =;
if (!(user instanceof RemotePlayer))
RemotePlayer player = (RemotePlayer) user;
Entity clientEntity = player.getControlledEntity();
if (clientEntity == null)
// Ignore clients that aren't playing
if (return_context)
return new ActualChunkVoxelContext(chunkX * 32 + x, chunkY * 32 + y, chunkZ * 32 + z, raw_data);
return null;